Chapter 4 - Let Kisha Fly

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The three of them made way through the same academy walls they had seen for years. Like many of their positions, Kisha walked in front of everyone while they all watched his stiff back from behind. Instaya always remarked Kisha lacked swag and Ralp would joke that he was too rigid without a regal appeal. Saikai was the only one who thought Kisha had a cool, collected walk.

Kisha? He never cared for drawing much attention to himself. Whether he walked like a doofus or a thug, he dared anyone to make fun of it.

With Kisha's instinct running twenty-four-seven, he rarely allowed anyone to lead him, having always found his place to be ahead. They all gave him the respect he sought and usually branched off to their respectable classes when the time came.

Ralp kept his head low and Saikai gazed at everything hoping to find something interesting besides the dreary aura looming over everyone these few months. With the second bell threatening to sound at any moment, some early bird students, who preferred the lunch room to be empty upon arrival were now scurrying inside the halls.

Doors flew open, smells of humanity filled the lifeless hall and the first waking of the school was commencing. Many students didn't mind the three, only hurrying past them. Upcoming events were on hold due to fear that Azrael would use these to publicly gain the advantage and expose P. Jones and putting a large amount of students at risk wasn't on the agenda. Cameramen weren't allowed to attend any important events and the school began to isolate itself, thus cutting off the advertising for now. Trips were also on hold. The community questioned Principal Jones' actions, but he had a great excuse for everything.

He stated, "Nirvana Academy is expanding, and greater developments are expected in the near future."

Maintaining his focus ahead, Kisha crossed his arms, having forgotten to pick up his backpack from beside his bed earlier. Now, he would have to manage without it, carrying his papers loosely. As he tried to concentrate on devising a plan to turn things in his favor, his gaze drifted. With only a few days to set his plan in motion, a weight seemed to press on his shoulders. Approaching Diamond could lead down a perilous road, and for the moment, he chose not to share this with any of his pack members.

"Hey-Hey!" A voice called out, falling into step beside him, matching his pace but allowing Kisha to maintain a slight lead. The arrival of his trusted friend brought a welcome relief, instilling a newfound sense of ease in Kisha.

Kisha gave a slight sidelong glance, his expression betraying a startled reaction with a sharp intake of breath, though it went unnoticed. He despised surprises. Instaya's large, expressive eyes met his, his smile broad yet his teeth hidden. Kisha turned his gaze away, redirecting his focus as if Instaya had been an interruption, but the beta received the greeting warmly. Among the company of the other wolves, he found Instaya's presence the most agreeable.

Now this was someone he could believe was an early bird. Instaya often made rounds to wake up the other betas, who were less likely to attend classes on time. With him, another male usually traveled and thus their small group of three turned to five. Kisha wasn't surprised to see him, but Lyllen had finally popped his head out of his hiding hole.

After Fuchsia's death, Lyllen decided to stay away from Kisha as much as possible, not that Kisha cared, but he suspected it was because Lyllen felt as though Kisha had failed Fuchsia.

Someone had to be accountable. As Instaya stepped aside to grant Lyllen some semblance of alpha recognition, Lyllen slipped out of view, nudging Instaya to the side in a silent refusal. Kisha felt the urge to snicker at Lyllen's timid maneuvers, but he suppressed it, maintaining his stride.

Many pack members behaved submissively in his presence. It affirmed his position in the hierarchy, with others showing deference. Fortunately, he didn't need to exert much effort to maintain order. As long as Lyllen stayed out of his path, he could brood as much as he pleased. Kisha had more significant concerns to address.

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