chapter 3: the jeep

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this is set just after everyone is done eating


i can feel stiles's phone buzzes in his pocket, when he takes it out he says "hey my dad is calling i think i'm gonna head, anyone need a lift?" everyone shakes their heads and keeps talking. As stiles gets up he shoots a wink my way and says goodbye, i wave like a lost puppy, admiring the ways he walks. once he's out scott says "Go y/n we know you have a fat crush on him, go ask for a ride home, trust me", i really like him so i make an excuse, "i need to get home eventually i guess" i say as i grab my bag and get up "and the crush thing is totally not true!" i shout as i run out to stiles.

Just as he is about to pull out i jump in his car and jab directions to my house into his sat nav, he sits their shocked as a grin at him while putting my seat belt on. he kills the engine and says "what on earth?", "sorry can i have a ride home? my address is just there?" i point to his sat nav, "sure i guess, i can't leave for another five minutes though is that ok?" he asks "sure its your car, you can drive whenever you want" i reply awkwardly. after a minute of sitting in silence he looks at me and sighs heavily, i look at him and do the same, he chuckles "ok Red, i'm not normally this bold but your really pretty and it's totally fine if you say no cuz i might have been a dickhead this week, but your b-beautiful and your funny and kind, what i'm trying to say is would you like to go on a date some time with me?" he says crossing his fingers in his lap, to fucking cute. "stiles stilinski, your handsome, funny and bold. i would love to!" i reply excitedly, butterfly's filling my stomach, we stare at each other blissfully for a while, before he starts the car and asks about my life before beacon hills. I could talk to stiles for hours without being bored. and look at his awkward smile forever. when I finally get home i pull out my phone and hand it to him "put your number in, i can't wait until monday to talk to you again, anyway i wanna see you as soon as possible" i say grinning into my lap. he hands back my phone, and i give him a quick kiss on the cheek before running to my front door and waving before stepping in the house and shutting the door. 

Both my parents have nights shifts at the hospital so i am pretty much alone. i run upstairs and pull out my phone immediately calling lydia and allison's group chat we made. they both answer with a "WHAT HAPPENED!!!", after explaining what happened they both looked like they had just seen the most adorable cat videos ever, we talked for a while about stiles and i, lydia intent on planning the wedding, allison finding engagement rings and me laughing my head off. that night i fell asleep to stiles's cute smile and husky chuckly in my head.

Stiles's POV

I drove home that night feeling proud and nervous, i had just scored a date with the most fucking beautiful person ever. after calling scott and telling him all about our car trip and him saying "i told you so" over and over, i went to bed thinking of Reds smile, her cute giggle, and how awesome it was when she jumped in my car, even though i was kind of hoping she would do that.

hope you enjoy it <3, i really need sleep so i will write  more tomorrow!

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