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You opened your eyes to see that you were.. in the backrooms?

"Your not in the backrooms you idiot," cam the voice behind you.

You whipped your head around to see a young boy about 7 years old looking at you. 

"Who are you?" You asked rudely. Might as well get to the point. You don't have all day.

"You really are stupid aren't you? My name is Chaos, twin brother to Order and former Family member. This is the deepest part of your subconsciousness, not the backrooms. I've come to inform you about a few things," He said.

"So YOUR the little brat that possessed my body and tried to attack my friends. Why did you do it? And how are you related to me?" You asked, pointing a accusing finger at him.

"Sheesh relax, I'm going to tell you my sad backstory so get comfortable," He said, waving a hand.

"As you saw in my memories, I used to be part of the Family. My role was chaos, as you can see in my name. However, I was mistreated by Order due to wanting to live a normal life, So I attempted to steal Fiction and Reality's powers to escape. Order caught me and was about to beat me again, but this time I was ready," He said. "Ah-ah-ah, No interrupting my speech. Anyways, I ended up accidentally killing him, and absorbing him, which woke up Fiction and Reality. Honestly I was surprised, I thought he would sleep through that. Once he hits the bed he's out unless he wants to wake up by himself. When he woke up, he stalled me enough for Order to cast a curse on me with the last remeants of his soul.: I turned into a spirit that could only be freed by being given a human vessel, Think of me like and ability, getting passed on to a human soul. Fiction and Reality told the entire family and they agreed to just keep me like that."

"But how are you here than?" You blurted out. He didn't seem sad that he killed his brother at all, rather he looked pleased with himself.

"Shut up, I'm getting there. As time went on, I became more and more restless and was threating to break the curse placed upon me, after all, chaos is much stronger than order. Fiction and Reality knew of that, so he told our 'Mom' Life and Death. They agreed that we would have to give me a vessel soon, or I would break out of my chains and wreck chaos around the world.

"They searched for a bit, but everyone they saw would only use my power for their own gain. Until they found you. Congrats." He said flatly.

"Why me? I'm not sure myself whether I'm a sutiable 'vessel' for you. I've done a lot of chaotic things with my life to yk," You said. "Also could you speed things up a bit? I have things to do and places to be."

"Be patient. Time stops here anyways so I'll talk for as long as I want. Yes, you've done a lot of stupid and questionable things in your life but that balanced out my thirst for chaos. So they used you as a ticket and even isekaied you into the world you wanted. Aren't you happy?" He said.

You stared at him blankly. "So your saying that they used me as a piggyback to get rid of you? I'm offended. But honestly I would have done the same."

His eyelid twitched. "So anyways you could feel my joy when I was finally let out of that cage. I was finally a human! but it quickly dropped when I realised that I had to observe it through human eyes once again. Those impulsive urges you felt? that was me, trying to control your brain. Soon, I learnt that I could only control your body when you were unconscious. I've done a lot of things when you were sleeping that you don't know about you know." He grinned maliciously. 

"Were they good people or bad people. That's what I would like to know," You responded. If it were bad then honestly you were fine with it.

"Bad of course, there's no fun in killing the innocent. Making people admit their crimes and seeing them beg for the chance to live is so much more entertaining," He responded, rolling his eyes.

"I'm getting side-tracked. The real reason I called you here was to make an offer. Since your president has given you that slab of metal, my control has weakened significantly. I can only control your body if you allow it, further more, I won't be able to do anything that you don't allow."

"Dang lil bro, You got nerfed big time. I almost feel sorry for you, but then again you almost hurt my pookie Ranpo so I don't forgive you." You said, ruffling his hair. Lmao he was so short he couldn't do anything.

"Cut it out," he whined, swatting at your arm. You scowled at him and guestured for him to continue.

"Anyways, before I was so rudely interrupted, This is the offer: I want you to create a human vessel for me, so when the book ends I can live freely as a human. In exchange, I will help you when you need it, controlling your body and using my powers of chaos to help you. I don't care how you do it, just fufill your end of your bargain and I will fufill mine. Do not worry, I will give you my powers so you can keep up the facade even when the plot ends, just to save face. I don't want it either way, so you can have it."

Your eyes widened. "Create a human vessel? Like how Chuuya was made?" you asked.

"Yes. A human being in which I can host to finally get what I truly wanted. I believe you get more out of this deal then I do, so you might as well accept it. If you don't, we'll just be stuck in each others heads for all of eternity." He held out his hand, waiting for you to shake it.

You squinted at him. If this was all he wanted it was a pretty good deal. And he couldn't exactly force you to do it of backstab you because of the bracelet, and you did not want a brat to be stuck in you brain for the rest of your life, so you shook his hand.

"You got yourself a deal shortie."




Note: Thank you for reading pookies I wanted to make this chapter 7 but I realised that it would be too long. I try and write at least 1000 words for each chapter so yea.

Also do you want Y/N to go to prison with Dazai or stay and help the agency?

Thank you for reading. Love you guys <3

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