Chapter 6: late suspicions

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⚠️smut warning⚠️


Gosh I was nervous about stiles coming over, I knew he was super nice but something about him made my stomach fill with butterflies, maybe it was that massive crush I had on him, I couldn't tell if it was just obsession or something more. Before my thoughts could take over the doorbell rang and there was stiles looking incredible as always. "Hey red" he says leaning against the door frame with his hand above my head, goddamn hot. "Hey stiles" I reply smirking back. "You wanna come in or are we leaving now" I ask, "we leave in 10 ok?" He says as I put out a hand which he takes, cold but warm and veiny, he just gets hotter the more I see him. I lead him up to my room and he sits against the bed head with his legs outstretched. He pats the spot in between his legs, I smirk and shake my head, he pats it again so I finally give in and sit between his legs leaning my back on his chest. Stiles kisses my neck down one side trying to find my sweet spot. "Stiles" I breathe heavily, a small moan escapes my mouth as he finds the spot beneath my ear. "Stop it" I gasp through the pleasure, "why what's wrong love" omg I practically died when he called me love "god we need to go!" I huff, "no we don't, it takes 5 minutes maximum to get to the forest from your house I came over early because I wanted to spend time  with you, I lied" he says between kissing my neck which just makes me arch against him, "you like that love?" He asks I reply with a soft moan hoping it sounds like a yes because god I want so much of this man. He roams his hand down my thighs and my waist making me want more, so so much more. "Please stiles" I breathe "please what love" he says huskily "please more stiles please more" I beg. He moans against my neck and flips us over so he kneels over me, resting between my thighs. 

"Love?" He says, "mhm?" I say "We are gonna need this off" he drools as he points towards my top, "oh sure" I say as I move to take my top of, "no no no love that's my job lay down" he says pushing softly against my chest, when I hit the bed he strips of my shirt and my skirt, "you ok with this love" he questions, "yes please keep going" I beg and begin to take his shirt of, whilst he chuckles at my failure, helping and taking the rest of not breaking eye contact for a second. When he's done he leans down for a kiss, soft at first but as I begin to fiddle with the belt of his pants it intensifies, when his jeans are off we are left in nothing but me in my bra and both of us in our underwear. He begins kissing a trail down my neck, when he gets closer to my bra he reaches to snap the back apart and take it off "you sure your ok with this?" He reassures me, I just nod as he goes down to my chest, paying attention to each breast "oh stiles my god" I moan, he kisses down my stomach to my underwear, "can these come off love?" he asks, how gentle he is is so reassuring. "go for your life stiles" I say getting excited as he takes my underwear off and buries his face in my pussy. He licks a trail upwards and I moan, wanting so much more "please please more stiles" I beg, he looks up and smirks at me "tell me what you need love" he demands softly "stiles I need more of you near me please" I beg, he drops his head and begins to eat my out like a man starved, licking and sucking my pussy, oh god it feels so so good! I cannot even believe him "oh my goodness stiles your incredible" I say as I feel him smile against me, he brings a hand up to my thigh drawing a trail along my skin before stroking a finger along my entrance and drawing in and out, i gasp from the overstimulation, it feels so god. I moan again and again, my stomach knotting "god stiles I'm gonna come" I gasp "that's it love, your so beautiful" he says against my pussy, his breath pushing me over the edge as I shake and scream from the amount of pleasure I feel. While I shiver from the pleasure I feel, stiles holds me against him letting me ride out my high in his arms. "Love? We might actually need to go" he says softly into my hair, "no I think we should stay right here" I say holding onto him tightly, "Come on Red we have to move otherwise we will be late" he says and tickles my stomach softly as I laugh hard despite the softness of his touch "stop! No no no" I say laughing, he finally stops and says "you need anything?" And smiles, god I love this man so so much, fuck do I love him? "No but thank you, your incredible" I say as I get up and toss him his clothes. Once we both are dressed he stands behind me drawing me in by putting his hands on my waist and hugging me to his chest, I tilt my head up allowing him to look down and kiss me softly once I pull away I say "Shame I didn't get those boxers off, whatever you had seemed pretty impressive" I say feeling more confident then normal, squirming out of his arms and chucking my shoes on "hmmm ok thanks" he says and comes over to kiss me again "stop stiles we need to go and your good at making me want to say fuck it and stay home" I say pushing him off me, "I think we should do that" he says while grabbing his shoes, "absolutely not, suspicions are already raised about us, Scott being the most suspicious and if we both don't go then this all goes to shits and we get accused of sleeping together!" I nearly yell, "if that's what they are saying they aren't totally wrong" he says with a smirk, I push him away and grab his hand leading him to the his jeep.

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