Chapter 7: what if we get caught?

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⚠️Smut warning⚠️

Stiles POV: 

I place my hand on y/n's lower back Leading her up the stairs to eichen house, pushing open the door and making a beeline for the kitchen where I can here Scott's loud voice talking to who sounds like Lydia and Derek. Y/n fumble for my hand that's placed on her back and grabs it, holding it between her hand, so small compared to mine. She leads us through the kitchen door keeping hold of my hand as she greets everyone with a wave. "They're looking" she whispers to me, leaning closer "good, I want them to know your mine" I whisper back, when she turns around shocked I give her a wink and a smug smile with a little laugh. I lean over and kiss her cheek, watching her go slightly pink across her nose. God something about this girl makes me feel so confident yet so nervous, butterflies are swarming my stomach.

 After talking for a while and watching her giggle quietly with Lydia looking at her like she's the love of my life, Christ she might be. Scott looks at me knowingly "mate you love her, or something like that. Please tell me you've taken her out?" He asks "shut up, but I haven't. I was supposed to then i couldn't cause I got kinda sick with a headache and a sore throat" I reply "damn so what did you do?" Scott asks "well she invited herself over and made me soup which was really good I honestly don't know how she made it, I wonder what ingredients were in-"I get out before  Scott interrupts me "did anything happen? Other than of course your precious soup?" He says raising an eyebrow "god Scott, no we kinda had a pretty good make out sesh, she is so fucking beautiful, on the inside and out! But god she's good, we just watched a movie though, charmed her a bit" I say laughing as Scott gets Allison's attention. Lydia and y/n have gone to set the table and find Derek and Jackson whilst Allison is cooking something up at the stove which looks pretty good, nothing like y/n's soup though. "Whats wrong?" Allison asks, "listen to this, stiles tell Allison exactly what you told me" he say to us "uh well she's pretty? Inside and out?" I say nervously "shut up thats bullshit, for one you told me she cooked you something then you said that she kissed you and you two made out then watched a movie with you! They didn't get as far as anything else but that's pretty good! Sounds like she didn't mind missing your date though, for context he had a headache so they didn't go" he says correcting me, "She loves you, I'm telling you" Allison says "way to point out the obvious" Scott says while laughing, "god you two how would you guys know, your full of shit" I say to them "well I would know because that's what she said, last week she came over and brought me soup I was feeling a bit down, if she gave you something like potato and leek soup then that's what she brings the people she loves when they feel upset or sick, her mum used to bring it to her when she felt sick or sad as a kid and now she does the same for the people she loves, which she openly said because she thinks that people she doesn't love don't deserve her precious soup" Allison says, finishing with a giggle as Scott hugs her from behind and I mull over what she just said, maybe she does love me? Imagine being loved by y/n? Fuck I could live like that forever, she's so precious. "Baby why were you sad and why did I not know" Scott says into Allison's neck while she giggles "god you guys get a room gross!" I say as a stalk off determined to find y/n. "Says the one who came in holding y/n's hand and kissing her cheek!" Scott scream down the hall. 

Walking away I shake my head and think about y/n, how gorgeous her body is and how happy she makes me feel, I can't help but want to burst with joy whenever she talks to me. I hear the tap running down the hallway in the guest bathroom, I head for the noise hoping to find y/n or someone who knows where she is. When I reach the bathroom I find y/n standing at the sink, she looks up at the mirror and smiles when she sees me filling me with butterflies galore. I walk over closing the door which annoyingly doesn't lock and never will because Derek refuses to touch the house in anyway that means fixing it. I stalk over and snake my hands around her waist whilst burying me head into her hair. "What's up grumpy? You ok?" She says kindly while reaching a hand up to graze her hand through my hair which feels fucking amazing. "Yeah, god your hair smells good. Scott and Allison won't shut up about us" I say moving to rest my head in the crook of her neck, "thoughts that's what you wanted baby, or did you change your mind? Want to keep me all to yourself?" She say while laughing a bit.

"Call me that again, please" I beg "oh you like that baby?" She say, drawing I nail down my arm softly, I move my head to her sweat spot and start kissing and sucking it repeatedly making her breath heavy. "Is this why you closed the door? Baby what if they suspect something?" She says sounding worried, "I don't care right now, all I care about is making you feel like the most important girl in the world" I say as I turn her around and lift her onto the bench beside the sink. I continue kissing her neck and she continues to moan loudly "love if you don't keep it down they will definitely suspect this" I say hushed "I don't think I can" she says while breathlessly giggling, "well your going to have to be a good girl and be quiet" I say into her neck while roaming my hands down her thighs. 

She moans a bit more making me worried we will get caught, "you might have to convince me a bit more" she says softly "how will I do that hm?" I ask her feeling super confident all of a sudden "well I can think of a few ways"she says suggestively "here?", "well dinner wasn't going to be for a while last time I checked, and I really do need convincing if I'm gonna behave" she says, when I look at her face she is smiling to herself. I lean forward to kiss her, slipping my tongue into her mouth as she moans, "I agree love, consider yourself about to be convinced" I say and kiss her harder nibbling at her lip, both of her pink lips are soft and honestly inviting. Kissing y/n feels almost intoxicating and it's difficult to worry about getting caught in a room with no lock on the door when she's grinding against me. Fuck getting caught. "Does the door have a lock?" She asks between kisses "nope" I reply, "right it'll have to be quick then" I say before smiling against her lips. "I don't have any condoms though" I say meaning to suggest something else, "it's ok it was probably a silly risk anyway" she says and starts to get up but I push against her hips resting her back down on the counter, she looks at me confused. I unbutton her shorts carefully "be a good girl and be quiet" I say before sinking my teeth into her lips. I slip my hand into her panties, realising that she is really wet, so fucking wet for me. 

She's not hard to please, whispering thanks to me and telling me how hot I am over and over again "god stiles your so good to me" she whispers as I continue to kiss her and apply pressure and constantly massaging her warm pussy. I hold her waist as she rocks against my hand, when I feel her pulse and tighten around my fingers I crash my mouth to hers and absorb her breathes and moans with my lips.

When she's finished I remove my hand from her warmth and hold her close, letting her be clingy and soft with me, trying to get as much of her skin on mine as possible. "I think I should be loud more often, maybe scream" she says all giggles and smiles. "Definitely not, I'm not bending you over the table in front of everyone, Scott would never shut up, only I get to see you that way" I say seriously while she giggles into my shoulder. "Didn't take you as the jealous type baby" she says "love, you are the light to my dark, since you walked into the classroom it's been difficult to think I could ever be as happy as I am with you, your so beautiful and bright you make me want all of you to myself every minute of every day" I admit to her softly "god you are special, like dream guy special, like only in the books special, but baby what are, fuck buddies or friends or what?" She questions "love, if you want to fuck we fuck but if you'd like to be I want you to be my girlfriend, I meant what I said" I say hopefully "god I want you more and more every time you speak, I'd love to be your girlfriend stiles" she says happily "your the most important thing in the world to me that has ever existed I'm really happy i met you" she says letting go of my body and hoping off the counter. "Now hurry up before we get caught" she says grabbing my hand and leading me to the dining room, which I'm surprised she knows the location of.


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