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As the Perfect Crime Arc started, you focused on strengthening your friendships with the agency's members. 

You went shopping with Yosano, taught the president how to communicate with cats, did gardening with Kenji, hung out with Kyouka and Atsushi and cooked pike congers with Tanazaki. Heck, you even excepted to go on a date with Dazai, on the condition that he paid, which lead to you meeting Chuuya.

"You managed to get his number?" Dazai said as he walked out the restaurant with his arms behind his head while peering at your phone.

"Yep, I've got to thank you for that. Our mew found friendship is built on our mutual dislike for you," You replied, switching off your phone. "Look at the time! I have to go help Ranpo-san with a case, Toodleloo~" You ran off, jacket trailing in the wind behind you.

Rounding the corner, you disappeared and reappeared behind Ranpo, just to attempt to scare him.

"I know your there," He said. 

You sighed mentally and materialized in front of him as he sat on the steps of the building.

"Your no fun," You pouted. "At least try and play along,"

"Ah, your Y/N L/N right? the one that went insane and attacked the agency?" Poe asked as you turned your head to him. (Omg he's so cute ahhhhhh)

"Oh, did Ranpo tell you that?" You asked. Behind you, Ranpo's face drained of all colour and he froze.

"I'M SOR-"

After you finished tickling Ranpo to half-death, you asked him what happened.

"It seems like Ranpo-san can't figure out this case of his," Poe replied instead.

"Ah, I see. Well it looks like the genius detective is finally stumped!" You proclaimed loudly. The people surrounding you looked around.

"You little-"




"Hey! You got a minute?" Ranpo said, scaring the shit out of Mushitaro.

"Stop being a brat," You said, kicking him in the shins.

"Do you know where the taxi stand is?" Ranpo asked as he ignored you.

"The ta...?" Mushitaro stammered.

"I was thinking of getting a taxi back to the office but the road ahead is blocked," Ranpo interrupted. "So I thought I could find a taxi in the back allies, but you're the only one I could find!" He said, pouting.

Mushitaro hesitated for about half a second before replying. "Sorry, I don't know of any stands nearby,"

Ranpo shrugged. "No? I'll just wait for one here with my colleague," He said, trying to stop you from swiping a lollipop from him.

You could literally see the fear in Mushitaro's eyes as you unwrapped the lollipop and licked it. "Cola! Thanks Ranpo," You said, ignoring his protests.

"My late father drilled into me the duty of helping others in need, so I'll draw a map for you, there's a station 5 inutes away by foot," Mushitaro said after calming down. He drew out a pen and paper to start drawing but being the little shits you are, you both interrupted him.

"NO! WALKING'S A PAIN!" Both of you chorused.

Mushitaro's eyes twitched. To be honest, you would be annoyed too. Your pretty sure you looked like a pair of whining brats.

"Normally I would have someone pick me up, but Kunikida is in jail and Tanazaki is used as a board as punishment." Ranpo thought a loud. "Hey! I know! why don't you give me a piggy back?" He said cheerfully.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08 ⏰

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