" What do you mean you lost your bride?"

Gara filled with fear and anger stood before his father as his other five brothers and six sisters truly looking down on him with pity.

" I mean... she left town. I... I believe she became afraid or hated of me, or why else would she leave?"

His elderly father scoffed

" First, you wanted to make a wife out of a non-dragon. I told you I wanted an heir before my death."

His father, Zaki, stifles a cough filling the room for concern. Gara sighs wishing he wouldn't be so damn stubborn.

" Father, you should really be bed ridden as we speak."

" Preposterous! While I'm still king, I will stay upon this throne in every meeting! You do realize if your heir is not claim in, I will officiate your sister as queen seeing she is the only with a child. The only request I have asked of you son is fulfil your duty as a male and provide children."

He gulps, and his father notices his apprehension as he reveals something from his sack being careful due to its weight and fragile state.

" Son... Am I seeing this correctly? Is this an egg-?"

" Brother, how is this possible?"

Gara's brother, Boruff, was now too close to his liking, and he cradles the amythest while the royal scientist analyzes the twins. His father beckons him forward, and Gara does so his liar intact as he was nervous as ever.

" Father, I had committed a sin. I had stolen her two first borns in planning to govern this world without a wife, but I then traced down her bloodline though.. it doesn't quite make sense. The men in her family must have a sense in detecting magical royalty, and the wives were stolen on purpose from the fae world to be bred with. Here! I have proof!"

With a wave of a hand, multiple magical crowns appeared over the twins heads, and his father couldn't believe what he was seeing as all twenty-four crowns peeked the scaly twins.

" Some... Some of these crowns are the ones from the forgotten kingdom! Son, you should of made sure of this beforehand, but what you told me previous was enough to make her a queen. Do you have researchers that can prove this further?"

He shakes his head excitedly telling his father they were currently waiting outside to discuss things with him.

" How did you make them own if they were already born?"

" I had a mage to infuse my blood. You see where the little girl has mother's scales?"

Zaki lets out a boisterous laugh at the golden scales for not even his own children bared them, but he becomes gravely serious wiping that smile off of his father's face.

" What you did was dishonorable, but I believe it was my fault. I've been putting an immense amount of pressure on you for this I suppose. I'll have to take this to the council to see if they approve, but son, with Y/n, we'll finally be able to form an alliance for sure between our kingdoms. Now, I want to talk to Pan and Maeve soon about their long lost monarch daughter, but I can't without the presence of her granddaughter, Miss Y/n."

" I have more to talk to you. It's about her father. Do you remember (father's name)."

Zaki is still adoring his grandchildren as his son speaks while the name tracked through his mind. He then freezes looking back at his son his siblings on the edge of their seats.

" Wait... Merlin?"

" Yes. The God who discovered the magical time and space spectrum in our world. Do you remember his third youngest son? The one formed from the Astral being a district he had in his grasp since he was born for his father couldn't touch it? The stories are told he was banished to Earth, am I correct? Never to be seen again? Father, rest his soul, but he passed away."

" In his wake though, he had Y/n who is the only one left to manipulate the Astral at her will."


Raknok walked past the multiple guards treated with respect with each one. Ironically, he's met with a chill once entering the throne room analyzing the shards of ice that conformed his mother's seat. She smirked filling an inner gratitude at the fact her son finally came to his senses.

" Finally came running back? How typical."

" Please don't be to smug."

" How can I not be? The only child that talked ill of his mother and siblings has return, and I assume it's because you want something."

Raknok goes stiff knowing the ice queen was relishing in this whole fiasco of a problem.

" Mother, if you truly love him and want to return home, will you please find this young maiden for me that goes by the name Y/n L/n. Out of anyone, I know you can locate her."

She smiles a bit excited at the news of conforming love.

" My son Raknok wanting a partner? After being to himself for seven hundred years? Quite a scandal..."

" Mother, please take this serious..."

She rolls her eyes as she leans back wondering how badly Raknok wanted this girl back in his life.

" What is she? Another Lycan?"

Her long white hair was as smooth as silk as he stared down her son with the same eyes he also was cursed with.

" No. A fae-witch. The most beautiful woman I've ever seen... She can be rough around the edges, but that's just because she doesn't let down her guard so easily-."

" I'm already liking her. You should go after a cold-hearted woman. Their strong will always rule the world with an iron fist."

Raknok sighs already tired of the woman.

" Mother, she isn't cold. Quite the opposite."

" Well, at least tell me more about her disappearance. Why would you think she would leave to begin with?"

"I.. I don't know."

His mother thinks of what to do, but a deal for her services suddenly appears within that mind of hers.

" If you truly want to find this girl, then you can do your mother a favor. Return home... permanently. I, after all, can't rule forever. Retirement sounds oddly nice as of this moment."

Raknok lets out a small chuckle towards Ice as he can't believe what he's hearing.

" An elemental? Stepping down? Sounds like a false hood."

" It's actually been decided to do so with the council as long the child bares the power to serve. Due to my bad bloodline, that only leaves you and your brother Jikuel, and your brother is currently incarcerated for his villainess deeds."

" One of my sisters can surely do the job!"

Raknok was outrageous by this having came here for a favor just to be involved with a bribe or bargain.

" They are talented in their own way and magic, but it seems they had taken after their father's."

" Now, lets find this future queen of yours."

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