Chapter 10: caught

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The next night my family come to watch stiles play lacrosse, I watch him score a goal and when he does he looks right up to the stands into my eyes and smiles a huge smile. I grin at him and blow him a kiss, he smugly smiles at me, he is super cute. I meet his dad and his dad and I get along really well. My mother approves of stiles's dad and welcomes both of them with open arms, my mum and stiles obviously get along well. In the next 2 weeks stiles is over at my house nearly every day. Everyone says we just get more and more lovey dovey every time they see us. He's still the most cute, sweet and hot boyfriend I could ever ask for. 

Two weeks after we watched his lacrosse game,  I'm laying in bed when I hear something loud bang outside my window. Worried I open it and I see stiles sitting on the roof outside and I yelp. He comes in through the now open window "stiles What the fuck!" "What can I not come over to see my beautiful girlfriend?" "Well not at 11 o'clock at night when my mum is in her room and oblivious to your presence!" I say distressed, he smothers my worries with a kiss ignoring all of what I say. "Honey is everything ok?" My mum says from her room down the hall, "yup mum it's fine!" "Ok well just go to sleep soon ish, and remember I am flying out to visit your dad tomorrow and Corey is staying at jacks house" she says making sure not to wake up Corey, "ok can I invite a few friends over?", "I guess, but no parties and minimal mess, please. I'll be gone for 4 days, but don't worry because jacks having him for 2 of those days then nanny and pop are seeing him" "Ok thanks, I'll go to sleep now. Night!", night honey!" She finishes.

"Now what are u doing here?" I ask pointing at stiles, "visiting my lovely girlfriend" he says whispering, "right you want to stay for the night?" I say as he nods and smiles. He comes and lays down on the bed and takes off his jeans and shirt. "What are you doing?" I ask confused, "love, I'm not sleeping in my jeans or my shirt that's really uncomfortable" he says while chuckling, "fine but we are not doing anything because we will wake up my mum" I say as he throws up his hands innocently, "wasn't planning on it" he says smugly "sure you weren't bud" I say as I lay down beside him letting him grab my waist and spoon me. He kisses my neck making me moan softly, "night love" he says and I can feel him smiling evily into my neck, "goodnight you evil man" I say laughing.

Time skip to next morning

"Honey I'm leaving now! I'm also taking Corey to school" my mum yells as she walks up the stairs, I wake up feeling groggy, and watch stiles waking up at the same time. "Shit shit shit hide stiles! Under the blanket!" I whisper shout "far out this isn't good" he replies as he lets go of my waist and hides under the blanket making himself as flat as possible. "Bye honey" my mum says happily as she pops her head around the door, "oh bye mum!" I reply, she comes over and kisses my head, "stiles will be here soon to pick you up and take you to school, don't make you two late" she says as she walks out and downstairs. "Holly mother of God that was close" stiles say as he pops out from the blankets, "thank god" I breath heavily. "It's ok we didn't get caught it's ok" he replies and leans up to kiss me deeply, grabbing my face and smashing into me. "Bye y/n I'll be back in 4 days!" My mum yells once more from downstairs, "oh nearly forgot, bye stiles!" She says before closing the front door. 

Stiles pulls back, burying his head in my pillow "fuck fuck fuuuck why why why" he yells as I draw a hand up his back. "It's ok she wasn't angry" I say laughing. "Oh my god though why did I come" he says embarrassed, "it's okay! We will live, we don't have to face her for another 4 days" I say reassuringly. "She probably hates me now" he says disappointingly "no she sounded like she was jokingly saying it, she loves you and trusts you" I say Hugging his back. He roles over onto his back and laughing anxiously.  I look down and see a bulge in his boxers and look at him with a funny expression, "what your hot!" He says jokingly, I smile smugly and draw a hand up to rest over it softly and he breathes hard in and out.

