Bar Call

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Minho and Felix reached the club, which was bustling with music. As soon as they entered, they were swallowed up by the dancing crowd, most of them drunk. Minho pushed past people and soon found Felix stuck in between a table and a girl. He was sweating bullets as the girl pushed up against him while he tried to push her away. He leaned his back on the table entirely, but she still wouldn't budge. As Minho was making his way down the aisle, Felix was saved by someone else. "Hey girl," Yeji said, running up to the obviously drunk girl.

The girl didn't seem to notice that Yeji was not her friend in her drunken gaze. She smacked Yeji's chest. "Ahh, Siyeon, I thought I'd never find you," she slurred. "But you ruined our moment," she complained. "Hyunjin and me, Wonyoung, we were just about to kiss," Yeji paused. "Huh?" The girl laughed, her breath reeking of alcohol. "Seriously? You must be too drunk to remember him," she giggled. Yeji rolled her eyes. Totally. "Hwang Hyunjin. The one with the sharp eyes and pretty face," Yeji frowned. "Oh my gosh, the one who I am dating!" She exclaimed. Yeji's breath hitched. "Mhm. Okay," she sat the girl down and ran away.

Felix swallowed before hurrying to his hyung. "Minho hyung," he tapped his shoulder. Minho turned around. "Yongbok! There you are!" He put an arm around his shoulder as to not lose him. Felix panted, dragging Minho to the other side of the club to the third bar, where they got two beers. Minho tasted the drink. "Mm. Seungminnie would have loved this," he said, licking his lips. Felix nodded. "Sure. Hyung," he tried to get his attention. "Hmm?" "That girl that just dragged away the other one," he paused. "That was the woman I met at the bus stop," Minho pressed his lips together. "Do you think...?" Felix sighed. "If we have to same number, then probably. There were only a thousand distributed around this area. If she's from here, then she must be my soulmate. I should go ask her for a drink,"

"You should," Minho agreed. Felix took a deep breath and stood up before marching over to the crowd, where he had to get lost in order to find her. Meanwhile, Lia had wandered away from Yeji and the others, deciding to head straight to the dance floor. She swayed her hips to the music, not dancing too crazily, but trying to be content and adjusting to the new atmosphere. Since she was already dating, she never really went to clubs since Baekhyeun said that all people really do is get drunk and sleep around. She shook her head. She shouldn't have believed him. It was quite fun here. Everyone was having a good time. It was definitely a good experience.

She turned her head to see a man, sitting alone, drinking a glass of beer. She smiled slightly. Maybe she should try her luck too. She approached the man with a smile on her face. He was quite good-looking and looked like he was born to be a singer or an actor (flashback to national geographic Lee Know). Lia sat down on the empty seat beside him. He glanced at her and smiled slightly. "Annyeonghaseo," he said. Lia grinned. "Annyeonghaseo," she chimed. He grinned at her.

"I'm Lee Minho, 23 years old," he introduced himself, holding out his hand. Lia giggled and grabbed his hand with her two. "I'm Choi Jisu, or Lia, and I'm 21 years old," she said. Minho squeezed her hand slightly. "So, what brings a pretty lady here?" He asked, smiling a little. She glanced away. "I don't really know," she admitted. Minho blinked. Well that was a sudden change. Nevertheless, he found it cute. She turned to him. "Have you ever gone through a really hard break up, oppa?" She asked suddenly. Minho raised a brow. She shook her head. "Nevermind," she mumbled.

He shook his head. "No, tell me," he urged. She sighed. "Well, there was this guy. We had been dating for close to three years," Minho's eyes widened. "Three years? Wow, even I can't keep a girlfriend for that long," he laughed. Lia grinned, feeling a little cheerier. "Anyways, so I moved here because of my job, and he broke up with me," she sniffled. Minho's eyes widened and he rubbed her shoulder comfortingly. "Why? Was it because he couldn't do long distance?" He asked softly. Lia shook her head. "No," she answered.

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