Autistic Army

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The sumptuous breakfast consisted of frozen chocolate milk from the ice tray in the freezer. He strung them up and let it drip around his neck. It tasted just like bud light and Captain Morgan according to Chongo. How many chuggas before the train goes choo-chocolate milk? He had a dirty sanchez like popping a thumb in the bum and smearing it like a coroner with vicks vaper rub. Bibbles never had a problem with finishing the food on his plate, he had chugged the eggs in record time. He drank until he was now longer starving. The power of suggestion is a dangerous thing that worked in more than just opiate synthesization to combat its original toxicity. Now that Bibbles worked out he could be sorted into a quarter percentile category that was associated with happiness and well being that was accompanied by those who practiced mindfulness and meditation. Never doubt how things work; it's giving logic to something that inherently doesn't make sense.

Bibbles could never remember a better place he had been in life. He was free of the education his parents had imposed that taught nothing about avoiding having bad ideas. All it really said was that he would go to hell for acting on them. He had to say he wasn't working hard because he actually enjoyed what he was doing. He could work twenty hours a day and stay up in the studio for three days straight at the end of it. He didn't stop from the lack of money, more likely that the amount of adrenaline pumping through him wasn't enough to make up for the low levels of balanced chemicals. The mercury had him convinced he was never there and that he could hear his thoughts travel round trip through the universe. Chongo wanted to go back to sleep and Bibble's had to remind himself that he couldn't be mad at the laziness of others in the same way that those who are overweight are not responsible for their personal health, they just wanted to talk about him.

Chongo fell asleep in his chocolate ice cream soup and was shaken awake much to his displeasure and tried to get Bibble's to go away but there was too much to do. He would like nothing better than to eliminate Smiley's perky early morning attitude and in the moment would do things he normally wouldn't if asked for his disposition at a more reasonable hour. Coffee would be the cure for that ineptitude to start out on the right foot when getting out of bed, despite having woken up on the wrong side of it. Chongo ate a double portion of scrambled eggs or maybe it was a single ration like an ROI. Vegans always feel good about eating baby spinach or carrots when in reality it's worse than abortion taking out a life that hasn't had a chance to live yet. Do pets have abortions to stop them from going to abusers? Smiley felt that if he was given as much sleep as he wanted he wouldn't need to fight the depleted dopamine with mercury and Chongo pointed out some people who do intermittent fasting choose not to have breakfast. He would be doing intermittent sleeping

Bibbles checked the date on his phone and used the calendar to count how many days before the big Friday night smackdown got recorded. It was live and hoped his bowels wouldn't act up due to nerves and make it necessary to use the restroom while they cut to commercial, he was told to use every opportunity to use it. Pooping in a diaper as an infant wasn't all together an unpleasant experience minus the part about being allergic to baby powder and slowly learning adult powder wasn't much better. At night the television was more of a leftist program but was now talking about poor crops Europe had. Corn only grew waist high so as to mimic an erection, impossible to achieve naturally with mercury.

There was an interview with a man who had to bet his horse and plow in a chariot race. It made Smiley think of the Wingfield ranch. He could use his current job to turn it into a program that lets people work on it for a place to live. Bill Gates was buying up plots left and right who knew what he was up to, inner city hydroponic skyscrapers no doubt. Either that or pushing people to eat synthetic beef that had been injected with hormones, impossible whopper on the dollar menu.

At the gym, Bibbles trained extra hard while being careful not to cause self-harm by sustaining an injury. Butt cramps are the worst to work through compared to anything short of muscle dystrophy like cerebral palsy. It took lots of discipline and while Bibble was in the ring he took the opportunity to learn everything he could about Crimson Tide that wasn't online. He was beginning to detect a pattern that everyone was completely insane. Safety comes first like a radiation factory that has periodic checks to make sure lead hasn't bled rust which was the only thing that could destroy it. Self-deprecating in a way that causes loss of perspective, nothing is effective when used against it to decrease its value except what it is. Dangerous enough to cure and cause cancer through hyper-evolution humans amassed to justify killing each other. Perhaps Mars is inadvertently the color of rust, decaying with a dust storm. A fail safe mechanism driving the force of war.

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