Stiles's POV

She slightly shuffles to straddle my shins and pull off my boxers, revealing my hard erection that pops up, a bead of pre-come on the top, her eyes go wide at my size "fuck" she whispers under her breath as I chuckle. She reaches out brushing past my balls to do a testing  stroke along the whole length. "Is this ok?" She says, "yeah" I manage to choke out while moving my hips in time with the rhythm of her hand to make things easier for her. Y/n suddenly stops and I think I've done something wrong, except she moves to look at me in the eyes in a way that makes my heart fall out of rhythm. I just want to bottle this moment up and save it forever. Y/n leans in to kiss me and the worry about what her mum will say when she gets back immediately falls away, she breaks away and kisses my collarbone, my chest and then continues moving down until I'm holding my breath in anticipation as the sleepy look that she had on her face is immediately shattered and replaced by a mischievous smile. She kisses my inner thighs and my hip bone, everywhere but where I want her mouth to be. God this girl, I tuck a strand of hair behind hair ear and tip her head up "love, do you want me to beg?" Her green eyes stare up at me so fucking innocently almost as if she doesn't have my cock right next to her lips. She leans to kiss the base once keeping Her eyes on me "nope" another kiss a little higher "you don't have to beg for something I've been waiting to since you and I got together" she says innocently. I join my hands together beneath my head and pull slightly on my hair while my stomach flex's and I try to keep my breathing steady. 

"This is going to be the best 10 seconds of my life" I say jokingly, "shut up I'm trying to seduce you" she says and groans through her laughter. "You have achieved it, consider me seduced, obsessed, consu-" her lips wrap around the end of my cock and I forget how to breath. I was joking about the 10 seconds thing but now I'm not so sure it was a joke. "Your fucking unreal baby". Her hair falls around her face as she takes more of me. I bring it up into a ponytail in my fist. I think she likes that; taking me to the back of her throat. God damn it I like that too. She bobs her head up and down and takes me further down her throat each down stroke. Opening her mouth to stick her tongue out she licks the whole way up from the base and I immediately have to start name famous lacrosse players. She takes me back to the back of her throat and her little moans vibrate over my cock nearly sending me over the edge, the knot in my stomach tightens up hard, sending violent chills through my body. Her small hand come up to rub the base while her free hand draws lines up my thigh, the hand playing with my balls is what does it. Sending me over the edge as the knot explodes. I come hard and fast down the back of her throat. She swallows my hot come down instantly and licks a little bit that dripped out of her mouth with the end of her pink tongue, the simple act drives me into a totally delusional state, making me want to turn back time and enjoy it all again. She stares up at me breathing hard with red lips. "Your so good love" I say letting go of her hair and letting her cling to my waist. She's still fully clothed while I'm in nothing at all which just makes the whole experience more erotic. 

Y/n's POV

I knew that that must have been the best head I'd ever given because he was breathing incredibly hard, "baby" I say softly, "hmm?" We kind of need to go to school, and get ready and eat" "alright then what do you need, shower?" "Nooo that's tonight y/n's problem" "no love, come on" "I'm ok thanks" "nope come on" he says and picks me up throwing me over his shoulder as he gets off the bed, "nooooo no no I'm fine stop iiit!" I screech as he walks down the hall to the bathroom, I squirm in his arms before he slaps me lightly on my butt, "hey! I screech again. "Shower love, now" he says firmly and I instantly feel more like having a shower. When we get to the bathroom he puts me down and helps me get undressed, before ushering me into the the shower. When I get in he starts by grabbing the soap and lathering me hair with it. I was half expecting round two but the slow rhythm of stiles's hands massaging the soap suds into my hair is crazy relaxing. He turns me round to wash them out and tips my head backwards, from that angle he kisses me perfectly, softly but deeply. When all the soap is washed away he turns me around and starts with the conditioner, lathering it in the same gentle way, turning me around once more to wash it out, he tips my head up and kisses my neck, sucking hard on my sweet spot making my knees buckle slightly. After he's finished we hop out of the shower, he grabs my towel and wraps it around me making me feel fuzzy and warm. I look in the mirror as we pass and I'm faced with a dark red mark on my neck, "STILES!" I yell, "what?" "LOOK WHAT YOU LEFT" I say distressed, "oh I'm sorry love, but it does show people your mine" he says grinning "uhhhh no well yes but no, stiiiiiles" I say groaning through luaghter. "Come on you can cover it up with concealer or whatever you call it" he says as he drapes his arms around my neck and pushes me towards the door of my bedroom to get dressed and ready for school. 

Ahahahahahah I love this chapter! I really hope you do too! Probably my fav to write so far!

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