Chapter 7 - Omega's Plea

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Kisha's but an exhausted cesspool, wandering around as if nowhere to go. His eyes hang low, seeing the faint silhouette of his lashes darkens view. A subtle breath, he holds onto it before pursed lips try to hide his discomfort. A casted shadow in peripheral. He huffs smaller inhales as taking quick steps leaves him drained. Muscles aching, the balls of his heels keep him balanced.

While he still has a few classes to attend, he can no longer keep up mentally. He sought never to show weakness, visualizing himself in the moment feels like he's falling apart. Hoping he doesn't seem too off, Kisha tries his best to keep his posture as normal as possible, but his body feels as if he hasn't slept for an entire week.

All of these undesired reactions spoonfed to the worried Ralp that had since stood close enough to where his smell became the only thing replacing Kisha's oxygen. Small quick taps of shoes, a hand sometimes reaches out when the world becomes unstable, Ralp was there like an annoying doctor taking care of his patient.

As Kisha nears room door, he slows down to a creeping halt, a hand reaches to hold the cold knob between a clenching palm. His soft inhale calms as much uneasiness as it could, but he knows without a release, he's forced to continue dealing with this sensation. Eyes travel to his side, Ralp awaiting the door to swing open like a dog, Kisha watches the omega carefully, wishing he'd go away already. 

After dealing with one omega, the stench of another brews the same unwanted attitude. He slowly pushes open the door, in tucking the scurrying Ralp before he makes his way to plop on Kisha's bed like a welcomed guest. Kisha follows suit in a low grunt, squeezing the knob a little in attempt to kill his desire to kill Ralp. The wooden door shuts behind him. Cunningly, Kisha goes to hit the lock on the knob. Whatever's in this room isn't getting out and whatever's out isn't getting in.

Kisha collapses onto his mattress, the creaking of the neglected metal frame makes Ralp reconsider staying on the bed. It seems as if several bars are bending and breaking. Ideally, one should add less weight to an already burdened bed. Kisha, with his considerable heft, could create a dent in the floor with a single stomp. Instead of lying down, Kisha chooses to ease the weight off his back, using his long, slender arms as a brace to support himself. His head tilts back, his eyes close, and for a few moments, he retreats into his mind. Stress is a familiar foe to Kisha; a gang's reliance on him means his body is accustomed to high-stress situations. But this is different. The unrelenting pangs of an insatiable hunger twist within him.

"I never ask for a babysitter." Kisha mocks lightly, breathing exceedingly too hard to not keep his voice sounding like he had run a marathon. Ralp understands he's no longer welcome.

With one hand comfortably atop the other, Ralp's stance mimicking that of an innocent, shy child, tracing the small veins that stand out on his skin. His posture is as non-threatening as possible, motionless and rigid. Something weighs on his mind. The chance to warn Kisha is slipping by, and he's failing to seize it. The situation escalated the moment Niccoles caught sight of them in the lunchroom. With a heart racing and thumps in his chest causing him pain, Ralp struggles to maintain his composure. His breathing is erratic, laced with anxiety, and he feels on the verge of a panic attack. If Kisha were to utter a mere "boo," he was certain he would lose control, just as his inner Omega is screaming at him to flee.

After all, he is disobeying a direct order.

Holding strong because if it's one thing Ralp understands; it's constantly testing his Alpha means a dominant display would soon bear its fangs. Whether Kisha chose to make him change form or do it while they were in human form, he knew, in the end, it was a risk.

Wiggling out of situations is also his specialty. Kisha isn't just a grouchy Alpha. He's a man with too many boundaries. Boundaries that would drive anyone insane. He bullies his pack whenever he gets the chance. The majority of his aggression comes from irritation within their social circle. 

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