Poison Type v. Poison Type

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Somehow, you had managed to fall asleep. You knew that, obviously, because now you were awake and mad about it.

James was watering the roses on the table in front of you. When he turned around, he flinched a bit at your staring. "Sleeping beauty is finally awake."

"I know, he's standing right in front of me." You sounded a bit congested, and you assumed it would worsen. Sleep had made your throat feel a bit better, but the scratching was still faintly there.

"I am rather beautiful."

"Okay, nevermind."

James finished watering the roses and sat down on the edge of the bed, opening his phone. "So, are you still sick and miserable? Worthy of pity?"

You coughed. "Guess."

He grabbed the bottle of water on the nightstand in front of him and stuck his hand back towards you. "It would help if you drank it, you know. I wasn't expecting to be a baby sitter."

You grabbed it from him harshly in some pitiful act of defiance.

You heard him exhale sharply in amusement. "Angsty, are we? Should I be scared of a tantrum?"

You slowly unscrewed the cap. "Yes, you should be," you said before attempting to take a sip.

"I hope you choke," James said.

"Make me," you said. You were able to surpress your laughter, surprisingly.

"Dinner first."

"Oh my god James."

"You started it."

"It's not as fun when you don't overreact."

"You must mean the absence of my childlike whimsy. You've corrupted it, you're welcome."

"What do you expect me to do? Buy you a teddiursa plush?"

"Certainly not. I have something most superior."

"Please enlighten me."

James slipped off from the edge of the mattress and onto the floor, searching for something under the bed.

"Behold," James said. And there, in his hands, was surely the greatest thing you had ever witnessed in your entire life. When your eyes met the surface, they burned tears. Such beauty was not meant to be seen. It was overwhelming, it was overpowering your senses. Its existence transcended mere "greatness" or "significance," for these were just concepts made up by the man. No, this had been something more. More than humanity had ever cared to know or appreciate. Its glory radiated---no, it was glory, it was the meaning of all hardships. It was the meaning of suffering, of life and death. It was not just an object, but a symbol. A meaning. An energy. Connected to the delicate fabrics of being it wove truths, it embroidered wonder into its silken surface of liquid life.

A shuckle plush! Look at his little noodle limbs...

James smirked at your overwhelmed expression. "Beautiful, isn't he?"

You spoke quietly, in respect for the shuckle's presence. "He might even be more beautiful than you, James."

"Perhaps," James replied. "Perhaps."

After a few moments of silence, an aura of both dread and admiration, you drank more from your water bottle. "Anyway. What?"

"That's what I've been wondering." James said as he placed the shuckle back under the bed. And life was hollow.

James returned to his phone, leaning on the bed while still sitting on the floor. "Back to more important matters---"

"There can't be!"

James sighed. "As I was saying. Because of the nature of your sickness---that is, that it will continue to worsen---I've been thinking of ways to curb it before it reaches its height."

"Nasty medicines?"

"Partially. I figure the standard antidote for pokemon may work, but I'm not sure if you're really supposed to take pokemon-targeted medications. It could be harmful, and I'm assuming you wouldn't want me to take such a risk to cut costs. The alternate, much safer options would be standard antibiotics."

"I'm sure you'd know I would prefer the latter."

"Yes, but all of the antibiotics I have seen to treat this kind of infection require a prescription. And Jessie is set on us not using any doctors in case any of our actions or explanations come off as particularly suspicious."

"I'm sure that's very healthy. So how do I not die then?"

"...I'm not sure. The ingredients of all pokemon-targeted things aren't available publicly."

"That's very suspicious."

"I know. A long time ago, we attempted to study the substances found in pokemon-targeted items to see if we could make our own. We failed, obviously, as we didn't know what the heck all the stuff in it was. It was almost as if outside of item factories the ingredients simply didn't exist."

"I guess that kind of leaves pokemon antidote to be my only choice regardless, though."

"Even though that may just complicate your health even further."


"Well," James said, getting up and stretching, "if it doesn't horrify you too much, we'll be going to the PokeMart later for that."

"I'm not exactly comfortable with the idea, but I have no other choice but to accept it or go unmedicated. I'm assuming you'll be going there alone."

"I have yet to tell Jessie about it. I'd rather not leave you here with her, but---"



"She wouldn't do anything," you said. "I'll be fine."

"I just don't like thinking about it."

"I mean, what would she even do? I'd be here the whole time. Why would she even bother with me?"

"I'd rather not take such risks."

"We're discussing taking a risk as we speak."

"I know," James whined. "But this one is uneccessary."

"I didn't know my health was suddenly neccessary."

"It is if we're spending so much time talking about it."

"Are you telling me to shut up?"

"Of course I'm not."

"Then what are you suggesting?"

James put his hand on the doorknob. "That maybe I actually care more than Jessie does. Does that surprise you?"

"No, but I don't see why," you replied. "That would really get in the way of things, wouldn't it, felon?"

"You're right. You do."

And with that, James was gone.

Can't wait to get poisoned for a second time, you thought.

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