Part 6

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Tris and I look at the board. She was number 22, one more up and she makes it onto stage 2. I scan the board for my name only to see I was number 1. Peter was number 2. He's not gonna like that.

"First fight. Peter versus Astrid" Eric calls out
I start to walk over to the ring as I see Peter there with a smirk on his face.
"He's just gonna try and get back at you" Chris whispers to me before I walk towards the ring. But Four grabs my arm stopping me
"Remember what I said about attack? First shoot, right to the throat. Watch him, he steps before he punches. Alright?" He tells me and I give him a nod
He lets go and I slip off my jacket, revealing my tight tank top, which also shows my tattoo.
I hear a few whistles which were quickly stopped when I sent them a glare

"You alright there stiff? You look like you're a little scared" Peter says as I step into the ring
"Man that's a lot of talk for someone in second place" I tell him.

His smirk was wiped off his face and he attacks.
I move out of the way shoving his back making him get off balance, he turns around and I strike him in the throat. He brings his hand up to his throat and I bring my leg up hitting him in the jaw, causing him to fall down.

Once he got up he attacked again, he swung and missed the first one but hit me in the lip on the second. I kick my lips feeling the blood on them.
Then I get up and attack again. I punch him then go to hit his stomach with my knee but he blocks it. He twists me around and throws me to the ground. My head hits the ground hard as my vision gets a little blurry. I look up to see Four walking away, and for some reason that made me more mad. I quickly jump up catching Peter off guard. I got two punches in and on the third he falls down, unconscious.
I spit the blood that was in my mouth on the ground, then I looked at Eric. Who had the most pissed expression I've ever seen.

I walk out of the ring as Christina and tris help me to the nurse.
"Alright you need to rest girly" Chris tells me and I gladly close my eyes

When I wake up I see Chris, Will, and Tris sitting me to my bed.
"Wow you look... bad" Will tells me
"Thanks" I laugh
"How long have I been out?" I ask them
"About a day" Tris tells me
"A day?! Why did you guys let me sleep so long" I say sitting up
Then I look at them all wearing a vest
"Wait why are you wearing that?" I ask them
"War games" tris tells me so I start to get up
"Woah what are you doing?" Chris asks me
"I'm coming" I answer like it was obvious
"Hurry, the train leaves in 5" she nods as they walk off
"Don't worry I'll be there" I yell as I rush to get ready

I get dressed in the same thing and pull my hair into a ponytail. I run to the pit but no one was there, they already left crap.
I ran out to the train to see it leaving. I start to sprint towards it as I see four appear in the last one.
He looks back inside the train before reaching out his hand, I quickly grab it jumping into the train.
I move the little hairs in front of my face out of the way
"Thanks" I nod to Four before walking over to my friends
"Hi" I smile
"Hi" they all laugh back but quickly stop when Eric comes up to me

"You weren't at the pit, you don't get to come. Who said you could?" He asks me
"Me" I tell him but he doesn't respond, he grabs a vest and hands it to me.

"The games simple. It's like capture the flag" four says opening a bag of guns.
"Weapon of choice" Eric says holding it up
"Oh my God a gun" Molly says very sarcastically then Eric shoots her leg. She falls against the wall screaming in pain
"Nero stem dart. Simulates the pain of a real gun shot wound. Only lasts a couple of minutes. Two teams, Four and I are captains" Eric tells us
"You pick first" Four tells him
"Okay... Edward" Eric says

"Astrid" Four says and my eyebrows lift up.
"Oh okay okay so you'll have someone to blame when you lose" Eric taunts
"Something like that" Four shrugs

An abandoned theme park, that was the location.
"Alright lights off gather around come on" Four tells everyone as we all listen to what he says
"Okay what's our strategy" four asks everyone

Everyone starts to say their ideas and it quickly turns into an argument. I roll my eyes before backing up and turning around. I look at our surroundings, I see the Farris wheel and start to walk towards it.

I start to climb up when I hear someone behind me.
"You're not gonna jump are you?" Four asks me
I glance at him while laughing
"No im just trying to get a good vantage point" I tell him as I start to climb again
"Good thinking" he says starting to climb as well
"You don't have to come with me" I tell him
"You should go easy, Peter got you pretty hard" he tells me
"Wow surprised you noticed, I saw you leave during the fight" I tell him
"Yeah well it wasn't exactly easy to watch" he tells me
"Well I still won" I add
"I know" he chuckles and I could hear a hint of pride in his voice

As I climb one of the bars on my foot breaks, I start to slip grab the ladder but I feel his hand on my waist lift me up. My stomach flips at his sudden touch.
"You good? You okay?" He asks me
"Yeah I'm fine" I say as I start to climb more
"This is high enough" he tells me
"No we need to go higher" I tell him as I keep going but I don't hear him following. I stop and look down at him and that's when I realize

"You alright?... you're afraid of heights" I say
"Everyone's afraid of something" he says before he starts to climb again
"I honestly didn't think you were afraid of anything" I tell him

We reach the middle of it but we still needed to go higher so I start climbing again. I hear his quiet protests
"Come on Ash" he says and I smirk at the nickname, but I keep climbing
"Really? Are you even human?" He asks me as I laugh

Once we were high enough I stop and wait for him. I smiled when I saw his nervous face
"See this isn't so bad" I tell him but he just gives me a look
"Look" I tell him pointing he follows my hand to see their green flag. Then he looked at me making eye contact before smiling.

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