This is the story of H. L. Hunley a Confederate submarine that made history to not in the US, but the world as one of the Founding Mothers of submarines. This is her isekai story in the world of Azur Lane.
Reichstag, Germany - 5 weeks after Chapter Chapter 6
It's been 5 weeks since chapter 6 and now it's time for the Crimson Axis Convention happening today which they always does this every 4 years since it's foundation. The main purpose is for the nations that joined the Crimson Axis and they vote of where to have their convention. Their last convention was in Vichy Dominion, but today will be held in Germany. All leaders from each nation will be present. We got Iron Blood with Bismarck as the leader, Nagato from Sakura Empire, Jean Bart from Vichy Dominion, and we got Veneto of Sardegna Empire. However there is another meeting happening in the same spot which is the Big Sisters like Yamato from Sakura Empire, Friedrich from Iron Blood, but some of them decide to stay home since it's a waste of time. Friedrich brought Hunley with her to introduce her to Yamato.
Friedrich: "Hunley; this is Yamato of Sakura Empire."
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Yamato stare at Hunley which there was a moment of silent until Hunley was amazed by her tails and decide to hug it.
Hunley(sleeping): "Fluffy."
Friedrich: "Sorry about that Yamato."
Yamato: "Don't worry about it, but where did you find her? She's not a Iron Blood kansen."
Friedrich: "How would you know she isn't?"
Yamato: "Don't under estimate us kitsunes. She has the smell of someone from the Eagle Union."
Friedrich: "According to Isaac is that she's from the 1800s due to her ship, but I found her laying in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean after I finish my mission. I decide to raise her as my own daughter. Is it wrong to have a beloved child to take care for?"
Yamato: "True. We're after all try to act more human since it's our job to protect Humanity from the Sirens, but we do have a soul of a human being."
They drink their favorite beverage while Hunley has juice since she is still young to drink alcohol. At the same time of this discussion, we can head to the main convention chamber where the leaders are discussing about the situation going on with Azur Lane.
Nagato: "We got words that Azur Lane deploying forces in the Coral Sea to protect Royal Navy colonies while supplying Dragon Empery through Singapore."
Veneto: "We also engage the Royal Navy near North Africa and close to Egypt."
Bismarck: "For now we're in a stalemate for the time being, but victory is assure."
Jean: "What does you think that?"
Bismarck: "I got a call from the Coalition in the Middle East. Mainly Iraq and they wish to joined the Crimson Axis for exchange of oil."
Veneto: "That's like a good opportunity. If we have the Coalition to joined us than we don't need to worry about oil usage waste."
If you don't know what a Coalition is; I'm going to make a story about them and they are the alliance of Middle East Countries with Iran as the main HQ for them. Reason for Iran as the main HQ is because of the mountains that can provide protection and Iran is the biggest Middle East Country. Back to the story. The Crimson Axis continue to talk about the meeting until Nagato gives another question to Bismarck about Hunley.
Nagato: "Who's that girl who's with Lady Friedrich?"
Bismarck: "That's her new child, but she is under investigation. We want to make sure that she isn't a spy from Azur Lane."
Veneto: "Are you sure that's the best idea?"
Bismarck: "This is for the sake of our faction."
The girls are concern of Bismarck against Friedrich because everyone knows how strong she is and no one oppose her and they thought Roon was scary. At the same time Hunley continue eating sweets while laying on Yamato's tail while she is talking with Friedrich about the situation in the Pacific Ocean.
Yamato: "The Sirens are making moves in the Pacific Ocean and threaten our ports in Guam while at the same time Eagle Union is watching the scene from the Philippines."
Friedrich: "Do you think the war between you two will be unavoidable?"
Yamato nod because the Eagle Union is blocking their paths toward the oil resources; however if the Coalition join forces with Crimson Axis than Yamato thinks that the Sakura Empire will avoid the worst possible of getting Eagle Union forces into the fight.
Friedrich: "Speak about Eagle Union; do they lost an heavy cruiser?"
Yamato: "You mean USS Tuscaloosa? I heard that he went MIA and no one seen him in 5 years. I even talk with the Coalition and they found nothing."
USS Tuscaloosa is a heavy cruiser and works in the Neutral Zone routes for the Eagle Union, but after been send to hunt down Bismarck solo with a limit supplies and hunt Tirptiz in the Baltics despite been neutral. He start to question the leadership of Eagle Union which he disappear without a trace and his own sisters doesn't know where he went.
Friedrich: "We got a rogue Eagle Union ship running around and no one seems like don't know where he went. Even New Jersey doesn't know."
Yamato: "That sounds trouble.... Unless people want us to believe that he disappear."
Friedrich: "What do you mean?"
Yamato: "Was the Council become disapprove of USS Tuscaloosa since he speak out against declaring war against the Crimson Axis and more focus on the Sirens?"
Yamato was right ever since he was reborn after he got scrap after the Second Great War and now they want him back to service; however his trust toward his superiors has become low and now he went missing. What happen to him? We will never know. Speak about him; we're going to have a talk with Jean Bart in our next chapter.