Slow Train Caboose

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Bibbles got a call in the back of his bright shiny limo. The driver had a hands free talking device that was easier than using his new blackberry. Bibbles had a phobia of loud noises but he loved running water and expressed this with humping. Part of the job was acting, which was something he could do quite well, and if the ratings went up other producers might recognize how the camera always found his good side. People like The Rock were in lots of films, but for some reason he always had the same role, an extended story on an ageless hero. Bibbles wondered what he would play, perhaps he would be crazy and up until you found out why he was then you could decide for yourself if it was agreeable. They were going to be stopping by the arena where he would be meeting his trainers and a few of his co-stars that shared the spotlight.

The arena was a gym that had all the equipment needed to train like a normal wrestler or boxer. It was only occupied by wrestlers, not the fans. For a few years due to a pandemic the show was filmed behind a green screen where people watching at home could have their faces projected into a pixelated background. It was a big screen so they could show more. The limo driver parked on the street. He had asked them what kind of music they vibed to. Bibbles didn't know anything that would impress the chauffeur so he remained silent and the driver courteously said this was fine that he could feel the energy on what was already playing. He peeled out like a sticky diaper and said that he would swing back around when they were done.

When Bibbles walked in, the whole gym turned to look. He could feel the heat bearing into him. Nobody had been told that they would be receiving a new addition to the show and they were wondering how his routine would work its way into it. Nobody wanted to admit that such a small person could pose a threat to their own rankings among the fans which often decided who would win the championship. Everybody loves an underdog Bibbles could first hand relate when Pincher Lynch beat Titus Megatron. There are no bets on who will win a match, just not the choreography. Bibble would use his sideshow-like attraction to distract his opponent and lash out unexpectedly.

The people who were woke before it was cool successfully made it lame. The elite want workers that are able to work just hard enough to get it done but not smart enough to make any real money. In order to do that you have to sell online stocks linked to unsuspecting people.

Bibbles walked confidently so as to avoid being taken from behind. He was determined to make these people accept him as one of their own. There was a murmur between two of the wrestlers he recognized and he was about to go over to them and gush but they broke out in laughter and he felt a sense of betrayal. His idols who he'd looked up to his entire life thought he was a joke, nothing but a ploy to attract viewers who wanted to see slapstick black humor. This demoralized him but he refused to appear the intention of his resolve to fit in was weaker. Instead he walked right up to the two wrestlers, not in their uniforms worn on television but unmistakably recognizable. They immediately stopped laughing and looked away as he approached in embarrassment.

"You're Kody Lawishka Kanairn, you look much smaller in person, it must be the huge presence you have on air. I looked you up in the people's dictionary. I must say you are quite the showman, how do you cope with outshining all of your colleagues? Well now that I'm on the scene that might be harder. Is it okay if I call you by your real name off screen? On air I'll call you Ichor Spiller. Did they let you pick out your own stage name like a stripper? If so mad props to you, ichor. I came up with my own name too, pleased to meet you Benjamin Wingfield, soon to be better known as Bibble Smiley."

Ichor Spiller shook the tiny person's hand, his massive fist completely covering Bibble's. Bibbles tried to give a firm grip hoping that all those pull ups with weights tugging down his diaper were paying off. Adam had always told him never to shake someone's hand sitting down and all in all Bibble felt good about meeting Ichor. There was much to be said about first impressions, there was only one shot at getting them right. Of course judging someone is something we do every time we interact but in those first few seconds you can tell if you like or dislike a person and after the assessment has been made your acquaintances. Steer the conversation into gossip unless it's a direct complement wont get back to the subject matter. Being attracted to someone depends on your type and if you really don't have one that's the opportune moment to disappear.

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