Collection Plate in Head

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Squeaky clean is used to clarify what level of raw sewage treatment ye old swamp ass is backing up. Find the needle in the straw whilst rolling in the hay. Save up your significant other's hair that you find in your ass which is like there being a little piece of me inside of you. It went as such. I tickle your asterisk shaped butt hole with a feather until it's convulsing from laughter making it tight enough to turn coal into diamonds. With this rock I will hit you over the head so that I may propose. Sweet release comes with a juicy shart like a buddhist monk meditating under a waterfall littered with lotus. We'll pass gas in a harmonious competition. Turning off the lights to conserve energy is a great way to make sex more emotionally responsive than physically. I like you no, dare I say I want to have you. If only we could have a threesome with the world. I will worship you and turn you into a real life God. In turn you will spare me and turn your wrath upon those who seek to undermine our relationship. I know where they sleep. It's in denial down the block from where the old man's rocks propellent with his toes like a pendulum that tolls the tick tock of a clock.

Chongo always did his deepest thinking in the shower. Pita bread is a white person's tortilla, happiness like a thin flat curtain revealing a hollow shell rotted out from the inside, the doors are locked. Chongo thought about self care, not needing to do anything at all, but this was important. He enjoyed this work, it was a dirty job but someone had to do it. One time the cops knocked on his fogged up window with streak marks from their hands clawing for a better grip on one another's body. That was when he had an escargot, a pop up camper. The cops said you better not let me catch you doing whatever it is you're doing here again because this is my town and I don't tolerate any funny business. Chongo said that all he had to do was finish and they'd be on their way. That was how a routine traffic stop turned into a felony. There are two types of people in this world. Snitches and Bitches. Snitches are always using their mouth to fuck you and bitches are always gossiping which is about all their mouth is used for. Blowing up is the hardest part of remaining humble. Deuteronomy 22:5 Hitting women is ok if your trans.

Why don't you take me out anymore? Is it because I always ask for the homewrecker when I can get it for free in our shared living space? No tip, calling my husband sweetheart, I'm the only one getting the tip. Chongo pursed his lips and began pouting under the pressure of the water like a fish feeding off the cookies tossed by the drunken sailors. He took a poop in the shower and then waffle stomped it down the drain. That's more likely to be lied about than jerking off which is reason to fight the showerhead. He hummed a tune that he didn't know the words to. It had been years since he washed his face in the shower. He was afraid of getting soap in his eyes and also exfoliating gave him a wildmans lamb chops. Assless pork chaps like a biker cranking his hog.

He lifted up his arm beneath the flow of water and splashed the pit beneath his shoulder, giving it a slight slippery slap. Chongo wondered about the way time worked as a construct conceived in an innovative contest in which someone created a conscious being that is perhaps still alive to this day. They were probably floating somewhere in space waiting to crash land on another planet to undergo accelerated evolution developed by AI.

Chongo stepped out of the shower and dried off with a sex towel soiling the embroidery work done by Marjovae. The dirt was so much a part of his body that it still held traces that water wouldn't wash away. It was used to mop up the juices that are excreted as a result of fornication such as a virgin's tears rolling into the back of their skull following their first sexual promenade through all the different positions. Inflate that cherry. He looked inside the medicine cabinet looking for something to get high off of and in a terrible shock he realized that Benjamin wasn't given any prescription medications for his autistic irritability. The boy needed something to take the edge off. A lot of things he did were noticeably worse for wear. It seemed that he had some problems telling his ornery brain to remember mastication. He seemed to clap a lot but that got old fast and he sought out high fivers. It was always more fun when you had someone there to share an experience with.

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