" You're not leaving."

Merlin was reading from one of his spell books not even looking up to face you.

" I'm an adult."

You stated hating this imprisonment.

" But you have children. That should be enough to make you stay."

" Grandfather, please!"

" What are you involved in Y/n?"

He side eyed you wanting to finally know the truth, but to his annoyance, your lips were sealed. You turn your back to him no longer having a need to talk to him. Why can't he understand? You have a calling you needed to fullfill, and you can't let it go simply like that.

Your anger quickly fade when Clem crosses you in the corridor, and he's quick to hug you.

" Mama!"

He says it enthusiastically to the point where it brings such joy. You take the seven year old by the hand thinking over Merlin's words carefully, and he did have a point for they all truly needed you. You lead him back to your room where Julianic had been waiting for you.

" Hello Clem."

Julianic bends over and gives him a head pat, and he shyly waves though clearly having a smile for the man.

" How are you feeling?"

It's been over a month since the attack, and you wished everyone would stop asking the unwanted question. You hated to remember that dreadful night swearing your could feel the slick, sharp edged metal entering your body.

" I'm fine."

He lands a kiss on the lips, and you weren't sure you even wanted to return it. You've been distancing yourself from everyone for you truly desired your alone time now. You give in to what he wanted, but for Clem sake, you pull away after a few seconds.

" What are your plans as of right now?"

" I was going to read to Clem. Roman left one of his books here last week, and I feel like he would like it."

" I see. May I join? I can read along for you."

You were hesitant, but you allowed it taking a seat after slipping the literature from beneath the bed. Clem crawls int your lap as he gazed down at the words, and Julianic sits beside you signaling you to start.

Your endearing newly found memory lasts a hour it ending with a sleeping child. You placed him down on your bed, and Julianic gives him a look of adoration. You asked him to come along to get your triplets from the maids, and he of course agrees. Before it's even possible, he eyes fall on the five daisies now being a month and a half.

" Are those magic based?"

You feel a lump in your thoat, and you just give a mere yes as he comes closer to them. You know you'll have to tell him eventually but certainly not today. You haven't decided whether you'll keep them or not for you feel like you're already fumbling the ones you have now. Then again, you could give the children to the fathers' to raise, but they'll force their way into your life one way or another. You're not a heartless person, but you are practical.

He touches a yellow one eyeing it very closely before facing you again.

" You are very talented for I can tell you had some doing with it. Sorry for holding you up love. Lets go get the babes."

You were filled with relief as you two exit the room.


You slowly open your door glad to have the night alone as you make your way out of the house. You wished you could teleport within it, but your grandfather will surely feel your magic. You were successful in your leaving walking for a bit of time in the forest needing to be far away as possible. Once away, you produced the spell about to make your way through when someone suddenly appeared behind you gripping your arm tightly to the point it hurts. You turn your head to Uncle Continuum jerking you out of the way to reveal the grand mansion. He walks through it with you along with him as his eyes was a lit with a starry hatred.

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