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Atsushi's Pov

I had just clearing up my desk after the day's work and was heading down to the cafe when I got a call from the phone.

"Hello? Is this the Armed Detective Agency? I'm sorry if I called at a busy time but I would like to make an offer," The voice over the phone said.

"Hello! Yes, this is the agency, how can I help you?" I responded while sweeping up to eraser dust from my table.

"I would like to apply for a job at the agency," The voice said.

"Sure! I'm actually free now, We could interview you now if that's alright just come to the agency." I said. New employee's are always the good, especially since we just got out of fighting the Guild.

"O-oh! alright, I'll be there in about 5 minutes! Thank you so much!" They then hung up on me.

"Atsushi-kun, you can't go around hiring people left and right like that!" Dazai exclaimed. "At least talk to the president first. He should know!" 

"I'm sorry Dazai-san! I'll go inform the president right away! You can all go down to the cafe without me if you'd like! No need to wait for me!" I scurried of to the President's office.

"We'll wait for you Atsushi-kun! Don't worry!" Yosano-sensei said. She's really nice.

vroom vroom back to your pov....

You sighed in relief as you hung up. Thank god It was Atsushi who had picked up the phone, he was probably the most sane in the entire agency.

You looked around the house. It looked exactly like your ideal home and the only bedroom looked exactly like your old one.


The room looked like an absolute mess. No time to clear up though. You put on a (insert clothing of your choice) and a pair of matching pants. You looked in the mirror, realised that your turquoise eyes would make you stand out and used Imaginary Physiology to turn them E/C.

After you did that, you suddenly had the urge to kill everyone in the area. It took a lot of self-control not to do it though.

 You tied your favourite jacket around your waist and grabbed your phone and keys as you left in a gusto and arrived at the agency in record time. It seems that Life and Death decided to give you a speed boost. Not that much but you'll take it.

You opened the door and spotted Atsushi returning from the president's office. He gave you a warm smile and gestured to his desk.

As you walked over, you noticed that everyone was looking at you. Ikr i'm so hot-

You sat down and Atsushi started asking the normal interview questions. You were a bit nervous because Dazai was staring a bit too attentively at you, like he was giving you the 'I'm gonna figure out who you are and ruin your life' look. In response you glared back at him before he backed off. Probably because he sensed that he couldn't beat you in a stare down.

When Atsushi asked whether you had an ability, you said only told him about Intangibility. Might as well keep the others up your sleave. You might never know when you might need it.

"Alright! Thank you for your time! Your hired!" Atsushi said. You squinted at him. Weren't you supposed to go through an entrance exam? Ah well.

"Do you want to join us for coffee? the coffee downstairs it great!" he said. Great, now you could figure out how far into the Cannibalism Arc you were in.

Still, you decided to be a brat. "Do I really want to have a social gathering with someone who had been staring at me the entire time?" you gestured to Dazai and everyone looked at him.

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