Part 7

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"Alright what's your plan?" Four asks me once we get back down to the group
"We split into two groups, we'll go up the side while the others engage Eric" I tell them

Four, Chris, Will, Al and tris all came with me, we were going to sneak up the side. We hide as the other team rushed out.
"We're on" I smile
"Follow me, go" he says as we all start to follow him

Once it was clear Tris, Chris and I ran to the tower. I hid behind a box, and when I stepped out I saw Peter aiming his gun at Chris.
"Tell me if it hurts" he tells her
"You tell me" I say making him turn around and I shoot him in the foot
He falls down grunting in pain
"You're really getting on my nerves Halstead" he mumbles
"Asshole" Chris rolls her eyes then shoots his leg

I let a small laugh escape my lips as we take off running.
"That was amazing" tris tells us
I ran up the stairs as tris and Chris stayed back to cover
I open the hatch to see Molly standing there. We both start to shoot back and forth until we run out of darts.
Then we both start to fight, after a few seconds I hit her with my gun. I smiled and ran towards their flag. I swung it around as I heard my team shout with joy.

I walk back down and let out a victory roar with tris and Christina.
Our whole team high fives me as we cheer
"Hey Astrid. You coming with us?" A guy asks me
"Where are you going?" I ask him
"Short cut back. Little initiation ritual. Dauntless style" he tells me
"Oh I'm in" I smile
I take a glance behind me to see Four staring at me with a smile on his face. We make eye contact and I smile back before walking off

We reach the top of the roof and it was beautiful
"Wow" I mumble
I look to my left to see a zip line, they send the person down and I run over
"You're up" the guy tells me
"Let's do it" I smile as they strap me in
"Don't forget to pull the break at the bottom" he tells me pointing at it
"Okay" I nod
"Ready!" He cheers then I go flying down

I fly between buildings, the wind in my hair and face. It was beautiful, I lift my arms feeling like I was flying in that moment. Then I see the people at the bottom, they all start yelling 'break' and that's when I realized I forgot to pull it

I quickly grab it and close my eyes as I get closer to the wall.
When I open my eyes I'm inches away from the wall, I let out a happy sigh before everyone below me cheers.

This was definitely a night I won't ever forget.

Once we got back to the institute everyone was having the time of their life.
"Astrid" I hear someone call my name and turn to see Four there
"Hey congratulations" he says and I give him a smile
"Thank you" I tell him
"You know I wanted to say you that I thought you were really good tonight. You were brave" he tells me
"Yeah" I nod smiling more
He looks at my friends before back at me
"Anyway you should get back to your friends" he tells me
"Uh yeah" I nod before turning away

As I walk back I look down trying to get the blush on my cheeks to go away. Once I each my friends they were all staring at me but I just rolled my eyes.

"If you ranked above the red line, you're in the second stage of training. If you're below it, we won't more time on you. Here are the rankings" the man tells us before the screen pops up

I was still number 1 which honestly surprised me, I thought Eric was gonna drop me down a lot after what happened. But a big smile forms on my face when I see Tris was above the line, she made it. All of my friends made it.

The next day was supply pick up. I was loading things in the truck when I saw something shining on it. Confused I looked around to see if any one was looking before going to check it.
When I was turning back because I hadn't seen anything some covers my mouth. I was about to fight them when I turned around to see...... my dad?

"Dad? What are you doing here?" I ask him
"Look at you, all big and grown up" he says looking at me
I feel myself almost frown listening to his words. Why would he care now?
"Why-what- why are you being nice now? After all those years of torture why now?" I ask him trying not to raise my voice
"I know, I was wrong. And I know sorry doesn't fix any of this. I was a broken man, I am one. I loved your mother so much it broke me when she died. I didn't know who to raise kids, especially a little sweet girl. I was scared, and I took my anger and brokenness out on you because I didn't know how else to deal with it. I was so so wrong and I'm sorry. My look at you, you're so beautiful, so grown and strong, how could I ever do that to you? To my daughter, I'm so sorry Astrid I am" he tells me as I watch a few tears fall

"Why-why are you here?" I ask him not knowing how to respond to that
"You're in danger" he tells me
"What?" I ask him
"I have to ask you something, you weren't sick the day you took your aptitude test were you?" He asks me
"Why?" I ask
"What were your test results?" He asks again and he could tell I was very hesitant. Tori told me not to tell anyone, and my dad was the last person I would tell first.
"Sweetheart I know you think you can't trust me but please I need to know, you're in danger and I just want you to help you. Let me make up for what I did please" he begs me
"They were-they were inconclusive" I tell him
"Divergent. You can't tell anyone you can't tell friends, your instructors, you can't trust anyone. People have always been so threatened by divergents, but now erudition is looking for them everywhere, their activity seeking them out-" my dad starts to tell me
"Why? Dad what am I?" I ask him needing to know more
"You don't conform, your mind works in different ways, they're scared of you. Stage two of training is where you are most at risk, they are going to get inside your head and see how you react to fear. But you can pass you can make it through dauntless I have seen it be done before" he tells me
"How do you know so much about this? About dauntless" I ask him
"Never mind what I know. Do not let them know who you are" he tells me
"You were dauntless weren't you?" I ask him but before he can respond someone yells

"Hey!" They say as I turn around
"What are you doing?" He asks and I turn around to see my dad was gone
"The trucks loaded let's go" he tells me as I follow him back, thinking about all my dad had said.

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