In the corridor, Julianic was discussing with his father, the oh great and terrifying Lucifer, while you were being examine by a doctor. You keep repeating how you were fine, and that you would like to return home to your children. The demon says nothing as she continues to process your condition. You noticed how her facial gesture would be emotionless to the sudden flicker of worry, and it got to the fear that something truly is wrong. Moving her horns upward to face you, she finally asks you a question.

" Have you given birth recently?"

Julianic stops talking making his way back in the room at her suddenness. His father stayed in within the doorframe. You informed her of course with the truth, and she sighs seeing all this somehow made sense.

" The baby caused one of your wombs to combust as well as reposition the others in their wrong placing. I'll have to move them back in their correct seating of course through magic, and we have to remove the children who have passed. I'm sorry for your loss-."

She pauses then pressing on your stomach to feel the few present before retreating her hand.

" How many do you form a month?"

" I would guess about five or more. Why?"

" Five? Where do they go then-?"

Lucifer was caught off by Julianic who could feel your shame.

" Father!"

" I... I had no other choice but to sell them. I've lived a hard life and needed the money."

" That rate isn't possible for I've studied the anatomy of a Mother Nature before. The most they have is two every year. Y/n... I don't believe your wombs are fully there."

" What... What do you mean?"

She places a hand on your belly her magic coursing through you as a magical mass floated above you. You don't understand what it is until a Glassling formed within it, and the doctor plucks it away finding it to be solid in her hands.

" It's a fae womb meaning your children are purely made out of magic which means I can convert the dead ones back to their basal structure thankfully. They usually appear within a Fated fae and a few others in meaning their children were destined to be born even out nothing. What I can't put my finger on is this."

With a wave of a hand, it switched to a different sack. Then another and another and... well, it just kept going on though some really dazzling you in its beauty and difference from one another. Julianic grabs you by the hand absolutely adoring you and your little miracles. He even could feel how strong they were matching in their uniqueness.

" Y/n, the only way you could contain so many is your physical form isn't existent. It isn't your true skin in a way. It's just the containment. I've seen this with soul beings, but I believe this is a different case."

" She's an Astral being."

Julianic answered for you, and you just stared at her trying your best to process this information though it all sounds so unbelievable.

" I see. In that case, I would say all these wombs of yours stay in an access point, but this is really a dangerous scenario. If all these wombs would appear at once, you would surely die. I would try to contact a professional in removing-."

" What? No! Surely, that isn't needed!"

" I agree. It would be a waste when her body has obviously adapted to it. No more giving them to mortals though young lady. I sense many are Gods, and you already have put Earth at risk-."

" Father... Gods on Earth. We can finally put the plan into action! It's.. Well, it's fated like her!"

The two go back and forth bickering about this while the doctor analyzes you again activating your crowns and wings. They rapidly change tiring you, but you say nothing of it as she goes deeper within your ancestry pushing even your own self as it seems to go forever.

" A Family Fated Mother Nature."

" Excuse me-."

" Sir,... I'm not sure if the Gods will approve of her having children to begin with."

" W-Why?"

You felt as if a right was tooken away from you though.. would you mind it? You already have a handful.. They wouldn't take them away from you, would they? You felt the sudden urge to leave not wanting to face the wrath of the Gods on this. You'll run away again if you have to with what funds you've saved up.

" Family Faes-."

" Enough. What you've learned here today won't leave this room except for Merlin , do you understand? Take the Glassling for your payment. Now take your leave but stay rather close."

She bows to Lucifer before exiting the room. Family Fae? That sounds harmless! Why is it treated such a way?

" I would like to go home."

" You have a medical problem that needs to be attended to, but we must discuss how important you are. I would like you to have my son's hand in marriage."

You shake your head frantically wondering how in the Hell, literally, did that come from?!

" Sir, I hardly know him."

" I'm trying to protect you to serve my debt towards your father. If this gets out, you will be in mortal danger."

" I'll stay with my grandfather then, or maybe my great grandmother Maeve will take me in. I will not be forced into matrimony."

You swear could see the sadness within Julianic's eyes, but he sides with you pressing you to go with your relatives.

" Go to the Fae world for your grandfather won't be able to fend them off I believe. I will go talk to the doctor about your procedure. Keep her company Julianic."

He nods the room engulfed in silence. He drags away his worker making his next instructions very clear.

" How many wombs does she have?"

" Lord Lucifer, I cannot tell you. Did I do good, sir?"

" Yes. Put her to sleep. I want you to harvest three of the rarest for Merlin will surely notice after if we do more."

She's hesitant, but the doctor couldn't help herself but to ask.

" Why are you doing this sir? You've never done such a thing before in my eyes."

Lucifer softens unable to find his words for a second. Lilith will surely be upset with him if she figured out the truth, but he keeps that little fact to himself.

" I don't want to do this to the girl, but the truth will come out soon enough. When she dies, I just don't want her species to go with her. I never liked extinction. And I know I'm being selfish, but I've always wanted a Mother Nature child as well."

" But why so many? Lord Lucifer, they could upset the balance."

She knew there had to be more to this than just those few phrases. This causes to mumble under his breath then though it still could be heard.

" That's what I'm hoping for."

She takes a step back as she could see he was contemplating his situation.

" Go do the procedure and send Julianic away. I'll be expecting them in my throne room within the next door hours. Make it discreet."

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