You were currently reading one of your grandfather's books stroking Clementine's head while doing so. Taking an advantage, you used his light to shed upon the pages to make them visible. Your eyes scanned the room looking upon the bassinets here and there as if they'll vanish into thin air. You fight against your paranoia in deciding to continue your studies, but a knock soon stifles your thoughts though it could be barely heard from upstairs. Seeing you were the only one to be awake, you shifted around Clem and Amartya your footsteps causing the floorboards to creek. You hear the knocking again though a little bit louder this time, and you hesitantly open the door.

Your eyes widen seeing the white fur of a dear friend from the past. You didn't have even time to react as he wraps his two large arms around you and brings you into a hug. You stand there limp like a dead fish as you weren't sure how you felt. He pulls away nearly in tears snow suddenly falling around you both even though it was late summer. It.. It was magic, but you had thought that Raknok couldn't do such things.

" Why.. Why did you leave me?"

He whines like the puppy dog that he is, and you were about to say something when you could hear crying from upstairs.

" I.. I have to tend to my baby. Please come in. I'm sure we both have very much to talk about."

" You... You gave birth."

He croaked like a frog, and you can't help but to find yourself to rub your thumb across his cheek before nodding.

" Do.. Do you remember that time I slept with Gara?"

He lets out a small growl in understanding, and you left at that as the other two joined as if in chorus. Raknok was completely crushed now thinking it was your first unaware of how you sell yourself.

How did he find me?

Good memories flow through you, and you find yourself blushing before putting the triplets back to sleep. Clem had awoken to it, and he finds himself worried about the little ones as well. You ushered him back to sleep while making your way back to the door, but he finds himself following you wishing to be by your side in your late night antics.

" Clem, someone is here to see me, and I need you to stay up here to watch the children."

" Is.. Is it a friend?"

You nod while he takes in your instruction promising to protect them with his life. This earns him a head rub his heart getting rid of your chill. You watch as he returns to the bed, and you tell him to read your book if bored though hoping it'll put him back to sleep.

" Okay mama."

He says quietly in fear of waking Amartya. You just give a kind smile as you make your way back to Raknok. You already find him sitting at a table now a candle lit to set the mood. A silence engulfed you both not sure what to say for it's been a year since you two last saw each other.

" I love you."

" Raknok-."

" I love you. I don't care how many children you have that are not mine. I'll adopt and give you the best life you could ever dream of. I love you Y/n. Be my wife."

You watched as he revealed a ring its blue diamond glistening in flickering of the flames. You can't seem to take your eyes off of it for a second, but to his fear of rejection, you bowed your head in shame.

" You... You fell in love with a person who... who has been heartless to you and to many others."

You think about all the children you sold not particularly giving a damn. Now that you're officially funded by your grandfather, Loki, and Gara, it has left you, the kids, and Diana wealthy enough for you to regret your fast. To cope, you keep telling yourself you had no choice, but in reality, you could of been more decent with them only having seen the babies as merchandise instead of people.

" Well, look at you now! I can see in the way you hold yourself that you blossomed in every way possible."

" I guess you could say that. You deserve someone much better than I. Please Raknok... move on."

He can't believe what he was hearing as this sounded even more crueler than your previous harsh nature.

" I have searched for you all this time, and that's all you could say to me? Y/n, did you ever love me? Do you even care what all I had to do to finally have this night arise? Do you understand what deal I had to make for you? My life will never be the same because of you. Please-."

" Leave mama along please..."

You both turned to Sebastian who was at the bottom of the staircase for he feared to come any closer. You halted that being the first time he called you mama, and this signals you to stand wanting to end your worried.

" Sebastian, you should be asleep."

" Sebastian? You adopted another. I would like to introduce myself-."

You interrupted him wishing for him to leave you and your family be.

" I should be getting him back to bed. Maybe.. come by tomorrow. We'll have a glass of wine."

You could hear a flap of a tail ecstatic for this wasn't the end as he ignored his rejection through sheer determination.

" I would really like that my dear. I hope you will see how much you mean to me in due time."

You don't bother to look at the lycan as he left for you didn't for sure know how feel about his return. You... feel like a separate person that use to have intercourse with him as if it never involved you to begin with. On top of that, you two were more like strangers having not know about each other's past in the slightest. Trying to push it far away, you and Sebastian head to bed acting as if nothing ever happened.

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