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Packing up her stuff, Lia took a deep breath before heading out her apartment into the bright sun.

She pulled her suitcase along with her as she searched for Hyunjin's car.

"Hey there!"

Hyunjin called from behind her, Ryujin by his side, as always. Ryujin grinned.

"Hey unnie!"

She waved excitedly. Lia smiled and waved before dragging herself and her suitcase over to the car.

Hyunjin stepped out and bowed before grabbing her suitcase and putting it in the back of the car. Lia strapped herself in the backseat.

"Where's Yeji?"

She asked. Ryujin smiled.

"We're just going to go pick her up. Your apartment was closer to ours, so we picked you up first. Then, we're going to head to the sea, where you'll meet the other guys and their girlfriends. It'll be fun,"

Lia nodded excitedly and stared out her window. This was going to be a fun trip.

They picked up Yeji and headed straight to the beach where their ferry would pick them up.

Lia stepped out and closed her eyes, enjoying the sea breeze.


She turned around to see the one who'd made her blush and squeal after seven dreary months.

Her eyes widened, and her lips stretched into a smile.

"Minho oppa?"

She asked, a little bewildered. He grinned.

"Funny meeting you here,"

"Mhm. Where are you going?"

"I'm going on a trip with my friends to Jeju Island,"

Lia raised her eyebrows, intrigued.

"Really? Me too,"

"Oh, thats such a coincidence. They're over there,"

He pointed to Hyunjin's car, where they were all seen hugging and chatting.

"But that's the car I came in!"

They both turned to look at each other before they burst out laughing.

"Well, looks like we can't avoid each other, eh?"

Minho smirked. Lia giggled behind closed lips.


Minho glanced at her neck. There seemed to be two numbers on her necklace. His eyes widened as he matched the numbers with his own.

3-4-... Is she my soulmate?

Since it wasn't a guarantee, he kept his doubts to himself and the two headed to the car.

The others turned to them.

"Oh hey! You're back! We were wondering whether you two wanted to go to the pool or the beach once we get to Jeju?"

Everyone boarded the ferry, determined to get to the island without any mishaps.

Felix and Yeji immediately headed to the deck, where they held hands and kissed and talked all day long.

Hyunjin and Ryujin went to their room. Everyone could tell that they were dying from lack of sexual activity.

"Looks like Ryujin didn't let him have his way with her last night. Look at the way he's dragging her,"

Han joked. Everyone had a good laugh over that.

Han and his girlfriend, Yuqi, went to the restaurant, along with Chaeryoung and Changbin to try some food.

Seungmin and Shuhua quietly slipped into their room, hoping nobody noticed them.

Jeongin and Yuna just walked around, getting some fresh air before lunch.

Bangchan and his girlfriend, Sana, were giggling and cuddling in a corner, while staring at the blue sea. The two seemed to be lost in their own world as they looked into each other's eyes.

Lia glanced at Minho.

"So, did you...want to do anything..?"

She asked, trying to hide her blushing face. It was mid-day, and the sun was shining down on Minho's face, showing his bright, warm, brown eyes in all their glory.

He turned to her and smiled.

"Do you like dancing?"

A few hours later, Lia found herself dancing along to BTS' Fake Love.

She followed Minho's movements, which were both soft and smooth with a certain amount of effectiveness in them that makes people drawn to his dancing.

She smiled slightly.

"Are you a dancer?"

He chuckled.

"Kind of, yeah. I am a choreographer and a backup dancer for famous K-POP groups like BTS,"

Her eyes widened.

"Wah... Have you ever met them?"

"Of course. I work with them,"

He flicked her forehead playfully. She pouted cutely.



Lia raised a brow and Minho looked around.

What was that?

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