Untitled Part 11

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After school Stiles opens my car door, pushing me into the car by my lower back and pulling my seatbelt across my body then leaving a kiss on my forehead "stiles, I don't need to be babied that much" I whine, "you do love, especially from me" he says as he walks around and hops in the car. "Right we will go to mine, I'll grab my stuff and then we will head back to yours and we will meet Lydia, Scott, Jackson and Allison there for dinner and a movie. Sound ok?" Stiles asks, "ok sure, but what do you mean by grab your stuff" "I mean I'll grab my stuff so that I don't have to wear the same thing to bed and then school tomorrow" "right cause your confident ass is staying over again?" "Yup, your mum wont know right?" "Nope you'll be fine she probably wouldn't mind anyway" "I hope she still loves me" "she does, trust me" I say and rest a hand on his thigh rubbing up and down. He breathes in hard, his eyes going wide in an instant as I caress higher towards his crotch. I smile to myself knowing how much I effect him, just to annoy him I keep it there the rest of the drive, causing him to breath hard continuously. 

Stiles POV: 

Fuck me, christ. She kept her hand on my thigh the whole drive and god I could barely keep it together. I just wanted to pull over, pick her up, put her on my lap and kiss her to death the entire car trip. It would make us late but if I could I would. When we get to my house I lead her inside and let her talk to my dad while I pack. My dad seems fine with the idea of me staying at hers, thinking I'm too awkward to do anything but little does he know the amount of confidence that girl instills in me. I head to the bathroom to pack toiletries, finding a pack of condoms under the sink, I debate whether the put them in my bag or not, in the end I put them in just in case planning entirely to use them. When I'm done I head downstairs putting my bag down and going over to y/n to hug her from behind. "Hi" she says softly, turning her head around to put a hand on my cheek and kiss me quickly. "Hi, your hands are warm" I say continuing our joke. "Mmhmm, your dad makes a good hot chocolate" she says smiling at my dad then at me. "Thank you so much Noah" she says drawing her nails up and down my arm. "All good sweetheart, you to should go. Stiles don't be an idiot, y/n don't harbour my son for too long. Just be safe" he says chuckling. I lead her out the door into the car, on the way home we laugh and chat, leaning in for a kiss at every set of lights that we stop at. When we get to her house we set up a few things like fairy lights and chairs.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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