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Lia hurried over to where she saw Yeji leave with a blond guy by her side. She hesitantly opened the door to see Hyunjin and Ryujin focused on each other, Ryujin tracing his jawline while Hyunjin talked to her and fiddled with her necklace. Lia grinned at the two before looking over beside them to see Yeji kissing a blond's cheek, with him blushing as he became flustered, and Yeji giggling at him, poking his cheek and telling him how cute he look when he got flustered. She raised a brow. She didn't remember Yeji having a soulmate.

Walking over, she smiled politely at the man before grabbing Yeji's arm and dragging her away. "Sorry. What's happening?" She asked, perplexed. The girl in front of her grinned. "I found my soulmate!" She exclaimed excitedly, hugging Lia as she jumped up and down. Pulling back, her eyes glistened as she talked more about him. "Plus, he's so cute, and his voice is so fucking deep, like honestly..." As the girl listened to her friend talk about her soulmate, a spark of hope ignited in her. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all. She'd find her perfect guy.

At the back of her mind, she was slightly disappointed. That would mean that it could also not be Minho, the man she met at the bar. She bit her inner cheek. No, she shouldn't be like this. Sighing, she pushed Yeji towards the man whom she'd explained was Felix, and waved them good bye, telling them that she was heading home.

"Oh, okay," Yeji spoke doubtfully. "Are you sure? I could drive you..."

"No, no, it's fine. I'll just grab a taxi. Thank you though," Lia bowed respectfully.

Yeji grinned and saluted her playfully. "See you tomorrow,"

"See ya,"

With that, Lia took off into the park, sitting down at a bench and enjoying the dreamy view of the night sky that shined bright with stars that looked almost studded into the limitless roll of dark indigo velvet. Sighing contently, she pulled out her phone and checked the time. It was pretty late.

Her face lit up due to the phone's glow as she booked a taxi. She smiled. Twenty minutes. Not bad.

The taxi pulled up, and she quietly climbed into it, enjoying the peacefulness of the night. Looking ng out the window, she let the wind hit her face and smiled.

"We're here,"

Lia tipped the driver before heading to her apartment. As soon as she entered, she threw off her heels and ran straight to her room, where she grabbed the blanket and squealed.

From now on, this house wouldn't hold bad memories for her. It would be a good memory of how she met the most handsome guy in the world.

The next day, Lia woke up with a huge headache, and struggled to walk. Pouting, she sat down in her bathtub and took a long bubble bath with tons of foam and hot water.

After getting out, she noticed something different. Something had changed. She furrowed her brow. Face? No, it still looked the same as last night. Chest? No, it was still the same. Neck? That's when she noticed the the necklace around her neck had changed to another number. Chuckling in disbelief, she went closer to the mirror to get a better view.

4. It said four.

Minho smiled as he lay in his bed, not planning on getting up any time soon. Someone knocked on his door.


The door opened to reveal one of his very best friends, Bangchan. The man was very caring and funny, and always put others before himself.

"Come out and eat, yeah?"

Minho pouted, showing his large eyes to make a puppy face. "Can I please eat later, hyung?" He blinked innocently at him. Chan rolled his eyes and folded his arms. Minho sighed dramatically before getting up defeatedly. "Fine," he groaned.

Chan chuckled and shook his head. "I think you've been around Han and Hyunjin too much," Minho stuck his tongue out at him as he sat down at the table, licking his lips at the delicious looking food in front of him.

Pulling out a fork, he pierced the chicken before lifting it up and trying it. Minho's eyes widened. "Wah, who made this?" He asked. Bangchan blushed profusely. "Well, actually Sana, my girlfriend, and I made it together. You like it?"

Minho couldn't even hear Chan. He was too captivated by the food in front of him. "It's so fucking good!"

Chan hit the back of his head lightly. "Yah, no swearing at the table," he scolded. Minho just grinned and shrugged back at him.

"Wait." Minho paused. "What're you doing here? This isn't your place,"

Chan smiled. "Yeah, but the others were all out, so I figured we'd just have dinner together,"

The man in front of him nodded slowly. "Okay. Where are the others anyway?" He asked, looking around.

Chan started counting on his fingers. "Well, from my dorm, Han took Changbin for a one-night trip. From your dorm, I know Seungmin went on a vacation with his parents for a week, Jeongin, as you know, went to Busan for a bit, and I don't know about Felix. Weren't you with him?"

Minho froze, the food still in his mouth. Oh yeah, he'd forgotten about Felix... His eyes widened. He forgot Felix! He's still at the club. He stood up.

"Uh, I may or may not have-"

All of a sudden, the door unlocked and the two stared at the door. Felix entered, his back turned towards them as he chatted with someone.

"Okay, Yeji, I'll see you later, hmm?"

A kissing sound was heard and a few minutes later, there was a sound of the car driving away. He turned to the front and glared at Minho. "Forgot me?" He asked, unamused.

Minho swallowed. "I'm sorry, Felix," he apologized, hurrying up to his friend. Thankfully, his friend wasn't the kind of person to hold a grudge for too long.

Felix sighed and hugged his hyung. "Please remember me next time," He mumbled into his shirt like a child.

As Minho pulled back, his bracelet got caught on Felix's shirt. As he apologized, he quickly undid the bracelet and analyzed it. His eyes widened as he saw the next number that had appeared.


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