Apologies and Make-ups

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Hyunjin's black shirt shirt flowed with the wind as he stared blankly at his sister, at a loss of words. Yeji put her hands behind her back, fiddling with her filed nails. Felix and Ryujin glanced at their partners, giving them a look. Hyunjin sighed. "I'm sorry, Yeji," he bowed. Yeji blinked before smiling a little. "It's okay, Hyunjin-ah. I'm sorry for overreacting," she said, hugging her brother.

Hyunjin put his arms around her waist for a second before pulling back. "It's fine. I know you were just trying to look out for Ryujin," he smiled at his partner fondly. She grinned back at him. Yeji giggled behind closed lips. "But...while you were gone, I found my soulmate," she walked up to Felix and hugged him.

Her brother raised a brow. "How do you know he's your soulmate?" He scratched his head. Yeji frowned. "Because of that soulmate bracelet everyone has," she rolled her eyes. Hyunjin tilted his head. "I don't remember selling you one..." Ryujin chuckled. "Because I sold her that one," she smiled, her eyes glimmering. The man beside her blinked. "Oh. You did?" He scratched his head. Ryujin smacked the back of his head. "Yes, I did!" She rolled her eyes.

Hyunjin pouted and rubbed the back of his head before smiling cutely at her. "Okay, jagi," he winked. Ryujin blushed, but turned her attention to his sister. "So, what's his name?" She pointed to the blond. Yeji hooked her arm around his, gazing up at him adoringly, while he smiled at her. "He's Lee Felix," she said dreamily.

Ryujin quietly snickered as she watched the couple that seemed to be in their own world. Hyunjin, on the other hand, seemed to be unamused as he watched his sister flirt with a guy who she claimed was her soulmate. "So," he started, narrowing his eyes at the blond man. "Felix," he drawled out his name. "How did you end up finding my sister?"

Flustered, Felix fidgeted with Yeji's fingers that were clasped within his own. The action didn't go unnoticed by Hyunjin, though, and he became wary of the man. "Well, she almost got raped," he started slowly. Ryujin gasped. "No way! Unnie, are you okay?" Hyunjin also bit his lip, waiting for her answer.

Yeji smiled at them. "I'm alright, thanks to Felix," she replied adoringly. "He saved me from that forty-year-old creep," she swung their arms a little. Felix smiled. She was so cute and lovable. Hyunjin smiled defeatedly as his 'big brother' image started to crack through. He grinned as he let his guard down. Felix was perfect for his sister. Ryujin chuckled knowingly.

She approached him silently. "It was the look in the eyes, wasn't it?" She smiled slightly. Hyunjin put an arm around her waist and kissed her forehead. "How'd you know?" Yeji and Felix winked at each other as they watched Hyunjin and Ryujin's exchange in front of them.

Meanwhile, Minho and Lia were sitting up front, not really sure what to do. Lia turned to him. "Do you talk to your family often?" She asked softly. Minho took a sip of his beer as he pondered over the question. He nodded. "Yeah, I guess so," he shrugged. "Every week," he added. Lia looked down into her lap. Wow. Every week, huh? Minho noticed how her mood had suddenly gone down. He shifted over to her side.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked tenderly. She sighed. "I...I actually haven't called my parents since my break-up," she confessed. Figuring it was a good month ago, he smiled. "I'm sure your parents can handle not talking to you for a month," he smiled playfully. Lia glanced at him sadly. "That's the thing. It's been seven months," She spoke quietly.

Minho's eyes widened. Seven whole months? That was enough to drive him crazy. He smiled. "I think today might be the perfect time," he spoke slowly. Lia's eyes widened. "...What?" He let out a breath. "Today's the perfect time to call them, then," he said. Lia swallowed hard and shook her head. "I don't know," she spoke nervously. Minho grinned at her. "Come on," he urged. Lia pulled out her phone again and dialled the phone number with trembling hands. The phone was answered right after the first ring.


"Eomma?" Her voice trembled. Minho grabbed her hand comfortingly. "They're your parents," he reminded her. "They'll forgive you," he assured her quietly. Lia swallowed.

"It's me,"

"Oh, Lia!" The two heard sniffles from the other side of the line, making Lia cry a little as well.

"Dear, come here! Lia called!"

"Eomma, Appa, I'm so sorry,"

"For what, my dear?"

"For not calling you,"

"It's alright my dear. We trust Baekhyeun had been taking off you?"

Lia cringed. Right. She hadn't told them.

"Um... Eomma, Baekhyeun and I aren't... together anymore,"


"Yeah. We broke up because he was being an asshole,"

"...Lia, are you in a club right now?"

"...Ah, ne Eomma,"

"Then, you must be busy. How about this? Tell me everything tomorrow, okay?"

Lia laughed behind closed lips, shaking her head. She knew her mother only did that because she wanted a guarantee that Lia would call her the next day.


"Bye Lia..."

"Bye Eomma,"

Lia cut the call and looked directly at Minho. Her eyes were brimmed with tears. All of a sudden, she tackled him in a bear hug. All Minho could think was how beautiful she was. "Thank you," she sniffled. "Thank you so, so, much," she snuggled into his chest and Minho couldn't help but smile at the girl.

He pulled back and cupped her cheeks in his hands. "Don't let a man take over your life, your personality, or your relations, okay?" He smiled slightly. Lia nodded, her lips twitching up. "I won't. Thank you, oppa," she hugged him one last time before heading out. Minho stared after her before looking down at his wrist. They both had the same first number. He smiled. He wondered if she was his soulmate...

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