Chapter 8: soapy laughs

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I take his hand leading him to sit down between Scott and I. There are two people across the table whom I've never seen before which are also members of the pack. "Who's that?" One girl says loudly, "that's my girlfriend y/n" stiles replies softly as Scott chokes on his food "I WIN I WIN I WIN" he then shouts throwing his hands in the air. Stiles and I look at each other confused "what on earth Scott?" I ask while Lydia, Allison and Jackson laugh, "well to give you some context we bet on you guys!" Lydia says excitedly as stiles and I glare at the three of them. "Shes right, Lydia bet that you two would never get together at all and it would be awkward forever, Jackson bet that you two would fuck a bunch of times no strings attached and then get together like a romance novel, Allison bet that you two would be awkward best friends for 2 months then you'd finally get together and I bet that you two would be together less then 2 weeks after meeting, so i won and you all owe me 50 dollars each HA!" Scott says as stiles tries to push him off the chair. The three of them all grab money out of there wallets and hand it to Scott, "Allison you don't count even though you lost, you can pay me back another way" he says throwing Allison a grin "dude your so weird" stiles says to him as Allison giggles. 

After we all eat stiles gets up to gather everyone's plates, "do you want a hand?" I ask and he nods. I help gather plates as Jackson yells "it doesn't take half an hour to wash a few things and put some stuff in a dishwasher!" He yells as stiles chuckles. We started putting things in the dishwasher when he comes up behind me moving me out of the way so he can put more things in the dishwasher. I move to the sink to start washing up but stiles comes over grabbing my hips and says "no love that's my job Your gonna sit and not work" he says and sits me on the counter by the sink. "Ok I can't argue with that" I say stifling a laugh. After watching him wash a few things up he comes over and cups my face with his hands "hi" he says "hi, your hands are wet" I reply "ok, I'm not moving them" he says smiling sweetly, leaning into kiss me softly on the forehead before moving to my lips "stiles that's sweet but your hands are soapy and wet stop!" I squeal trying to smack his hands off me "What! Can I not kiss my lovely girlfriend!" He says cheekily. "Stiles! If I walk into that kitchen right now will I see you kissing y/n to death?" Jackson yells from the door to the kitchen "possibly!" Stiles says before continuing to kiss me. Jackson walks in and eyes us both down "god you even got her on the counter, you guys need to chill!" Jackson says while placing down the plate we left on table down and stalking out.

 I fumble behind me for the spray bottle of soap that I know is there and spray stiles's chest. "HEY! What was that for" he says before grabbing the tea towel and hitting me playfully. I hop off the counter and run over spraying him again, we both laugh as he grabs the other spray bottle of water spraying me back. "No!" I scream while laughing endlessly. We go on like that for ages, him playfully hitting me with the towel and spraying me, while I defensively attack him with my spray bottle. After 10 minutes of us going back and forth squirting each other until we are soaked And giggling so hard my stomach hurts he finally pulls me into his stomach hugging me hard. "I love it when you think your better then me" he says laughing "I am better then you!" "I don't think sooo" "I doooo" I finish as I lean up to kiss his wet cheek, "Jesus we are soaking, so is the floor, and our clothes" he says pointing out the obvious. I pull back to look down his body past his wet chest and shorts to the floor "I think someone is very likely to slip on this" I say laughing as he pulls me in and kisses my head, "you smell like lemons" he says into my very wet hair "I know that, why? Because you made it wet with lemony soap!" I say giggling and I spray him once more and squirm out of his arms "hey you!" He yells jokingly and stalking over to grab my waist pulling me in. Next thing I know he's slipped on the floor and is pulling me down with him.

 I land on his chest face down giggling like crazy as he chuckles sexily. "God we made a mess" he says, I can feel him breathing against my stomach. "I know but at least We made it together" I say smiling, "your so cheesy" he says and laughs, "but don't worry I don't care as long as your mine you can be as cheesy as you want" he says leaning forward to kiss me gently. I grasp his face beneath me and kiss him back harder. I move my legs to straddle his lap and keep my stomach pressed to his. "We are gonna have to acknowledge their existence eventually" I say sheepishly "yeah come on" he replies. I get up and stick out my hand to help him up. When he's up he hugs me one last time pressing a kiss to my head. "God I'm glad you exist" he says as he lets go and walks to the kitchen leading me with him letting me smile like crazy behind his back he is way to cute for this earth.

We find everyone sitting at the table stunned, "you guys are gross" Jackson says "NO! They are adorable!" Allison says hitting him on the arm. "I think they are a bit of both personally, more on the gross side I guess" Scott says. After an hour of playing cards we all head outside to leave. Allison stops me leading me off to the side while Scott and stiles talk about lacrosse. "Girl you guys are way too cute!" She exclaims loudly "shut up, but I really like him, like a lot, like kinda love him" I say grinning awkwardly. "For some reason I think you have made him like magically un-awkward, like he used to be the least confident and the most awkward person in existence! I have no clue what happened! You two are made for each other!" She says and all I can do is grin. "Just so you know I filmed it! Made Jackson stick my phone on the counter. Behind the microwave" she says grinning as she pulls her phone out showing me the video. "You are so evil" I screech "but I want it anyway!" I say as I grab her phone to send it to myself.

Stiles comes over and hugs me again slightly picking me feet up off the ground, "bye lover boy" I say moving to kiss him on his nose then smashing his lips. "Y/n stop kissing your boyfriend and get in the car!" Allison says laughing at us. Once we drive off allison and I Laugh for ages about silly things, I love stiles and all but honestly driving home with my best friends is the best sometimes.

AHHH THIS WAS EVEN FUCKING CUTER THEN THE LAST AHAHAHHAHAHA!  Please keep reading it really helps!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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