Chapter 9: want to meet my mum?

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sitting with stiles arm around my shoulder in the classroom in homeroom was weirdly comforting, his breathing is calm and soothing. As Mr Cole calls the role stiles and I talk about our parents. "Hey uhm I kinda told my mum about you" I say awkwardly "oh cool did you tell her how amazing I am?" Stiles says "no! Well yes but shut up, I told her you were my boyfriend though. She says I can only have you if she gets to meet you, she wants you over for dinner tonight" I say. "Sure I'd love to go!" "Ok great, but you have to keep the PDA down" I say jokingly "absolutely not, if your mums gonna like me then she'll have to like the version thats obviously obsessed with her daughter" he says hugging me close. "Sounds fair" I reply grinning. 

That night I watch as stiles's blue jeep pulls up through my bedroom window. He waves at me when he spots me and I pull back surprised and smiling. When the doorbell rings I run down to greet him with a small kiss as a hug. I bring him into the kitchen where my mum is making casserole for dinner. "Mum this is stiles! Stiles this is my mum Helena!" I say to the two of them. She goes over and says hi and hugs him telling him it's wonderful to meet him and that she's grateful that he's taking great care of me. He shots me a grin while hugging my mum and mouths "she loves me" excitedly. After my mum asks  stiles endless questions while we stand in the kitchen helping her with dinner she says "Honey? Can you go grab your brother? He's in the lounge room I think", "Oh sure, stiles you can meet my brother Corey" I say to stiles.

My little brother is sitting on the couch playing video games when we walk in. "Hey bud time for dinner alright?" I say to him, "ok!" He jumps up excitedly and spots stiles. "Are you y/n's boyfriend? She wouldn't shut up about you the other night! I'm Corey by the way! Are you in y/n's class at school? And also do you play lacrosse?" He asks fast. "Woah buddy slow down, yeah I am her boyfriend my name is stiles and it's awesome that I get to meet you! I'm in her class and yeah! I do play lacrosse" stiles says crouching down to his level. They talk for a while, stiles patiently answering all of Corey's questions. After a few minutes I drag them into the dining room and we sit down to eat. Corey's still jumpy and stiles is smiling genuinely like he loves answering his and my mum questions. At the end of dinner I offer to help my mum clean up as Corey drags stiles away to show him his lacrosse gear and his video games. 

"He really seems to like you y/n" my mum says as she washes the dishes. "Yeah he's super sweet" "I think he'll be good for you, have you met his parents?" "Only his dad but briefly, he seems really nice" "that's great, does he have a lacrosse game soon? I'd love to watch him play!" "Oh yeah he has one tomorrow, you can meet his parents" "great, can't wait! Do you wanna go get Corey ready for bed? I think he really adores stiles. He fits in well with our family" I smile at her comment and hug her before going up to get Corey ready for bed. 

When I get upstairs I find my 8 year old brother already laying in bed with stiles reading him a chapter of Harry Potter. I never thought Corey would willingly get into bed without a fight, stiles can work some real magic. Something Allison would call a keeper. " Hey" I say, standing in the doorway as stiles finished the chapter. "Y/n!" Corey says, reaching out for a hug from me. "Y/n! Stiles plays lacrosse too! He said he'll teach my some skills sometime and he loves Harry Potter too! He read me 2 chapters!" Corey say cheekily. "Oh you didn't have to do that, that's so sweet!" I say kissing stiles on the cheek. "Gross!" Corey screams while covering his eyes and laughing. "All good. Your brother is really cool!" Stiles says as Corey pumps a fist in the air celebrating the fact that stiles loves him. "Alright bud you gotta sleep so you can be a super lacrosse player tomorrow ok?" Stiles says while ruffling Corey's hair. "Good idea!" Corey says and reaches up giving me a hug before rolling over "goodnight stiles! Goodnight y/n" he says after I turn the light of. 

When we leave I drag stiles into my room. Stiles sits once again with his back on the headboard and his legs out, patting the spot between them which I sit in and loop his arms around my waist tightly. "You were so sweet with Corey, you didn't have to do that" I say as he kisses the top of my head. "All good, your brothers cool" I can't help but smile "my mum wants to watch your lacrosse game tomorrow, can we come?" "Absolutely! Can't wait to have you watching me being the best! I think coach will put me on the field tomorrow so you'll get to see me play" he says while chuckling. "Great! She also wants to meet your parents" "cool have you met my dad?" I laugh a little when he says this "yes! I have. Met him at the door when I came over and you were sick, said you never ever shut up about me and that you really liked me" I say laughing. "Did he seriously? God dad" he replies sounding embarrassed. "What about your mum?" I ask, "oh uhm she actually died when I was 11" he says nervously. "Omg I'm so sorry I didn't know! Are you ok?" I say feeling so sorry " don't worry it was a few years ago, it's hard but I get by" he says, wrapping himself around me tighter. "Me and my parents are here if you need ok?" I say "thanks, your really sweet and it's ok thank you. Where's your dad?" He asks, "well he's working in Texas right now, so my mum sometimes visits him and he'll be back in like 3 months" I reply "oh cool" "yeah I guess" "wanna know what your brother told me?" Stiles asks, "sure!", "your brother told me how much you liked me, for like 20 minutes straight, told me pretty much everything you have ever said about me" he says laughing "are you kidding me! Coreyyy" I say burying my head in my hands as he laughs into my neck. "Yes, he did! Anyway you wanna come to mine for dinner tomorrow? Get to properly meet my dad?" He asks "sure that'd be nice" I reply. 

We sit like that for another 20 minutes talking and laughing, stiles kissing my neck every now and then. "Red? I gotta go, my dad is going to be worried" he says and moves me off his lap before helping me up and hugging me. "Your mother is lovely, so is your brother and so are you" he say into my hair. When he pulls away we head downstairs and he says goodbye to my mum, giving her her hug and thanking her for dinner. "Stiles your going to strangle me, it was lovely having you here and I think my daughter is really happy with you, I have watched you make her smile multiple times. You are welcome here anytime. I cannot wait to see you play lacrosse tomorrow honey" she says to him and he flashes me another huge grin proud of himself that she likes him so much. "Anyway I'm going to finish off here and y/n can walk you to your car" she says and waves us off. 

At the door stiles hugs me tightly "I'm glad me mum likes you" I say into his chest "she loves me!" He says genuinely excited. I pull away and start to walk out the door to his car. He runs up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist burying his head in my neck tickling me slightly. "Stiles I can't walk down the front steps like this you have to let go" I say laughing slightly trying to get down the first step on the porch. "Yes you can love, keep walking" he says muffled by my neck. Luckily there are only 5 stairs otherwise I might have tripped. When I get to his jeep he unwraps himself from me and picks me up by my waist sitting me on the bonnet of his car and cupping my face. "Hi" he says sweetly, "hi, your hands are cold" I say giggling "yeah well your face is warm so I'm not moving them" he says and leans in to kiss all over my face, forehead then each cheek and my nose then chin, all while I giggle. Once he's kissed all over my face he moves to me lips and kisses them deeply. When he pulls away he hugs me to his chest once more and pulls away flashing me a small smile. I hop of the bonnet and hug him properly around his waist. "Bye red, goodnight" he says softly "night stiles" I say walking up the path backwards so I can wave to him.

 After waving at me through the window he drives off. When I turn around I see me mum leaning on the doorframe smiling at me "the boy has a lot of love to give you know" she says smiling softly "I think he loves you" she continues, "you think? I think I love him but I'm not sure" I say nervously "I think he does, you guys look adorable together" she says and I smile once more before heading up to bed and going to sleep with stiles on my mind.

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