She Lost

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Lia looked out the window of her boyfriend's car blankly. He was driving her to her new apartment that was an hour away from Seoul, where she initially lived. She turned her head just enough to spot the five suitcases that she'd packed her life into, bumping into each other as they passed over a speed bump. She sighed as she looked away from the window and to her boyfriend, Seo Baekhyeun. She and him had met in Canada, where she lived until she was nineteen, and had started dating before deciding to move to Seoul together to start a new life. He looked ahead, his face expressionless as he drove. 

Lia had decided to move away from him as she had landed an amazing job opportunity that could be life-changing for them. They had decided that Lia would live in a separate apartment for now, and Baekhyeun would look for a job near her, but he would live in the apartment he and Lia had been sharing for the past three years until he moved. She pressed her lips together. He looked angry. Maybe he was just frustrated? She bit her lip as they pulled up in the parking lot of her new house. She had bought the house with her own money, and had made sure the settings were nothing short of extravagant.

They grabbed her suitcases and headed upstairs to her apartment on the twelfth floor. As soon as she opened the door, Baekhyeun blew up. He threw the suitcases on the newly polished wooden flooring. Lia gasped as she kept the suitcases in her own hands and straightened the ones he'd thrown. She glared at him. "Are you crazy? What the hell is wrong with you?!" She screamed. He rolled his eyes. "Oh, what's wrong with me? We lived together since we were nineteen, Lia. Three years. Gone down the drain. Wasted." He grit his teeth. Lia furrowed her brows. Why was he acting like they broke up?

"What the hell are you talking about?"

Baekhyeun laughed sarcastically. "I don't know, the fact that we're fucking done?" He said, his voice raising with ever word. Lia raised her brows. "Baekhyeun, we aren't breaking up," she said, slowly approaching him and holding his hand. He gave her a look of disgust and pulled his hand away. "Yes, we are! You moved! You fucking moved away from me! From us!" Lia held his face in her hands tightly and squeezed it as if he would turn away from her in any second. "We aren't fucking breaking up, dammit," she breathed. He rolled his eyes again. "Sure we aren't. That's what moving means! You fucking want to be away from me,"

"Baekhyeun-" "No, Lia. I fully understand," Lia's lips twitched upwards. "You do?" She asked. "Yeah. Don't worry, I'll leave," She tilted her head. "If you can't respect me, then I'll make this as clear as day: we're done." Lia blinked. All of a sudden, a rush of tears pricked her eyes. She glanced at him through her blurry vision. "Wha- but, Baekhyeun!" He laughed cruelly. "Bye, Choi Lia. I hope you go to hell," he sneered as he exited the apartment and slammed the door close before kicking on it with all his might. Lia stood there for a second before her knees buckled and she fell to the ground in shock.



She murmured, tracing the picture of him with his new girlfriend. Tears dropped from her eyes onto her phone, and she quickly wiped her face. She looked out the apartment window as she had in his car seven months ago. Letting out a whimper, she sobbed as tears started making their way down her cheeks. Her phone rang out, piercing through the silent sobs. She glanced at it. It was a call from her parents, whom she hadn't contacted since the breakup.

She smiled bitterly at the phone as she cancelled the call. They could wait another seven months. Besides, she knew that they only took satisfaction when she cut her calls anyway. They took as a confirmation that she was alive. She sighed as she laid her head back on her headboard. Biting her lip, she just wanted to disappear. Why did he think that she wanted to break up? She didn't even do anything to him. He knew about the move four months prior. Why didn't he say anything? She let out a shaky breath. She knew she had to get over him, but she didn't know how.

Glancing out the window, she saw the snow starting to fall. The past seven months, all she'd done was work, sleep, and cry. She hadn't even tried to make friends at her workplace; there was a girl named Yeji who wanted to be her friend, but Lia felt that she was too vulnerable to have friends at the moment. She guarded herself from the drama and gossip, sheilding herself in every way possible. Hell, she'd even stopped going grocery shopping and just ordered from a fast food place.

She pursed her lips, weighing her options before sighing. One trip out wouldn't hurt. She stood up and headed outside, hoping to find something new. Although she silently prayed it was someone new.

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