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The sun glared at you from up high in the sky, torturing you with its blazing heat. Not wanting to be stuck underneath it for too long, you quickly picked up your pace. To distract yourself, you thought about the latest chapter of Bungo stray dogs. Fydor theories go brrr.

Finally getting to the last traffic light, you wondered how amazing it would be to be Isekaied. You wouldn't really mind if you had to be crushed to death by a truck like those animes. Just the thought of it filled you ecstasy.

It's not like you had nothing to live for, OK maybe both your parents died and your sister doesn't give a damn about you, but you still have Genshin! And Honkai Star Rail!

Yea you were the definition of a depressed teen. Your not fooling anyone Y/N.

You noticed black cat wondering around on the road. Normally you wouldn't be worried, but you realized that this cat was pregnant.

You looked at the lights. It was about to turn red but you were pretty fast, so you did something very stupid.

You went after the cat. Just as you leaped into the middle of the road to rescue the poor cat, the light turned red.

Ah shit.

All you saw was a bright flash of white light as a truck came speeding towards you. And a bright turquoise cat pupil.

Then the pain came. The agonizing pressure of your brains getting crushed out of their skull. It was like jamming your finger except 10x more painful. It was like losing a game of Monopoly.

Then you heard the drip of a water droplet. But how could you hear?

Then opened your eyes, but how could you see?

You looked at your hands. They were perfectly intact. You touched your head. No brain guts.

You slowly looked around the 'room' and noticed that it was more of a sphere. And it was bright. Very, very bright.

If there was one thing you hated, it was bright lights. You squinted and saw two figures approaching you. One had a crown of live flowers with butterflies fluttering around it and wore a long yellow dress. It had skeletal, bony fingers and blue hair somehow growing out of it skull. It also carried a scythe.

The other figure had dragon horns sprouting out of it's head and a glitching halo that surrounded his head. It had short, tousled hair and wore a hoodie with long baggy pants. Angel wings sprouted out of his back as the glitchy aura surrounded the rest of him. Other than that, he looked pretty normal.

"I am Life" the first one began. She had a smooth, husky voice.

"I am Fiction!" the second followed. In comparison, his voice was mocking and playful

"I am Death" the first one continued

"I am Reality!" the second one finished.

"Cause of death: Getting crushed in the process of saving a group of cats life." Life and Death says in a serious voice.

"You don't seem to have done a lot of wrong things in your life your only 19! That's a record right there!" Fiction and Reality grinned at me.

"OK, OK, pull up. What's happening?" You spluttered.

Fiction and Reality sighed. " I thought you were smarter than this. Looks like your brain is still suffering from the after-effects of the crash. To put it simply for your pea brain, you died while saving a cat. Lucky you were killed by a truck, had a noble reason for dying and was thinking about Isekai just a few moments in before your death. So, your going to be Isekaied!" He threw up his hand in the air and waited for you to celebrate with him.

You nervously looked at Life and Death. She facepalms at the other's frankness.

"To put it simply dear, your going to the dimension of what's it called? Bango- beango-, ah forget it. Your going to this binjo stray dogs you so dearly wanted to go to as an reward for you noble act. Reality and Fiction will grant you permission to access that dimension. Better hurry though, think of the deed as a ticket. If you wait to long, the train will go without you."

It was like your dream come true. Bungo stray dogs was your favorite anime, and you were finally going to experience it!!!!!

"Oh! And um, not to sound ungrateful or anything, but will I get an ability?" You just wanted to know beforehand.

Fiction and Reality smirked at you as he stirred you to a gate you didn't notice before. "Your ability is called Flight Of The Cheshire Cat. It grants you Intangibility, Imaginary Physiology, and the ability to dissolve. However, you will only be able to use one of each at once, and only if you are smiling like how the Cheshire cat does. We've looked at your previous records, and saw you used to do it outside your window so creepy men wouldn't come inside. Each one of them only last a maximum of 10 mins, with a 15 minutes cool down. However, you can use them one at a time for efficiency. So cool right? It was my amazing idea after all!" He looked at you expectantly.

Your eyes were basically stars now. It was good that you were Isekaied but with such and OP ability? Who needs plot armor when you've got this?

"One last question. How do these worlds exist?"

Fiction and Reality reached into his pocket and withdrew a ornate black and white key, with gold vines covering it spelling the name 'Kafka Asagiri'. He then slotted in the key and turned it. Then he faced you with a serious expression.

"Here's a question for your question. Why are things called 'fiction' simply because humankind doesn't understand it? I might just have the power to access the different dimensions and guide people through it. What if humans can write dimensions into existence, just not the power to go into them?"

With that he pushed you through the door and a blinding white light enveloped you as you blacked out once again.


Thank you for reading pookies i love yall so much <3

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