Coco Musk Melon

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Benjamin finished selecting the ones to be chosen that would go on to be sacrificed to the heathen Gods. After a short nap fueled by a full stomach tightening around the waist that is. The powers that be were in a good mood. The process was sped along its way with the handyman Chongo and his own faithful sidekick, Rerun, who kept eating peaches so there were less to put in the haversack.

"If you want to live here, you may eat peaches until you're sick and then Rerun will lick it off the floor. He won't be joining us at dinner for that very reason. He'd probably eat the dishes if he were allowed a seat at the table." "I got my fill before you woke me up to a gun in the face. We have so much in common. It's almost like we're becoming the same person." Chongo said as they walked briskly along beneath the blistering sun. The back of his neck was red and it looked like it was only peeling back to reveal more pink flesh instead of turning to tan.

"Sweet sugar honey iced tea. Don't get it twisted. I'm my own person. I have to live and learn. You can't be there every time I fall. They thought I was accident prone and was doing it on purpose because whenever I spun around like a top, I'd make everyone else fall down with me. Just not as hard. Momma always said that. I hope you worked your appetite up cause Ma's a real good cook too. Best in the tri-state area within a three hundred mile radius according to the blue ribbon she won on her apple pie with melting ice cream and a cherry on top. Ain't nobody above her pork and beans, not even God. You do anything you want but be careful with mammas, pork and beans. She won't share the secret recipe. It's supposed to be kept in the immediate family 'cept she wont let her sister Carla know. She doesn't come to visit often. Ain't invited on account of her big nose. Always manages to have some fun at the lord savior Jesus's expense to boot."

Chongo bobbed his head up and down. Rerun ran ahead of the approaching convoy and announced their arrival in a series of barks. He did the same thing when he was left home alone and Adam sometimes joked about having hotdogs for dinner. "One of these days Marjovae one of these days. I've had it up to my neck tripping my own burglar alarm every time I come home. Tell the world why dontcha." For once the distress signal wasn't a false broadcast. Redneck tech. If the K9 unit is a dog then what's K1-K8? There was an unknown occupant in the residence and Adam didn't take kindly to strangers. One time when a promising young used life insurance salesman came russling about in this neck of the back forty soliciting his ill gotten goods Adam said "If you ever need someone to disappear bring them here." That sent him running along like a bogo at the local whore house/watering hole.

The wingfield name was pronounced with a heavy southern accent that was hyphenated to instruct on proper enunciation. Chongo had slipped over this great continental divide separating it from the rest of Texas, slicker than a coon in a dumpster behind the Chinese restaurant. "Benjamin get in here and hush your dog up! Don't make me do it. Honestly I can't stand the idea of getting a new one after Reruns gone. I'll put his tags on it." Marjovae's voice came a-hollering. When Adam came to see what the commotion was about he told her to get back in the house.

"Not another step that's as far as you're going to get. I ain't want my son so I won't be paying ransom. Pain is the only thing he understands and you can't teach an old dog new tricks." Rerun barked in agreement and was waiting to see what Adam would do before he changed his mind and attacked. "You got him figured all wrong, he's out here living his best life.'' Ben began but Adam grew red in the face and smoke plumbed from his ears. Warm air rises so wise it's cold in outer space? "I don't want to hear from you! Ben, you shut your mouth when you're talking to me " "You don't need to hurt Chongo, he doesn't owe us money for the peaches anymore. He liked 'em so I figured he could try her cobbler." "It is a little slice of heaven but don't butter my bread trying to get on Marjovae's good side. How many times have I warned you about strangers? I'd whip out the WWE belt but then I'd have to hire this migrant." "Chongo could've chopped down our peach tree and built his own homestead if he wasn't getting you life like an olympian. I've kinda grown to like him hanging around. We'll be back at it in a week to get the cream of the crop. For the quality of labor he delivers he deserves an advancement."

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