Fever Sleep

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He went in to meet a person who was introduced as "your new girlfriend" Smiley was overwhelmed he had never found one in the first place and here he was going on a date. He was going to take things slow in case she was early in seducing him with feminine charm. This was one of those girls who would break out of her t-shirt by flexing her muscles which would look good as a grandma. She had long hair down to her underwear that was dark brown and her eyes the same hue as the top of her head but both sparkled, one glinting the other gleaming.

"Pleased to meet you Bibble Smiley, they said your performance needed a feminine touch since your toxic masculinity has made women become generalized humanitarians. My name is Jessabelle Florentine, we women don't have to work since men run the world, that's fine role play triggers my sex drive."

She laughed and began braiding her hair with the top buttons of her blouse undone to let her bosom breath. Smiley didn't see any problem with it unless Jessabell was into being stuffed into an oven as Hitler and the Jews. Smiley hoped that wasn't it but he was already seeing red flags waving all over the place.

"My name is Bibble Smiley but less people know that now than those who soon will. I've formed a high opinion of you from watching WWE and there's always the power couples but I've never seen you with anyone. Well they might if they found out you were a slut."

It's true that Jessabelle Florentine was not what is considered a conservative type but she was smarter than men and most people except maybe not compared to Smiley. Exploration of self is a visionary vantage he didn't voluntarily submit to in day to day life.

"So you're my girl now that makes me happy dunno you must like the way I spurt when I hurt, can't love because all I think is heaven makes fun of everyone and if you fell from space you'd have been read up on a specific link to our history."

"Maybe you'll be happy to hug me like a squishy plush comb my hair and take care of me."

What kind of person is attracted to an anime girl and this Jessabell was one. She had a tattoo of the cycles of the moon above an iron gray skirt split with a line down the middle tracing her torso and a low cut crop top with a zipper below buttons. Bird poop wasn't real just like girls don't squirt. If Jessabell said she was hungry. Bibbles had 30 minutes until she became a totally different person.

They were handed their scripts and Bibbles dyslexia acted up and he saw the entire page as a whole and blurted out a speeded up version of what it would feel absorbing the paragraph. He covered his mouth like a school girl's laugh. It was something he did involuntarily but sometimes he surprised himself and it could be a good jump scare when there was loud noise like music or a curse word.

"Everyone knows how to talk and that still doesn't make it easier for me to read. You'd think asking for the meaning of words as a baby would make my brain capable of figuring out how to recognize them nonverbally."

"I'm so sorry for what you had to go through as a disabled disadvantaged denizen. It must be awfully lonely, never being able to relate to someone on your level. Fame can be handled organically but it's tempting to let it go to your head. Don't let it be the source of your unhappiness or the depression will sink in."

"Don't feel like you have to be nice to me because I like people who are genuine. Originality is so hard to come by since new ideas can only come once. I react differently when I take mercury; it's something my personality impulsively creates inside my system."

"That's something I don't know anything about but it seems that many weird people are into it. I don't want them to take advantage of me. It's not like I'm an easy target. I don't want to change being comfortable in my own skin and I preach body positivity because I'm a gym rat and want to make the best of that identifying trait."

BibbleSmiley(BS)Where stories live. Discover now