Chapter Five:

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Chapter Five:  Love and Defiance  

Sully can’t feel his legs, which explains why he’s standing still in the bustling hallway of the school with his eyes scrunched closed.  Some students bump shoulders with him as they pass, but he doesn’t move.  Weird glances were thrown at him from the passing students, he would’ve been disgusted with himself if he could’ve seen them.  He hoped the sweat pooling at his ankles wouldn’t make anyone slip.  From the doorway of his classroom, Alex watched as Sully stayed stagnant, every flinch Sully made upturned his lips a little further.  When Alex decided he had suffered enough, he sauntered in front of him.

“You’re taking up space in the hallway.”  The smile is evident in his voice, though he feigned a look of concern.  Sully could do nothing but stiffly nod his head, not daring to open his eyes.  

“You can’t stay out here forever and the bell’s about to ring…”  Alex whispered near Sully’s ear as he straightened his collar, which was wet with his perspiration.  “It’s about time you introduced yourself to the class…”  

Sully doubled over, clutching his stomach.  Just hearing that was enough to make him exceedingly nauseous.  The hand placed over his mouth wasn’t enough to keep the contents of his stomach from bubbling up.  

Unable to stop the upchuck from overflowing behind his hand, a splatter of saliva and bile flew and landed on Alex’s hoodie.  He looked at it in horror as Sully sunk to the ground, still coughing up the remains.  The few stragglers left in the hall glanced at the scene before a killing glare from Alex sent them awkwardly rushing away.  

“I’ve got to clean this shit up in the bathroom.  Stay here.”  Alex could’ve easily taken Sully to the bathroom with him, a more than suitable hiding place for the panicked boy, but felt leaving him was a suitable punishment for spewing on his hoodie.  Sully did exactly that, scooting himself so his back pressed against the lockers.  If he wasn’t so disgusted by what he did, he would’ve been relieved that all the students had dissipated into their classrooms so they couldn’t see how pathetically he was shaking.  This outcome was to be expected, he thought.  Actually, it was a pretty neutral route compared to the others.  He could at least be glad that he didn’t piss himself while being introduced to the class, which was one of the worse scenarios. 

Alex was probably furious.  He just wanted him to feel comfortable at his school and he went and threw up on him.  After all he’s done for his sake.  Sully wouldn’t be surprised if he never talked to him again.  

Even after Alex confided in him his sad past, Sully wondered how the player would have reacted if he’d done that to him.  He probably would have dropped him on the spot, saying how much he regretted inviting him to play.  The thought made him sink further into himself.  God, will anyone be proud to have known him?  

From down the hall, a small figure came into view, made taller by the overflowing box of books being carried by it.  Sully lifted his head from between his knees, expecting it to be Alex coming back for him.  But this person wore a yellow plaid skirt with sheer black stockings, accompanied by big black platformers.  He could safely assume it wasn’t Alex.  Usually, Sully would be terrified to be found in such a state, but seeing as her hefty load busied her, he expected her to pass him by.  That was almost the case, if she wasn’t tilting from side to side, struggling to keep the balance of the top books.  Fatally erring to the left, she was upon Sully, looming above him.  Attempting futilely to move from her path,  Sully only succeeded in tripping her.  The hefty box slipped from her grasp and landed perfectly square onto his head.  What must’ve been thirteen pounds crashed onto him, plus however much the girl weighed.  He thanked whatever genetics granted him his thick skull, the only thing that prevented him from brain damage.  Sully’s hands instinctively flew to his aching head, ignoring the futzing mass on his bent back.  Once the girl managed to regain her composure, she saw the pain that she hath wrought against the poor boy on the floor.  

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