Part 4

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"I'm not gonna make it" tris tells Christina and I as we sit in the dorms
"Yes you are" Christina tells her
"I'm the weakest one here" she says
"Then you'll just be the most improved." I tell her
"If they cut me, I think my parents would take me back" Al says
"No it doesn't work like that, even if they wanted to the faction would never allow it." Will tells him
"Even if my parents would take me back, I wouldn't belong there anymore" tris says
"This is getting depressing. You know what we should do?" Christina says
"Get tattoos" her and I say at the both time then give each other a high half.
"Yeah!" Will cheers as we all head to the tattoo parlor

As we walk through I was looking for a tattoo. And that's when I spotted Tori. The girl who was with me during my test. I look behind me to see the rest of the group distracted.
"Hey" I say walking over to her she turns to look at me before turning back around
"Hey wait listen I was wondering-" I start to say but she cuts me off
"No. I do tattoos, that's it" she tells me

I look at the wall one i actually see one I love. It was all of the factions, put into one.

"I'd like this one" I say holding it up to her "Where do you want it?" She asks me I take a second to think before responding "Down the side of my upper arm" I tell her

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"I'd like this one" I say holding it up to her
"Where do you want it?" She asks me
I take a second to think before responding
"Down the side of my upper arm" I tell her

I sit down in the chair as she puts something on my arm and it starts.
"Can I just ask-" I start to say but she cuts me off
"You made a mistake choosing dauntless. They'll find out about you" she tells me
"Who? Who will" I ask her
"People you're a threat too" she answers
"People? Dauntless?" I ask wanting to know more
"No. Society. You don't fit into a category, they can't control you." She tells me
"I don't get it. I'm dauntless, I'm going to be dauntless" I say
"For your sake I hope so" she tells me as she takes off the thing on my arm. I go look in the mirror very happy with how it turned out
When I turn back around to talk to Tori again she was gone. I let out a sigh before walking back to find my friends.

"There she is, what took you so long" Christina asks
"Took me a while to find one I like" I shrug
"Well what did you get?" Tris asks
"This" I say taking off my jacket and showing them my arm
"That's sick" Christina tells me
"What did yall get?" I ask them as they all show me what they ended up getting.

The wake morning I woke up super early, I got myself ready before waking up Tris.
"What?" She groans
"Let's go, you want to get above the line. I'm gonna help you, we're going to train" I tell her and she smiles before jumping up and getting ready

We both started punching the bags that were hanging, I would occasionally correct some of her movements. I wasn't the best skilled, yet. But I picked up on a lot from watching fours movements while fighting.
"Keep your elbows up, if you don't your opponent will have enough time to strike you before you get the chance to block it" I tell her as she corrects it then keep going

I go over and grab some water and that's when I spot four watching us, well more so me I guess. I stared back at him scanning over his body, why? No clue. Then I looked him in the face, we made eye contact and that's when I saw his lip twitch up into a smirk. I keep eye contact for a bit longer before walking back over to tris.

We kept doing the same thing for 4 days in a row, I helped her with everything I could. When we looked at the board after the fourth day a big smile formed on my face. Tris was placed 26th now, she was going to make it.
"You're gonna be dauntless" I turn smiling at her
"Thank you" she says pulling me into a hug
"I guess the training didn't only help me" she laughs
"Huh?" I ask confused
"Did you not look for your own name? You're second." She tells me

I look back up at the board to see it, I was placed second.
"Holy cow" I laugh
"Holy cow is right" tris tells me

The next day again tris and I were hitting the bags, I occasionally saw four walk by a few times but thought nothing of it. Tris walked off to go get water as I kept punching. My knuckles raw and red from all the work we had been doing. After a few seconds I felt someone behind me
"Keep tension here" four says turning my hips some. My breath almost gets caught in my throat.
"Go on offense, you're fast. That's why you won last time. Next time attack first, inside jab to the throat" he tells me as I nod
"Four!" Someone yells
"Keep working" he tells me quickly before walking off

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in, then I turn to see tris staring at me.
"What?" I ask her
"Oh nothing" she laughs as I go back to punching
After a few seconds we hear sounds of grunting, we both turn to see Christina fighting the girl I fought. And she was losing, badly.
Tris and I run over to watch
"Come on Chris" tris cheers at the same time I say
"You got it Chris" I tell her
But just then she gets kicked in the stomach cashing her to fall. She starts to crawl away as she begs the girl to stop
"Need to stop?" Eric asks and Chris quickly nods
"Okay. Let me give you a hand" he says helping her up as she thanks him
"Alright everyone let's take a break" he says as we all start walking back, Eric is in front with Chris, his hand on her back. Tris and I followed behind not having a good feeling.

"You uh feeling better?" Eric asks as we start to cross the walkway.
"Yeah, I'm fine" she nods then he pushes her off, she lets out a scream as he grabs her hand. Tris and I jump forward but stop when we see him make her grab the railing. I could hear Chris's whimpers as he leans over her
"Hold onto the rail. Or don't. You got three options, hang there and I'll forgive your cowardice, fall and die, or give up. But if you give up you're out." He tells her as she does her best to hang on

"You can do it" I cheer her on as Eric sends me a death glare
After a while I see her hand start to slip, finally Eric calls time and I rush over grabbing her hand before she falls. Tris beside me as we pull her up, she leans against me, letting out a few cry's.
"Dauntless never give up" Eric says before walking off

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