Chapter 2: Y/n's Initiation

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Stiles Pov

i walk into the diner behind scott who keeps worrying about allison "oh yeah stiles, she is bringing a friend" he says like derek won't go crazy, we can't bring people to the pack dinners who aren't like us. "but i think it's ok, allison said she might be special, werecoyote or something" he says nonchalantly. "dude! you can't brush something like that off, if she is special then we have to get her to derek!" i say. I nearly scream when i see y/n standing in the diner looking hushed whilst talking to derek, the girl has only been here a week yet she is already everywhere. I look up at allison awaiting answers, even though she has been scotts girlfriend for only 3 months it feels as if they have been together forever. When i sit down y/n waves at me and smiles, which gives me a rush of butterflies and i find myself grinning at her endlessly, it's only when scott elbows me in he ribs that i snap out of it "dude its been a week how are you already hopelessly in love?" scott asks "i am absolutely most definitely not hopelessly in love you sourwolf, how could you say that?" i shriek, pulling glances from other families in the diner. "Stiles, keep your voice down, you practically poured over her in history last period and you seem to have all your classes together" he says wiggling an eyebrow, "yeah and apparently it was you who helped y/n with her english in the computer room at  lunch... all lunch!" allison chimes in. "getting comfy with the new girl stiles?" lydia asks, "yes he is, very comfy indeed" jackson adds, "ok you guys can all be quiet, its not married at first sight for god's sake!" i say slightly annoyed but mostly joking, the pack is my family and honestly we are just trying to live normal lives without being killed. "I mean it could be, there a roses just outside?" jackson suggest, i nearly push him off his seat onto the floor.

"right you kids, shut up. This is y/n y/l/n, she is a werecoyote, born here and bitten as a 9 year old, then moved to california at 10 and forced to hide her powers for the last 7 years. Moved back here last week for her dads work and will be staying. She is quiet the research bug so she knows a bit about what she can do already. I'm sure you guys will be nice to her blah blah blah bullshit, y/n you'll be fine, if jackson gives you crap you have permission to punch him, your in with the pack now we'll take care of you" derek says sounding like a teacher "i agree with the jackson part" I say flashing Red a smirk as jackson kicks me under the table, i glare at him and Red giggles the most pretty giggle ever,glad my pain got me a giggle i feel very accomplished. Allison and lydia smirk at me from the other side of the table as y/n walks over to take a seat beside me, my stomach erupting with butterflies. "that rose is looking pretty promising right now, nearly as red as the tips of your ears buddy, nervous?" scott asks and laughs, "shut up scott" i say as i glare at him, only he knows that the tips of my ears go red when i get nervous, now the pack does too i guess. "I agree, i think i can see it, maybee my banshee power can sense it" lydia says getting a laugh from everyone. 

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