Chapter 4: soup and soppy romance

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my only warning here is adorable stiles and kissing <3

Y/n POV 

I wake up to and incessant buzzing from me bedside table, my alarm has been going off for 15 minutes and I practically slept through it, so now it's super loud. I pick it up and open it, to find stiles's number and in my contacts, the memory of last night floods in. I sit up and press the call button, after only 2 rings he picks up, "morning Red" his voice husky and sleepy "shit did I wake you up?" I ask worried "nope I've been waiting for you to call for an hour. Just haven't moved since I got up though, don't feel to well, I have a  massive headache " he says sounding disappointed "aww stiles, are u ok? Can I bring you anything? We can postpone our date it's fine" I say feeling sorry for him, "are you sure?" He asks "absolutely, I have a better idea anyway, I'll see you in an hour" I say smiling to myself "damn ok that's brave, offering to take care of your awfully sick friend" he jokes, "don't be ridiculous you have a migraine, my mum gets them all the time, I have the perfect fix" I say as I hang up. I skip down to the kitchen and grab the ingredients for my mums potatoes and leek soup and a couple of biscuits, half an hour later I get a text from stiles with his address, last night when he put his number in my contacts he named himself 'night in shining armour ❤️' how fucking cute, I'd be damned if I don't fall in love within the next week.

Time skip

I find the front door open so I pop my head around the door and say "hello, anyone? I'm here for stiles" hoping his mum or dad might answer. A tall man around 50 years old stalks down the hallway, he looks exactly like stiles from head to toe "hi! Are you Mr stilinski? My names y/n and I'm here for stiles?" I ask as he smiles at me "ahh so your the famous y/n, my boy stiles wouldn't shut up about you, I was beginning to think you might have been just one of his dreams, please call me Noah" he says chuckling to himself sticking a hand out for me to shake, I take it and hold for a second before letting go "y/n you have a good handshake on yourself. Stiles is just upstairs but I don't think he is feeling too good so don't break his heart" he says jokingly "break his heart?" I question "yes? You're not something he'd normally pull, very confident indeed. The boy is crazy about you" he says, I can't tell whether he is honestly joking or not, but I stil flush a little with the excitement that he likes me so much. "That's very kind of you Noah. I'm going to head up to him now" I say flashing a smile. "Well it was nice to meet you y/n, care telling stiles I'll be back at 3? Got something to work on at the station" he asks me "of course! Lovely meeting you too" I reply "well I'll be off now I'm sure I'll be seeing a lot more of you around here" he says as he walks out. Whilst walking up the stairs I can't help but skipping with happiness over how much stiles might actually like me. 

A bedroom on the end of the hall has the door slightly ajar which I push open to see stiles laying in bed facing the wall, I quietly tiptoe over bending down to hug him from behind, my hand resting on his bare stomach fuck I didn't realise he would be shirtless, I let go of him as he turns around to face me whilst I sit on the bed admiring his bare stomach "hey Red" he whispers "god stiles you look nearly dead are you sure it's only a headache?" I ask concerned "yeah just a headache, maybe a sore throat. Anyway get off me you'll get sick" he says trying to push me off him weekly "I'm not moving, your sick and I'm pretty much invincible, so shut up and let me take care of you, you poor thing" I say feelings brave enough to kiss his head, which brings a little colour to his pale cheeks. "I brought you soup and biscuits, which should give you some energy, my mums recipe" I say handing him the container of warm soup. 

After eating in silence he looks up "God that's good, maybe I could run a marathon!" He jokes "sure, says the one who has a temperature of like 100 degrees" I say putting my hand on his head. He grabs it holding it in his "that's not me being sick, that's just cause your here" he says smirking. Some how this man can still flirt while being sick and make it smooth.. ish.  

Stiles's POV

God, if only she could see the boner I had growing under the blankets she would be able to tell how much I like her. After talking for a while with her sitting beside me Whilst I lay down in bed letting her draw circles on my shoulder with her nails, sending shivers through me, I finally finished her food, feeling a bit brighter and braver so I sat up level with her. She proceeds to lay her head on my shoulder and I audibly gasp from the shock and happiness I get from the simple act of her head on my shoulder, her hair smells like fucking heaven as I bury my nose in it trying to hide my gasp she giggles to herself and turns to face me wiggling so her body is nestled on my side with head on my chest and her arm draped on my stomach, Gosh the amount of butterflies I have right now must surely be obvious. 

"I really like you stiles" she says smiling against my chest, I can barely breath anymore from the shock when she tips he head to look into my eyes, her green pupils drilling holes in my head. "I'm not normally this confident but can I kiss you Red?" I ask hopefully, she shuffles closer to me and I lean down resting my lips over hers, she tilts her head slightly, desperately deepening the kiss. She moans softly parting her lips which I take as an opportunity to slip my tongue into her mouth and gently place my hand on her lower back pulling her close to me. She slips her tongue against mine and fights for dominance, which I immediately shut down by dipping her head to the side and invading her mouth. After a minute we pull apart breathing heavily when she says "oh my god stiles, I've never felt so good. But you're sick and tired, a soup and some biscuits can't work that much magic" she says sharply drawing in breath. "I know, but your irresistible Red, to the point where I need to kiss you otherwise I might get more sick" I cry dramatically earning a giggle and a huff from her "you have officially made being sick much better" I say rolling her onto my stomach so she's laying flush against me, her butt right on my boner, I can't let her feel that fucking bulge. I put my hands under her butt pulling her higher on my stomach evading the little friend that has decided to show. 

"You wanna watch a movie?" I suggest. "Sure! If it means being with you I don't care what we do" she says smugly, thinking that I hadn't heard the last part of the sentence. "Ok come on then" I say as I get up still holding her to my chest. "Baby you gotta let go, I'm to heavy for that" she says nervously "shut up, your curves are sexy as fuck, I can bench more then your weight any day of the week" I say immediately "I'm 58kg, jeez your strong" she says jokingly "don't be surprised love" I say keeping her close to my chest.

I think this was genuinely cute and had me grinning as I was writing it love you guys!

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