Finale + Author's Note

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Lia raised an eyebrow and Minho looked around.

What was that?

Part 11: Finale

Lia looked around in confusion. Her eyes flew to his bracelet, that had made a click sound.


She pulled out her phone and looked at her neck.



Her eyes widened, and she looked Minho in the eye.

He still seemed clueless, still confused as to where the sound came from.

She looked down at her phone.

They really were soulmates, weren't they? But why 5?

She looked around again.

The captain made an announcement.

"Hello passengers. We will be reaching Jeju Island in the next 24 hours. As of tonight, the sky will remain clear, and we suggest you check out the fantastic sunset at deck #5, from 6pm to 8pm. Thank you for your cooperation. We will start the boat at fifteen minutes from now, at 5:45,"

Lia smiled. Deck 5 at 6pm. That was it. She glanced at Minho, who was still looking around.

She couldn't help but notice how cute he was. Almost like a cat.

As she was watching him, she didn't notice him start to stare back, as well as the sappy smile that spilled onto her face.

The two got out of Minho's room.

Just as they did, Hyunjin and Ryujin came out of their room, having gone from annoyed and angry, to cheerful and relaxed. They also seemed closer than ever.

"Jagi... Can we go eat?"

Ryujin pouted as she spoke in a baby voice.

Minho pulled himself and Lia back into his room so that they wouldn't be seen.

Lia raised a brow. He sighed.

"They'll probably get the wrong idea,"

Behind the door, Hyunjin spoiled Ryujin with another kiss.

"Mhm. Whatever my baby wants, she'll get, hmm?"

"Yay! You're the best oppa!"

"Arayo. Kaja,"


The laughing couple made their way upstairs to the restaurant.

Minho pretended to throw up. Lia grinned and rolled her eyes.


"Mhm. Baby talk is so immature,"

"Don't you baby talk your girlfriend?"

Lia felt a pang of jealousy in her heart as she said this.

Minho opened his mouth to say something, but someone knocked on his door.


"Hyung! Look at the sunset outside!"

It was Jeongin, knocking on his door.

"Araseo, araseo,"

"Come up to deck five, okay?"


Minho held his hand out to Lia.

"Shall we go?"

Lia giggled as she put her hand in his.


She and him headed up to deck five. The sunset was truly beautiful.

The sun's reflection over the water gave it the illusion of being seemingly endless on both sides.

Lia turned to Minho again.

"So, about the baby talk,"

"Why're we bringing this up?"

"Because I baby talk a lot,"


"And, it'll be a crucial part of our relationship,"


Lia pointed to his bracelet, which was glowing red.

His eyes widened as he compared his numbers to Lia's. They were the exact same.

He laughed.

"Honestly, I think during all the time we spent together, I've fallen in love with you already,"

"I know. I'm just that sweet and lovable,"

Lia winked. Minho laughed and picked her up suddenly.

The girl jolted in surprise and shrieked.

"Ahh! Let me down, idiot!"

"Not until you guess what I want to be called,"

Her ankles wrapped around his waist, and his hand moved to her neck, which unlocked them both.






Minho smiled. Lia giggled and touched his face.

"Baby it is,"

She whispered as she leaned in to kiss him, leaving the necklace and bracelet forgotten on the ground.



Hello, everyone!!! I finally finished 3-4-5!!! Whew. At first, I had a bit of a creative block, so I couldn't think of anything, but I've decided to focus on a couple stories at a time.

As of now, I'm updating my Strong Girl Namsoon fanfic of Myeung-Hee and Ryu Sio daily, and I want to see if I can do one more, so please let me know which ones you would like me to update more.

Also, Since I finished one, I will release another book soon, and I will try to finish another one of my stories, so yeah...

Anyways, please support me and my books, I really would appreciate it! Please comment and vote, it really keeps me motivated!! I'll see you all in the next story!!

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