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The first thing you did when you woke up in the agency's infirmry was to go have a shower.

You ignored the people gathered around your bed and their protests for you to rest as you stepped into the bathroom, gave them a glare that shut them up, and locked the door.

You shivered at the thought of not showering for 2 days straight. Why couldn't Chaos spare 5 minutes to have a nice, relaxing bath?

After changing into clean clothes, you grabbed your keys and was about to go home but was shoved into a chair by Yosano.

"You need to rest, and answer some of our questions. We didn't get to ask you any because you fainted, but now that you are, there's no escaping it." She said.

You looked around. Ranpo, Dazai, Atsushi, and Kunikida were there too. This was going to be tough.

"So is this a interrogation? Because if it is I think there's too many people here." You asked, while trying to come up with excuses for your behaviour.

"Well too bad. First question. Are you the real Y/N? If you are, tell us something only they would know," Dazai said.

"You really want me to do that?" You asked, raising an eyebrow. "Alright, you asked for it." 

You began by attacking Ranpo first. You pointed your finger at him.

"Ranpo's secret stash of candy is in the loose floor boards underneath Atsushi's table. He bribed me with F/F to not tell you all about it."

You moved to Atsushi.

"Atsushi is transforms into furry whenever he uses his ability and is still in denial about it."

You moved on to Dazai.

"Dazai has pictures of this guy named Chuuya on his phone and follows him on every social media platform."

You moved on to Yosano

"Yosano undresses every time she treats someone and does it by beating them up until they are about to die then heals them."

Finally, you pointed at Kunikida.

"Kunikida's ideal type of woman is-"

"Alright, alright, your the real Y/N, we know that. Second question. How many parts of your ability do you have?" Kunikida said. He's lucky you let him last.

"Two," You said confidently.

"Your lying," Dazai said at once. "Your body language says so."

"I'm not. Try asking me something else, like a math equation. My reaction will be the same."

"What's 4+1?" Dazai asked, not believing you at all.

"5," You said.

Dazai's eyes widened. Behold, your body told him that you were lying too. But you were obvioulsy correct. 4+1 was 5 after all.

"It's something that even I don't know. I'm just built different I guess," You watched smugly as they tried to provide an explaination.

"Third question. What were you possessed by?" Atsushi asked.

"No idea." You said flatly.

"Not even a bit?" Yosano pressed.'

"Nope," You lied.

"Alright. Last question. Will that ever happen again?" Ranpo asked "The president told us that it wouldn't but we're still skeptical."

"Yep. I made a deal with whatever was controlling me. It will only come out when I need help." You had to keep them in the dark for now, but sooner or later, Dazai or Ranpo will figure out that in order to make a deal, you also had to do something in return.

Ranpo side-eyed you. Welp. Looks like he already figured it out.

You sighed. It was so annoying having smart people around you. Or maybe you got used to be the only one who had brain cells. "Alright, shoo. I need to talk to Ranpo-san." You made a shooing motion with your hands.

They reluctantly filed out of the room one by one. "Make sure to rest well! Your eyes are still healing from the cracks," Yosano said, before the door slammed shut.

"OK, What do you want from me, genius detective?" You asked.

"You know what I want. What did your 'spirit' ask for you in return?" He asked. Holy shit he opened his eyes and wearing his glasses? Damn your cooked.

"I also suppose I need your help with it. This 'spirit' of mine wants a human body. Such things exist you know," You said.

"Yes, I know about the Dragon Head conflict. My question is how do you know it won't use it to destroy the world somehow?" He asked.

"Oh, trust me, the little fella in me just wants to live a normal human life, He's had enough trauma for a few life times," You said, patting your chest.

Ranpo stared a bit at you, trying to figure out if you were telling the truth. "Alright, I trust your judgement. The deal didn't specify when you had to give it to them right?"

"Yep," Amazing job Y/N, your lying to one of the only people who can help you, your so smart.

"Ok, I'll see if I can figure out how you can become more closely associated with the mafia, it might also be a good idea to hang out with Dazai more often, considering his connections there." Ranpo said, as he walked out the room. "One last thing," he said, turning to face you with a pout.


"Go buy me candy, you ratted out my hiding place, I won't forgive you until you pay for 7 months in sweets," he said, walking out.

Your eye twitched in annoyance, When you get your hands on him one day...




Note: I'm sorry for not posting in a really long time I had to catch up for school.

I won't be writing the next chapter until someone tells me whether to send Y/N to jail with Fyodor and Dazai or stay out and help the agency.

Love you guys, thank you for your support <3

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