
16 3 0

"Wait, wait, wait," Chan stood up as a grin slowly spread across his face. "Who was that..?" He raised a brow cheekily.

Minho turned to face Felix, who seemed to be a deer caught in headlights. "Right, I almost forgot about that! Who was the woman?" He asked, jumping slightly.

The blond turned away from them to hide the blush that had risen on his cheeks. "That was...my-"

"Don't tell me you do one-night stands," Someone entered through the front door.

They all turned to look at the person.

"Jeongin!" They exclaimed.

"Hey," said man nodded and placed his belongings on the table before pulling in his suitcase.

Felix blinked. "I thought you were coming back on July 9th," he stated.

Jeongin shot him a dirty look. "It is July 9th," he said, unamused.



Minho and Bangchan exchanged looks, aware of the newfound tension present in the room. They decided to try to break the ice.

"So, Jeongin-ah, did you have a good trip?" Bangchan asked, grabbing his suitcase. Jeongin grinned and nodded.

"Yes, hyung! It was amazing! My family and I went to do many places together! You should come next time," he spoke excitedly.

Minho paused. "Didn't your flight land in the morning? How come you're so late?"

The youngest one paused and smiled. "Oh, right, I met up with Hyunjin hyung and Ryujin-ssi. He wanted to meet up at a café, and he kept on ranting about his sister making him go to that club that just opened up, how much better it was to live with his girlfriend instead of us, and his stupid manager -Choi Lia- whom he had never seen, but she made him work really hard," Jeongin listed.

Minho nodded slowly, processing the statement.

Felix scrunched his brows. "Wait, wait, wait," he interrupted. "Hwang Hyunjin? As in your old roommate that moved out? Whom I didn't have a chance to meet? The one who we're going to go on that trip with next week?"

Bangchan nodded. "Yeah, what about him?"

The blond massaged his temple. "Please...please don't tell me his sister's name is Hwang Yeji..."

Minho pursed his lips. "Well..." He trailed off. Yongbok already knew the answer. He sank to the floor in despair.

"Agh...dowa juseyo..." He cried out.

Bangchan sat down next to him and patted his shoulder comfortingly. "What happened Yongbok-ah?"

Felix turned to face him. "His sister is my girlfriend,"

Lia grinned at the number and spun around her room. She'd meet him again! Sighing she opened her phone to see a text message from Yeji.

"Hey Lia-ssi. It was so much fun today, thank you for being there. My brother and his friends are going on a trip next week. They asked me if I wanted to go too. Do you want to?"

Lia pursed her lips. Well, she didn't really have anything planned next week...

"Hello Yeji-ssi. I'll think about it. Where would we be going?"

"We're going to be visiting Jeju Island. The hotel is at 4th Street, near the intersection of the Jeju Mall. I'll send you the address..."

Lia paused. 4th Street? Could it be..? She looked down at her necklace. If 3 a.m worked, the 4th Street should too, right? 

Sighing, she texted Yeji back. 

"Sure. I'll go. I pretty sure I'm free that week."

"Really? Awesome! Then you better get packing! Can't wait~"

Lia grinned. It felt good to have someone be excited to have her there.

"Me too~ Bye~~~"

Shutting her phone, she decided to get some sleep. Glancing at the time, her eyes widened. 4 a.m?! What the fuck was Yeji doing up this late?? Hell, what the fuck was she doing up this late? Shivering a little, she curled up inside her blanket and fell asleep instantly.

Everything I need is on the ground~

(On the ground)

Everything I need is on the ground

(Nah but they don't hear me though)

Yeah, what goes up it must come down

(Nah, but they don't hear me though)

You're running out of-

Lia drowsily picked up her phone and looked at it before sitting up immediately.

"Hello? Eomma?"

"Ah, Lia, are you awake?"

Her mother asked sweetly. Lia grabbed the phone with two hands as she became emotional. Her mother was always there to support her, and honestly, there was nothing more that she could appreciate more. Now she felt like if she fell, there would be someone there to hold her up.

"Ne, Eomma,"

"Okay, then. Did you have breakfast yet?"

"Ani. I just woke up,"

"Oh. Figures."

Lia grinned. "Eomma~" she whined.

"Lia~" her mother mocked her playfully.

Her daughter laughed.

"Lia, could you please do me and your father and brother a huge favour and come to visit Canada for a few months?"

Lia stood up and walked to check herself in the mirror, thinking. As soon as her mother finished her request, her hand immediately flew to her necklace with 3 and 4 hanging around her neck.

Swallowing hard, she let out a bitter-sweet smile.

"I'll come back for a few months. Just with my soulmate," she sighed.

Her mother seemed confused, but agreed.

"Okay then. I'll see you later. Bye Eomma!"

"Bye Lia. Remember to eat,"

"I will, don't worry,"

Ending the call, she held the phone close to her heart. Smiling, she looked up at the ceiling before getting up. It was Saturday, so she didn't have to go to work today.

Stretching out her arms, she decided to go to the gym. As soon as she stepped outside the fancy, carved door, her face was showered with sunlight. She giggled as she closed her eyes and enjoyed the cool breeze.

Opening her eyes, she skipped to the gym. She smiled. Today was going to be a good day.

A;N >>>>>

Heyyy! I'm really sorry for not updating sooner. I have been busy the past few weeks, but I will try to get this story done! There are only 3 chapters left now, and after this one is finished, I will be working on my story 'Fling' while trying to update the other ones. I can make a regular update schedule for two of my stories at a time, so after this one, let me know which one you guys want a regular update on. I posted a new story, which is called 'Better Me Than Never', which is my first story that has mature themes. Please go support it and me!

P.S. Please vote, and please, please, please, comment. I love reading your comments and ideas, and reactions; it motivates me to write even more. I hope you keep supporting me in the future, thank you!

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