Chapter 2 - Welcome Or Not

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Kisha listens to Saikai and Ralp's friendly banter over a pudding cup. After drawing their attention and having Instaya discuss recent events, Saikai typically downplays the seriousness of the situation. They need to remain vigilant to prevent the lower gangs from becoming troublesome. The tension during encounters; the intense glancing, Kisha knows they are targeting The Pack's highest authority. Cold, lifeless eyes follow Saikai, who now refuses to sit with his back exposed. Perched on the table rather than the bench, Saikai swung his feet over the edge.

As The Pack's company expands at lunchtime, some days they need to relocate their table to accommodate three additional guests. Kisha proposed a spot not in the center of the lunchroom. To stay vigilant, the group had to manage their time efficiently.

"Hey, take from Kisha's plate; he's not looking," Whispers of Instaya, trying to coax Saikai into mischief. Instaya's curious to see if anyone would dare challenge his distracted Alpha. With a sly gesture, Instaya signals towards Kisha's food, glancing over to ensure his ruse goes unnoticed.

"But I prefer Ralp's; it looks more appealing—his food..." Saikai said, swinging his legs and giving Ralp an innocent yet mischievous gaze. Ralp returned the look with a mix of annoyance and concern. He hates when others become fixated on the things he loves most. Unable to stand up to bullies left Ralp with anxiety.

The words bounce around Ralp's ears like a pinball machine and his response is written on his facial expression. He didn't even acknowledge the compliment. Just the first haunting sentence.

If there was one thing everyone knew, it was Ralp's love for chocolate pudding.

Ralp approaches the small package, pinching it between his index finger and thumb. He made a feeble attempt to claim it as his own, to protect it, yet he remains uncertain of his next move as he froze in place. After all, Saikai was his boss. If Saikai gave him an order, he'd follow. He glances at Kisha for assistance, but as with recent times, Kisha is engrossed in his phone.

"I'm just teasing," Saikai declares, erupting with laughter, and a wave of relief washed over Ralp. His pudding was safe.

Instaya rolls his eyes, chuckling quietly to himself.

Kisha almost grunts at the boisterous laughter, his eyes casting a stern glance toward the oblivious and highly amused Saikai. At times, his wide, unappealing mouth seemed like a dark abyss to Kisha. The sight of him indulging in such immaturity slightly irritated Kisha. If only they would all be quiet sometimes.

"Anyway, I have a serious question. No more games, ladies," Instaya announces, shifting the topic.

"It concerns this new gang that's been emerging over the past few months. Their purpose. We all have goals, right? What is Grim's trying to achieve?"

Though Kisha seems more absorbed by his phone, the words reach his multitasking ears. He takes a slow breath, blinking as he checks his screen for updates on the student board. Nothing new since the auditorium incident. The words from the card were still clear in his mind, leading to Instaya's inquiry. Gradually lifting his head, he looks to his right, a lock of hair falling onto his shoulder as Instaya also turns to him with a questioning look.

"Unity," Kisha utters, sliding his thumb across the screen to refresh it. He caught Instaya's puzzled look, attempting to alleviate the beta's confusion by just staring at him blankly. Grim aimed to bring unity. It was akin to the hunting strategy his tribe employed during his childhood. Based on age, social status, and gender, everyone had a designated role. The hunts could last for days, covering miles, in drawn-out tests of stamina. Each prey was evaluated, so every wolf knew their part. The sick, old, young, and weak were prime targets. Once the strategy was set, the assault commenced. Success was inevitable. Grim was systematically eliminating them, undermining the core of each gang and halting their progress in whatever distribution they specialized in. Azrael had been methodically doing this—

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