His Loss

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Lee Minho smiled as he exited the flower shop, a fresh bouquet of red roses in hand. He took a sniff and grinned wider. She would love these. He headed to his car and carefully placed the bouquet on the front seat. Smiling excitedly, he drove to his girlfriend's house, thinking of how happy she would be since red roses were her favourite flowers. He bit his lip in excitement as he knocked on her door. Some clattering was heard and the door opened after a few minutes. His girlfriend, Park Jiwon, opened the door, dressed in nothing but a bathrobe. Minho found that odd; she usually preferred to dress up, even at home. Just in case we have to go out at once, she'd say.

Minho smiled at her, but she didn't smile back. He held out the bouquet. "Hey," he breathed. "I got these for you. I know their your favourite," She stared at the bouquet blankly. Minho shook the bouquet awkwardly. She took it, analyzing it intently. He rubbed the back of his head shyly. "So, um, what do you think?" He blushed slightly. Jiwon stared at him before holding out the bouquet horizontally. He raised a brow at her. She shook it so that some petals would fall on the ground before letting go. Plop.

He stared at her, perplexed. Was she mad at him? He grabbed her outstretched hand. "Babe... Are you mad at me?" He asked gently. Jiwon rolled her eyes. "Don't you get it? I don't like you anymore, I don't want to date you. Bye," she turned around. Minho stood there, stunned at her behaviour. He scrunched his eyebrows. He was not going to let her go without an explanation. He put his ear to the door, listening as he heard footsteps going upstairs. He opened the door quietly and followed the sounds. To his surprise, he saw his girlfriend, laying on the bed, completely naked, getting fucked by another man.

Minho was furious. "Well, well, well, look who we have here," he entered the room. The two turned to him. Jiwon rolled her eyes, not even bothering to cover up even though he'd not seen her completely yet. "Can you go? We're kind of in the middle of something," she spoke, annoyed. Minho folded his arms. "Say it," "Huh?" She blinked. Minho glared at her fiercely. "Break up with me like a normal, mature human being would do. Tell me the reason." She groaned loudly. "Well, I'm not a normal, fucking mature human, okay?! And I broke up with you because I don't love you! I never was in love with you! So get lost!" He blinked at her. Looking at her blankly, he nodded. "Okay. Have a good life, Jiwon,"

With that, he left the place, knowing he wasn't welcome there. As he passed the door, he paused as he spotted the roses still fallen on the ground. Sighing, he turned away from them. Maybe one day, he'd find someone that actually appreciated the gesture. He looked back at the house. Turning away, he cursed himself bitterly. What Jiwon hadn't realized is that he had received his paycheck today. The first thing he'd decided to buy was flowers for her, yet she'd ruined his present and his day at the same time. He sighed as he sat down in his car and drove away, trying to get the image of the her out of his mind.

Minho woke up in a cold sweat, panting. He looked at the time. Seven-twenty four. Six minutes before his alarm would go off. He sighed as he sat up. It had been two weeks since the incident and it still affected him. He stood up and approached the mirror that he hadn't looked into for the past thirteen days. Hell, he hadn't even got out of his bedroom. He just sat there, watching sad dramas while snacking on his junk food stash. Staring at himself in the mirror, he noticed how his usually tamed hair was flying all over the place. How his face and clothes were all covered in crumbs of food. He noticed how his eyes were foggier than they'd ever been.

Turning to the side, he noticed he had even started to grow fatter! His eyes widened as he scratched his face and felt his almost beard, poking his crumb-covered fingers. Shaking his head, he took off his shirt and pants, immediately deciding that he was going to go out, whether he liked it or not. He turned off the TV and folded his sheets properly, throwing away the crumbs. He put on a new set of clothes, grabbed phone, that was bursting with notifications and headed out. First, he decided to go to the gym; he had to lose that fat somehow. Then, he headed out, wandering the streets.

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