Part 2

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This was it. It was the choosing ceremony today.
I get myself up and ready wearing the same thing as yesterday before I heat Lio yell
"Hey it's time to go! We don't want to be late" he tells me
"Coming!" I yell back as I make my way down

I take a seat in between Lio and my dad.
"The faction system is a living being, composed of cells. All of you. And the only way it can survive and thrive is for each of you to claim your rightful place. The future longs to those who know where they belong. When we leave this room you will no longer be dependents but full grown members of our society. The faction before blood" Jeanine speaks

She calls out names one by one. I hear a few names I knew from abnegation, I didn't know many people because I barely got out much. Most days I was just too tired to cover up my bruises.

"Elliot Halstead" she calls out and I look over at Lio. I give him a slight nod that he returns back before walking down. I watch as he holds his hand out, the drop of blood landing in Erudite. The people start to cheer as I look over at my father who was clearly angry. I look back at Lio and make eye contact with him, I give him a small smile as I see he lets out a sigh before joining his new faction.

"Astrid Halstead" she calls out and I felt my heart beat start to pop out of my chest.
After a few seconds I stand up and walk down.
I grabbed the knife and cut it across. I held my hand over abnegation as many thoughts ran through my head.

Trust yourself

Before my blood could drop I move my hand over dauntless. It drops down and sizzles as it hits the rocks.
"Dauntless!" The man says as the whole dauntless side cheers with happiness.
I look over at Lio who was smiling, then I look over at my dad. I keep my head high as I could almost see the smoke coming out of his ears.
I didn't have to worry about him anymore. I was finally free.

I walk over to dauntless as they all grab my arms congratulating me.
After the ceremony was finally over we were heading back to dauntless headquarters. They all quickly started running and I didn't hesitate to wait. Unfortunately my dress was slowing me down but I stayed in the back of the group.
Then I came to a stop as I saw them all start climbing the railing. I let a smile form on my face as I climbed all the way up until I reached the train tracks.

That's when I saw the train. People one by one started jumping on. I start running and finally jump into the train in the last cart. I let out a happy sigh of the adrenaline rush before I almost trip over someone's legs.

"Sorry" they both laugh as I help them up
"You're completely fine, you're from abnegation right?" I ask the girl on the left
"Yes yes I am, Beatrice" she smiles
"And I'm Christina" the other girl tells me
"Astrid" I smile at them both
"Ok how are you not breathing heavy right now?" Beatrice asks me laughing
"Thankfully I used to run and workout a lot" I laugh answering her

"Get ready" I hear a dauntless woman say. Confused I move forward and look outside of the train. I watch as each of them jump out of the train into a building.
"They're jumping" I tell Beatrice and Christina
"What?!" They both exclaim walking over

"Well I guess there's only one way out of this" I shrug as I back up
Then I take off running jumping out of the train into the building.
Once I hit the ground I do a little roll so it wouldn't hurt to much. Then I turn to my left to see Beatrice and Christina land harshly on the ground. We all three laughed before walking over to the group

"Alright listen up! I'm Eric, I'm one of your leaders, you wanna enter dauntless, this is the way in" he tells us pointing down a long hole which was pitch black at the bottom
"And if you don't have the guts to jump then you don't belong in dauntless" he tells everyone
"Is there water at the bottom?" I guy asks
"You'll find out, or not" Eric shrugs
"We just jumped and now he wants us to jump again" Christina mumbles to both of us
"I mean, someone's gotta go first. Who's it gonna be?" Eric asks as nobody had volunteered yet

"Me" I say breaking the silence and all eyes turn to look at me
"I'll do it" I add walking up to the edge
I look down at the bottom before jumping.
I feel myself free fall until I hit a net.
Once u stop moving I look up, I never knew how much fun you could have after you realize you weren't going to die.

I let out a small laugh as I feel someone pull the net down. I crawl over as they help me down. Then I finally look up to see who it was.

And holy cow was this guy hot.

"You get pushed?" He asks me
"No" I answer as I furrow my eyebrows
"What's your name?" He asks me
"Astrid" I answer him 
"First jumper Astrid" he yells to the other people
"Welcome to dauntless" he says turning back to me before I walk off

"Those dauntless born go with Lauren. Transfers stay with me. Go" the man who helped me says
"Most of the time I work in intelligence but during your training I'm your instructor. My names four" he tells us
"Four like the number?" Christina asks
"Exactly like the number" he answers
"What happened one through three were taken?" She laughs as a few join her, me almost doing so as well
"What's your name?" He asks her
"Christina" she tells him
"Well Christina, the first lesson you learn from me, if you wanna survive here is keep your mouth shut. Do you understand me?" He asks her
"Yes" she nods in almost a whisper
"Good. Follow me" he tells the group

"This is the pit. Centre of life here at dauntless."
He tells us as we walk by. I let a small smile form on my face as I watch the people train
Then he leads us to our dorms.
"You're gonna be sleeping here for the next 10 weeks" he tells us
"Girls or boys?" A guy asks
"Both" he answers as some guys cheer of happiness as the girls groan in disguisement 
"If you like this you're gonna love the bathrooms. Get changed" he tells everyone as he walks out

I put on a pair of black jeans, black tank top, black jacket, and black combat boots.
"Nice legs stiff" I hear the guy named Peter tell me. He was obviously trying to get under my skin so I thought why not join in
"Nice face- oh wait no, uhh nice... yeah sorry I got something short stuff" I smirk as I walk off with tris and Christina

Everyone stands in a line as we each throw our old clothes into a fire. I take one last look at my clothes before throwing them in. That old life is finally gone, that old me is gone.
Then we all go to the cafeteria, and there were a lot more people than I expected. We each get our tray before trying to find a place to sit. I see four sitting at a table that had enough space for us three and nods for them to follow me.
I take a seat closest to four, true beside me and Christina in front of us.

I look at my food before looking at tris.
"What never seen a hamburger before?" Christina asks us
"Seen one" I answer
"Never had one" tris finished for me as I nod
"Abnegation eat plant based diet, no sausage and a minimum seasoning" a guy next to Christina speaks up
"Which textbook did you sallow?" She asks him
"Nice to meet you too. I'm Will, Erudite" he says
"Of course you are. No offense but I'm surprised abnegation even needs it all. Too selfless right? No wonder you left" Christina says as I nod, if only they knew.
"You'd have to be pretty stupid to be friends with a candor" Will says
"What's that supposed to mean?!" Christina exclaims
"You have no filter, you say the first thing that comes into your head" he tells her
"Like your a idiot" a guy next to him says
"At least we tell the truth" Christina shrugs
"Erudite can tell truth cause we have the facts." Will tells her

"I don't wanna hear about your old factions. You're dauntless now" four speaks up beside us
"So, were you a transfer? Or dauntless born?" I ask him
"Are you kidding?" He asks me
"No" I answer him
"What makes you think you can talk to me?" He asks
"Well technically you talked to us first, but maybe it's your very approachable resting face" I challenge him
He just stares at me before Eric comes and touches his shoulder. He looks up at him as I turn back to my friends. Four got up and walked off and Christina was the first to speak
"You my friend, have a death wish" she laughs
"You know he was first in his class. They tried to include him in leadership twice but he said no"  will tells me but before I could answer people started hitting there cups against the tables

"Initiates rise" a man says and we do as told
"You have chosen to join us warrior faction cast the defense of this city and all its inhabitants. We believe in ordinary acts of bravery, a courage that strives one person to stand with another. Respect that. Do us proud." He man finishes as they all cheer and lift us up in the air

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