32 2 4

Lia sighed contently as she entered her apartment again. She could finally make some food that was prepared from home. She whipped up a meal of fried rice. Sitting down on her bed, she played a comedy movie for the first time in half a year. She laughed her heart out as happy tears poured out of her eyes. She giggled at the kissing scene that was interrupted by the neighbour screaming at them for being too loud. All of a sudden, a phone call rang out. She fumbled for her phone and raised a brow as she saw it was her co-worker, Yeji.


"Ah, annyeonghaseo, Lia-shi,"

"So, why are you calling?"

"Oh, uh, since it was Valentine's Day and I know you're usually just sitting at home, I thought we could go clubbing as you know, single ladies or something,"

Lia chuckled at the reference.

"I don't know..."

She walked up to the mirror as she analyzed herself.

"Please? I don't want to go alone. We'll just leave at 3 a.m. when the club closes,"

Lia was about to say no, when she saw that the dial on her necklace was turned to three. The gears in her head turned. 3 on the number dial... 3 a.m.... She sighed. It was a wild guess, but she decided to go for it. "Sure, why not?" She commented, now walking up to her closet. She could practically see Yeji grinning. "Awesome! Okay, I'll meet you at that park near your house in two hours!" She spoke excitedly before hanging up. Lia chuckled before scanning her closet. She tried on a purple mini-dress with ruffles and looked in the mirror. She glanced at her necklace. You better not fail me...

A blond man put a hand on his friend's shoulder. "Hey, Minho hyung," he nudged him. Minho smiled and hummed. "In celebration of you getting over her," Minho pressed his lips together. He didn't know if he was over her yet, but he had told his friends that he was going to try moving on. To be honest, he wasn't even hung up on her, it was just the fact that he was hurt and embarrassed because of her. "...do you think we can go to that new club that opened up downtown?" His friend smiled hopefully.

Minho rolled his eyes. "Felix..." Felix pouted. "Please?" Minho sighed in defeat before nodding. "Sure, why not?" Felix grinned as he jumped up in excitement. His hyung looked at him weirdly. "Why are you so excited?" He asked. Felix showed him the blue heart bracelet he was wearing. "My second number is four, and I was talking to this woman at the bus stop, who said that it was the only club in town with four different bars," he said. He looked down at his bracelet. "So, I thought that maybe it would be a good guess..." Minho folded his arms. "Isn't that a bit of a stretch?" He asked.

Felix shook his head. "The guy who sold me it said that if you even hear the number in a conversation, then it could be a clue," Minho sighed. "Honestly, I don't know. What if these don't work? We don't know that for sure," he pointed out. Felix shook his head. "Actually, Han, Jeongin, Bangchan, and Seungmin all tried it out and they all found their partners. Even Changbin hyung found a girlfriend that loves him for him and not his looks," he said. Minho bit his lip. "Come on, hyung. I promise, we'll be back as soon as the club closes at 3 a.m." Minho looked down at his bracelet that he hadn't checked the whole day.

Three? He echoed in his mind. Could it be related to three a.m? He pursed his lips. It was a wild guess, but it was worth a shot. Felix did say that it would be anything, even the mention of the number. He nodded. "Sure. But only if you tell me about the other's girlfriends," Minho grinned. Felix laughed and nodded as they walked to Minho's apartment to get ready.

Yeji smacked her brother, who was driving, on his shoulder. "Stop right here," she demanded. Hyunjin merely ignored her. Ryujin, who was sitting next to Hyunjin in the front seat groaned. "Holy shit, Hyunjin-ah just stop by," she said. He sighed. He would've fought more, but it was useless since it would be a two over one. He pulled up in front of the park entrance, and Yeji opened the door and put one foot out, trying to find Lia. The pretty brunette ran up to her. "Yeji-ssi!" She smiled. Yeji grinned. "Hey girl! You look awesome! Come on, sit here," she patted the seat next to her. Lia smiled. "Thank you,"

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