Part 14

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"You're right, I'm not" I tell her as four throws me the serum as I grab it mid air
"I'm divergent" I tell her then inject it into her neck

Her face falls emotionless
"Now shut it down, and wipe the program" I tell her. Four types it into her sim and she turns to the computer and shuts it down. I watch as they all lower their weapons and a happy sigh escapes my lips.
"Simulation abort" the voice says

I look at four as he smiles, then I look at Jeanine who wakes up from the sim seeing what she did.
"Don't get me wrong, there was certain beauty to your resistance." I smirk at her then she attacks, but I smack her in the face, and watch as she drops unconscious.

I lean against a table trying to breathe as I felt light headed.
"Astrid?" Four asks
"I'm fine we gotta go" I tell him knowing dauntless soldiers were coming
We get to the exit and walk up to Marcus, Lio, and Peter.
"Tobias?" Marcus asks
"We need to keep moving" four days ignoring him
"You coming?" I ask Peter
"You want me to come? After everything I've done?" He asks me
"Unless you'd rather stay?" I shrug and he quickly shakes his head
"Yeah no let's go" he says as we walk off

We quickly run back to the train, Marcus was struggling to get on and I watch as four helps him up. Then he looks at me
"I got it" I tell him as he grabs my arm and helps me up
"Yeah I know" he laughs
"You okay?" He asks as he sees me breathing a lot heavier than normal
"Yeah I'm fine, I think I broke a rib but I'll be ok" I tell him
"Elliot get me a medical kit" he says and Elliot was quick to listen. He wraps up my torso before sitting on the ground letting me lean against him.
"My dad died today, saving me. And a man who I found out before he died was my mother's brother. He said I acted and looked just like her. He died helping me get to you." I tell four
"I'm sorry Astrid." He says rubbing my shoulder

"We have nothing, no home, no factions. I don't even know who I am anymore" I tell him
"I know exactly who you are" he says putting his head on mine
"You sure about that?" I ask him
"Yeah I'm very sure" he smiles then pulls me closer to him
"I love you" I tell him
"I love you too" he says back

We had left everything behind, we only had ourselves now. And each other. Factionless but still a family somehow. Tomorrow we matcha to fight again, but for now we'll ride the train till the end of the line.

Then....we'll jump.

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