You morphed the crystallization into a rod like handle as Amartya stares at your handiwork all giddy. You tried to convince him to go to sleep with the others, but his excitement wouldn't allow him to drift off.

" It won't be ready tonight."

" That's okay!"

He lets out a little giggle as he sits bending over the table wishing to touch it. You were about to work on the blade of the scythe when there was suddenly a knock at the door. You pondered whether it Raknok because who else would come at this time of night? Sure, you had lovers meaning in plural though they've have become scarce due to the children being around. That was more because you to be honest for you were worried about making the boys uncomfortable. You tell Amartya to stay put as you make your way to allowing a cold breeze to ruffle your gown and hair once it was open. Your chill soon melts away as you face a small child his flames dim. He twiddles and fidgets with his fingers as he talks in a low whisper.

" D-Do you take in monster children?"

" Where's your parents?"

You say it a little too bluntly, and he hugs himself a bit subconsciously.

" I.. I never had any parents. I just.. r-roam. Everyone is too scared to.. to take me in."

" Well, I'm not afraid of you... When's the last time you ate?"

He perks up at the thought of food.

" Four days I believe."

You move to the side allowing him in. His body is a vibrant pink his light almost like a bright aura. Amartya rushes up to him in a friendly gesture and introducing himself.

" My... My name is Clementine."

Now seeing another monster, he's a little bit more hopeful. He looks upon the table curious to what you were working on. You dig out a loaf of bread causing his stomach to grumble quite loudly. He becomes flustered or so you thought by how his flames suddenly flared. As he grabs his first piece, you watch his hands die down immensely in hopes to not burn his food. It becomes mildly toasted, but thankfully the food was tolerable.

" Thank you! Is.. Is there others?"

" Roman and Atlas are asleep."

You take a seat beside him having your own set of questions.

" Who sent you here?"

" A vampire I believe... H-He said that you take in orphaned monsters. That's something might kind to do though you're a human!"

You hear the accent now detecting he was from the south. You guess you shouldn't be surprised since what you've done isn't an annual thing about your father's species.

" She's only half human!"

Amartya points out as if that explains everything.

" Oh!"

Clem didn't know what else to say, so he just continues to munch away. Now that you pay close attention to him, you were a bit confused by the waves of magic coming off of him. You see he had fire capabilities, but there was something else underneath that. Maybe he could be useful.. What are you thinking? You can't keep another kid though... Damn it. You couldn't possibly turn him away.

" You really have no where else to go? No family?"

He shakes his head, but that doesn't quite make any sense to you. Surely, someone took care of him as a baby.

" What's your earliest memory?"

He thinks hard for a second as he starts eating on his second piece.

" Hmm. I was... asleep. Then it was like I was falling which was really scary! Then, Then! I found myself in the forest! I.. I accidentally started a fire, but I-I promise no one got hurt. I walked forever before I found a village. The.. The kids ran away from me, and the parents shunned me... When they heard of the.. fire, the men f-force me to leave."

" And no luck after that?"

" No mam!"

His backstory made no sense to you, but maybe he'll remember more over time. At least he's respectful. You leaned back in your seat tapping your fingers on your table as you were deep in thought. These kids have really warmed up your heart, haven't they?

" You can stay."

He nearly chokes as Amartya cheers quietly. You guess you're running an orphanage now. You decide to leave your project on the table as you tell the two it's time for bed.

" Ok mama!"

" Don't call her that. She doesn't like it."

You were thankful Amartya said it for you didn't have the heart to tell him.

" O-Oh. What do I call you miss?"

" Miss Y/n will be fine. Let me show were you sleep."

You blow out the candle using his flame to guide him to your room. He sees in the corner of the room the lycan and naga snuggle up close to each other. You were glad you had bought some padding from the lot to lay on along with many more blankets and pillows. Amartya takes him by the hand as he drags to the sleeping area. You watch as Clem snuggles in Amartya's embrace. You stay there in the doorway for a second wondering what your father would think of your life. He probably would be proud you guess. You didn't bother to change as you climb into bed. You reached underneath it feeling around for the smooth glassy surface. Grabbing a hold of the bottle of wine, you take large gulps and sit there for a second as your mind goes blank. You wished you had someone beside you right now but not because you feel lonely. No. It's hard to feel that way with the kids at your side. You just wish you had someone to share it with. Someone to help endure this change of life style. But once again, you have to do it on your own.

" Can.. Can you do another light show?"

Amartya says it quietly, and you responded with a wave of a hand revealing the Astral wall.

Maybe this isn't so bad.

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