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Bolded parts are gore.

The first thing your brain registered when you opened your eyes was the blistering pain all over your body.

The second thing was that you were lying in a musty dusty crusty alley way.

"Are you serious," you murmured. Out of all the places Fiction and Reality could drop you, here? That dude has some serious issues.

As you got up, you noticed a white envelope on your person. You broke the wax seal and took out the letter.

'Dear Y/N,

I hope Fiction and Reality dropped you somewhere decent, If he didn't, don't worry, he'll get a beating from his father. We have enclosed you a map of Yokohama and circled the agency and Port Mafia HQ, as well as your penthouse. There is a phone, keys and money inside as well, just make sure you don't lose them, we can't give you a second copy. Please also note that this is the start of the Cannibalism Arc. 

Best of Luck,
-Life and Death

Underneath was a picture of Life and Death, Reality and Fiction and 3 more figures you didn't recognize. The tallest one was male with clocks adorning him everywhere someone would where them and he carried a pocket watch. He had his hand around Life and Death and below him was Reality and Fiction and two figures, one boy and the other a girl. Twins, if you had to guess. The girl was wearing a blouse that looked like dream catchers and had a long coat. She also wore a bracelet and necklace of clovers and a plain skirt.

The other was a boy favoured a simple shirt that somehow reminded you of broken mirrors. He had a pair of simple pants and boots. 

Time and Eternity, Good Fortune and Misfortune.

'That's nice of them,' you thought.as you took out the wallet. It had about 154,000,00 yen inside. That's a good amount.

You put it away and pulled out your keys to twirl them around and was about to leave the alley when you suddenly felt a chill run up your spine. You spun around and narrowly avoided a flying bullet that almost blasted a hole in your throat.

You looked at the attacker. He was your usual back alley robber. In his hand he held a fully loaded revolver and was pointing it directly at you.

"Got a lot of money don't you? Mind sharing some with me?" He grinned at you and you could see the yellow teeth gleaming in the sun.

"Nah bro, I think I'm good," you said. Being attacked already? That's not a good omen.

"Thought you would say that. Well I guess I just have to kill you then!" He pulled the trigger.

You didn't even get to think before something kicked in. You instinctively held your hands up to block the bullet but sensed nothing except the robber gaping in shock.

The bullet passed right through you as if it were air. The only thing you felt off was a graze on your chest that the bullet had touched. You looked up and saw the robber rushing towards you with a blade.

You mustered up your strength and with the hand holding the key, you jabbed it towards him. You hit him straight in between the eyes and was met with a shower of blood.

You were about to pull out the key before a strange impulse took over. You grinned maniacally and twisted they key like you were opening a lock. Your eyes glowed a bright turquoise and bled with sadism.

The man under you screamed in agony and as you were about to plunge the key deeper into his skull, you blinked once, then twice. Finally you  realized what you were doing. You cast a horrified and disgusted look at the now gurgling corpse, blood flowing out of the gaping hole in the robber's skull. You looked at your clothes, which was somehow still clean, grabbed the map and started to look for where your apartment was. Then, taking the gun the robber had, you shot him once inside the hole in his head and two times in his chest area and crushed his jaw. At least you put him out of his misery first.

Then stealing the money in his bag and dragging his corpse out of plain sight, you then stole his revolver, stashed it in your bag, and ran all the way to your apartment.

You were still panting from your run as you stumbled in to your apartment and shut the door behind you. You sat down on the floor and stared at it.

Sure, you fantasized about killing people, but you never actually thought about what to do afterwards because you never thought you would actually commit to it.

And what was that strange impulse that took over just now? Even though you had rather wild intrusive thoughts, never that bad. It almost seemed like someone took control of your mind.

Ah well. At least there was a silver lining. You managed to activate your ability! Pretty sure that one was intangibility. Shame it doesn't make you invisible as well.

And you were also sure that your ability was the cause of that feeling earlier. Yay.

 Back to to matter at hand, unless a miracle happened, you would have to live in fear of the Port Mafia finding out you had framed them. And you knew exactly how to achieve that miracle.

Opening the phone, you set a password calmed your nerves and made a phone call.

"Hello? Is this the Armed Detective Agency? Sorry for calling you at such a busy time but I would like to make an offer..."





A few minutes earlier...

A white haired man dressed like a clown stepped out of his hiding place and walked over to the dead man. He looked at it with fascination and poked it experimentally with the toe of his shoe.

The head rolled over to reveal a grotesque image of the bloodied man. He was definitely dead.

The white haired man took out his phone and took a photo with it. Then he called a contact saved on his phone.

"Dos-kun! I just witnessed a rather interesting murder! Do you want to hear the details?"

Summery: basically you killed the poor guy with a key and made it look like the port mafia did it.

Note: Thank you for reading!  I let you guys imagine the facial features of the family, I believe that a good book should let the readers imagine some things in their own style. I love you guys <3

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