Scrawl on the Wall

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"You're about to make it out of the peanut gallery with Pablo Pistachio. You're gonna be invited to perform all over the world." Chongo said in the passenger seat giving directions while Ben did the driving. "Yeah, I was thinking about my theme song. It would probably have to be Stairway To Heaven by Led Zeppelin. When he said "Sometimes all of our thoughts are misgiven." That really hit home."

"I don't think that's bad ass enough. How about "Be Quiet And Drive (Far Away) " by Deftones?" "Is that supposed to be a suggestion for what I'm doing now or an actual walk out song?" "No I'm for real, mine would be Passenger also by Deftones. Really any Deftones song would be a good one." "You probably want to save the good one for yourself." Ben said sourly.

"Okay fine I was being literal and yes that is the better one. Seriously though, just trust me you're going to be the face of the WWE organization once we get up and running. Everyone is going to lose their flipping minds and flail out when they see you. I wouldn't be surprised if you're an overnight success. Follow the signs to Attenborough, that's where my guy stays posted, all you have to do is stamp it."

Ben followed the sign and they listened to the rock station on the radio for inspiration but out in the hickory backwoods it was slim pickings. Once in town Ben needed further clarification on the directions. "There's a bridge by the Manatauk river. Just follow that and I'll tell you when to pull over."

Ben did as he was told and soon they found a crowd under a bridge that was covered in graffiti. One of the vandals had written: My Dad whipped me with my own chastity belt after he made me take it off to see if I was still intact. A modest sized crowd had gathered around in a circle watching two men fight.

"This is it." Chongo said. Ben pulled over and they got out. "Let me handle all the talking. I'm your manager, you just gotta deliver a show that will knock them out just as hard as your opponent." Ben wrinkled his nose and frowned. "This looks like a bunch of hobos fighting over half a sandwich they found in a trashcan." "You gotta start somewhere." Chongo said with a shrug. He tapped a guy on the shoulder who was holding a bunch of money in his hands which was separated in either hand based on which bet it was. "Hey Leroy, it's your boy, Chongo! I got someone here whose interest in taking the winner of this round on. This here's Bibble Smiley." Chongo held a hand out introducing the candidate.

"Chongo! I thought you were hitting the road to try and make it down to New Orleans as a traveling hat salesman who would whip out a box of condoms and tell 'em it's a hat your Johnny!" "Well that dream took the backseat when I met Bibbles. See he wants to be a WWE star and I'm trying to get him a start. Mr. Rockefeller still comes here I presume?" Leroy pointed to a well dressed man who was shouting himself hoarse as the two men in the ring pummeled each other.

"We were hoping we might get noticed by him and be on our way to a more high end fight. You think we could get in one the next one to show him what we got?" Leroy looked at Ben. "I mean he sure ain't look up to caliber with some of these bigger boys. Are you certain that it's not the loser you want him to fight? Does he have a special move that he can do after reaching a 10x combo? I don't care shoo, knock yourself out I mean that in the kindest possible way." Chongo turned around and beamed at Ben. "Ya hear that, Bibbles, he says he's gonna give you a shot!"

Ben clapped his hands excitedly. The fight was just about over. One of the men spun around when a punch was thrown and would've fallen face first if the crowd had not caught him. He wavered there slightly, his fists up and made a half hearted swing. It wasn't in range of his opponent. No one could believe he had just tried to keep the fight going and he fell down flat on his ass. The side of the crowd who placed their odds on the side of him was roaring for their fighter to get back up but the guy was in pretty rough shape and threw in the towel despite the encouragement. The spectators on the winning side went over to Leroy to collect their winnings who kept a pretty hefty amount for himself. It always amazed Chongo how he knew how much everyone had bet.

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