This Is Why

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Yeji slammed the door behind her and paced around the room, holding her head as her brown locks swooshed around due to the open window. She bit her lip as another wave of tears hit her. Was she wrong for trying to figure out if her brother was cheating on his soulmate? She shook her head stubbornly. No, she wasn't. It was her duty to make sure he was doing the right thing... She licked her dry lips and leaned forward as she plopped down on the bed. Was she taking things too far and out of proportion?

She covered half of her face with her hand and swallowed hard. Maybe she should just let him cool off? She groaned loudly and lay her upper body down on the bed while her legs were still in a sitting position, wide open. All of a sudden, the door opened to reveal a man with shaggy brown hair and a messy white shirt with a tie around his neck, whom's tail was resting on his shoulder. His pants were undone: the zipper was down and the belt holding up the grey fabric had been unbuckled. Yeji scrunched her nose as the salty smell of something unpleasant entered her nostrils.

The man, clearly drunk, stumbled over to her, and Yeji moved away instinctively. He grinned, showing his half of his mouth full of cavities. Yeji held her breath, trying not to gag. "Oh, hi dear," he spoke in a rugged voice. As she examined him, he seemed to be about forty years old, with a bright ring on his left hand, signalling that he was married. "..." She stayed silent, biting her lip as she tried to figure out an escape. She glanced behind him, trying to find an open path towards the door. As the man approached her with his arms out, she decided that her best chance was to duck underneath and run to the door.

She took a deep breath before dashing towards him and swiftly ducking underneath. Unfortunately, the man had better reflexes than she thought he did, and he grabbed her waist in an instant. "Where do you think you're going?" He smirked. Yeji made a face as she tried to free herself. The man leaned down to place a kiss on her neck as Yeji tried to push him away. Just as his cracked lips reached her delicate skin, a hand smacked his head. Yeji, who'd had her eyes shut tight unpleasantly, opened one eye and then both to see the man being beat up by the blond man she'd saved earlier. She grinned.

The blond pushed the drunk man out and slammed the door shut before locking it and approaching Yeji. She swallowed. What was he going to do? Was he going to try to sleep with her too? She chewed on her lip. He smiled slightly. "Hey, are you okay?" He asked. Her eyes widened as she recognized him as the handsome man that she'd met at the bus stop. He was asking about this bar. She paused and smiled. Seems like he came after all... She swallowed hard and smiled. "Yeah...I'm okay," she let out a breath. "Thank you,"

The two stared at each other for a while, not saying anything. Yeji's lips twitched upwards and she bowed. "I'm Hwang Yeji, twenty-three years old. It's nice to meet you," she finally introduced herself. The blond man blinked and smiled at her. Yeji's breath caught in her throat. He was... Gorgeous. The moonlight cast a silver glow on his angelic face, showcasing his warm eyes and plump lips. The blond man smiled. "I'm Lee Felix, twenty-three years old," he said. Her eyes flickered with surprise as she heard his raspy, deep voice. She grinned and shook her head slightly. It totally didn't suit him, but it was hot at the same time.

She licked her lips. "You... I met you at the bus stop once, didn't I?" She asked. Felix cleared his throat. "Uh... Yeah," he replied. He glanced down at his bracelet. Yeji followed his gaze and her eyes widened at the possibility. She flicked her eyes at him. "Do you think we're...?" She bit her lip. He sighed and pulled up his bracelet. "I think we are," he nodded slowly. Yeji showed him the numbers on her wrist. He pulled up his hand too, and they compared the three numbers.


All of a sudden, their bracelets started to light up with a red light and the two glanced at each other. Yeji and Felix instinctively pushed their bracelets against each other, and both of their bracelets clicked before falling to the ground. It had unlocked on it's own, after meeting it's soulmate. The pair stared at the fallen bracelets before looking up to each other. They slowly grinned and Yeji jumped into his arms. Felix adjusted her and lifted her up in the air, spinning her around. She laughed merrily.

"You're my soulmate," she breathed, her voice laced with disbelief. She slowly traced his face, and Felix smiled at her.

"I am your soulmate,"

Ryujin whispered in Hyunjin's ear as she rubbed his shoulder comfortingly. She turned his head towards her and nuzzled his neck with her nose. He sighed and bit his lip. "I know," he responded curtly. Ryujin pouted and bent down in front of his sitting figure. "Then tell me what's on your mind," she said. Hyunjin pressed his lips together. "I... Okay, I don't know. Was I really just overreacting?" He asked her. "Answer honestly," Ryujin licked her lips. "No, not really. I would be hurt too if my sister didn't trust me. But the thing is, that I think that the way you said it was a little..."

Hyunjin bit his lips. "A little...?" Ryujin tapped her chin. "Well, a good way to say it would be 'venomous'," she spoke nonchalantly. He put his head in his hands. "Ahh! What do I do now?" He shouted in frustration. She grabbed his head and sat down in his lap, caressing his soft skin. She played with his hair as Hyunjin leaned into her chest. "...I think you should apologize to her," She murmured. He looked up, resting his chin on her breasts. "You think she'll accept my apology?" He asked. Ryujin chuckled and pinched his cheeks. "With that face, I don't know who wouldn't," she winked. He laughed and stood up weakly. He turned to her.

"Can you...come with me?" He asked. Ryujin smiled. "Of course," she kissed his cheek. Hyunjin smiled.

"This is why you're my soulmate,"

Yeji hugged Felix tightly. "I'll go apologize.  Can you please come with me?" She blinked up at him cutely. Felix grinned and swallowed hard. Her cuteness was too much for him to handle. He quietly nodded and pulled his lower body away from her. Yeji raised a brow. "What...?" Scanning his pants, she suddenly realized what had happened, and her face turned a deep shade of red. Felix turned away from her, embarrassed. She grabbed his hand and dragged him outside the room before pulling out his tucked in shirt to cover up the front part of his pants.

Felix blushed and Yeji giggled before fixing his collar. "Don't worry, you look extra handsome like this," she winked and they both headed over to the club's doors where they'd last seen Hyunjin. Felix admired her elegant looks. She was gorgeous for sure. No wonder he'd fallen for her in a matter of seconds. Outside, Yeji spotted Hyunjin and Ryujin sitting on the steps. She took a deep breath. Felix kissed her cheek comfortingly before grabbing her hand and smiling at her. "You'll be fine," he assured. "I'm here," Yeji smiled and hugged him.

"This is why I love you," she confessed before walking over to Hyunjin and Ryujin, who were both getting up. The two siblings locked eyes and the tension started building up. What was going to happen?

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