Part 8

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I sit in a room full of people waiting for our names to be called. The doors open and Molly walks out with two people holding her arms. She looked completely terrified, she couldn't even physically walk.
"What did they do to her?" Chris asks but before I could answer four says the next name
"Astrid" he calls out I rub my hands on my thighs before standing up and walking into the room. It looks the exact same to when I took the test.

"Take a seat" he tells me and I do as told
"I'm gonna inject you with a serum that simulates the part of your brain that accesses fear" he tells me
"How fun" I mumble
"This is a hallucination the Nero transmitters in the serum allows me to see what happens in your mind" he tells me
"You can see what's in my mind?" I ask him
"Mmm hmm. Lay back" he tells me slightly pushing my shoulders back. He moves my hair out of the way and I close my eyes. Now is not the time to be getting butterfly's. Then I feel the needle go in.
"Now you're going to be facing your worst fears Ash, most people have ten to fifteen really bad ones. You have to calm yourself slow your heart rate and your breathing and deal with what's in front of you. Be brave" he says as I give him a small smile then I close my eyes.

When I open them again I was in a cage, a small cage. My fear, being conformed. I start to bang on the bars trying to find a way out as I felt myself start to hyperventilate. I lean on my back trying to slow my breathing when it hits me. None of this is real, it's all in my head. I stand back up and look at the bars. Then I take my finger and softly push it to the side, and it bends easily out of my way. Then I step out and go to the door in front of me, as I start to open it I feel myself gasp awake.

My eyes shot open as my breathing was heavy.
"Hey are you okay?" Four asks with his hand in my shoulder
I put my head in my hands as I try to slow my breathing
"How long do you think you were in the hallucination Astrid?" he asks me
"I don't know, 20 minutes?" I shrug
"3. Four times faster than the average person. I've never seen anyone do that well on the first time. How did you get out of the cage? The image wasn't clear" he asks me
"I used my strength and pulled it apart" I tell him
"Next time it will be a lot easier" he tells me
"I have to do that again?" I ask him
"Yes you have to practice several times before the final but you're a natural. You've got nothing to worry about" he tells me but I just give him a nod

Gosh I'm so in for it.

"My whole body was covered with all these tiny little insects, in my ears, in my throat, I couldn't breath" Chris explains what happened to her
"I heard about a guy who two years ago panicked so much he had a heart attack in his chair and almost died" Will tells us
"What?" Chris asks
"Yeah, so we got that to look forward to" he says
"You didn't seem to have any problem at all" true says to me
"Me? No oh my God it was horrible" I tell them
"Oh come on. No one even came close to your time. You were amazing" Al tells me
"Yeah what's amazing is that she's knocking you right out of dauntless, because of herself and her helping Tris" Peter says out of nowhere
"She's not gonna knock me out of dauntless" Al tells him
"Why are you even talking? No one asked you" I tell him
"Look Tris has gone from worst to one of the best because of who? And someone's gotta take her place at the bottom, who's it gonna be?" Peter asks him
"That's enough" tris tells him
"But what I want to know is how you do it Astrid? How do you get through the test so fast? Tell us your trick. Or at least tell your friends" Peter taunts then he walks away
"What's he talking about?" Al asks me
"I don't even know. Trust me there's no trick, if I knew I would tell you guys" I tell them and they all nod believing me

Do you count being divergent being a trick? I didn't think so but then again I don't know anymore.

I was on a run when I saw my group of friends. I run over but I end up hitting glass. I see all my friends laughing and whispering things to each other. Then the glass tube I was in started filling with water.
"Hey! Guys help!" I yell at them but they all just look at me before turning and walking away
The water kept raising higher and higher until it was at my shoulders. Then I remembered again, none of it was real.
"This isn't real this isn't real" I mumble to myself before reaching out a finger again touching the glass. And as soon as I do it shatters.

I gasp awake again in the same room as yesterday. I started to calm my breathing again before Four speaks up
"How'd you break the glass?" He asks me
"I don't know, I just did it" I shrug
"You just did it? What were your test results?" He asks me and I feel my heart stop beating. I was told to tell no one.
"Abnegation" I tell him
"I don't think so" he says
"What?" I ask trying to sound confused
"I think you're lying to me" he says
"Why would I lie to you?" I ask him as he leans closer
"I'm gonna ask you this one more time. What were your test results?" He asks again
"And I'll tell you the same answer again, abnegation" I tell him and I see him get more frustrated
"Fine you're free to go" he tells me as I get out of the seat
"Astrid" he calls out and I stop to look at him
"Just so you know, dauntless don't break glass like that" he tells me then I turn and walk out.
I needed to talk with Tori, now.

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