173 8 63

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Hell no, not this shit again.

The same scene appeared before you once again. Light seeping through the cracks of darkness and shattering it like glass.

This time, the short boy from last time's vision was there, spying on 'Order' as he talked to - Fiction and Reality? wait, you shouldn't actually be this surprised.

It looked like they were standing in someone's bedroom. Looking at the key of authors hanging around from the room, it wasn't hard to guess who's one it was.

"I'm getting concerned for (-----), Aren't you being too hard on him?" Fiction and Reality began.

"He needs to learn that escaping the Family is impossible, all his rambling is driving me mad. If you're this worried for him, get Life and Death to do something about it, like give him a beating. I did that last time, it drills some sense into him for a while before it pops up again. I don't understand, he has all this power, why doesn't he even try  to serve his purpose in the Family?" 'Order' said. "Either way, be careful around him, he's getting desperate." With that, he turned around and walked off.

Fiction and Reality sighed. "Well, the day's done, might as well go to sleep," he mumbled, turning around to a bed behind him.

The shorter one peeked from his hiding spot and tip-toed into his room. After making sure that he was asleep, he reached out a hand over his sleeping body.

"I'm so sorry for doing this, brother, but Order won't let me catch a break, I have no other choice," He whispered. You could tell that he meant it.

"From the depths of the world, let chaos reign, corrode me until no more" He said. He looked close to crying.

Slowly, a blood red aura creeped its way out of his hand onto Fiction and Reality, drawing out a black and white glow from him.

His eyebrows twitched in irritation, but he never opened them.

When the deed was done, the boy retracted his arm and snapped his fingers behind him. A doorway similar to the one you used to enter appeared. He was about to walk through it before he hesitated, looking back at Fiction and Reality. His expression turned to one of anguish as he snapped his fingers again, making a piece of paper and pencil appear. He made a grab for the pencil but saw it explode before him.

he turned his head swiftly to see 'Order' standing at the door, his hand held out.

"Having fun, Chaos?"


For some reason, your heart stopped at the sound of the name. You 'woke up' with a start to see...




super big time skip to the celebration on the boat guys sorry i'm not really good at writing


Ur mom's pov (she's dead)

As Atsushi made his way to Dazai who was standing nest to the railing, the door burst wide open.

There stood Y/N, their signature jacket tied around their waist, wearing a pair of sunglasses and holding a half-drunk cocktail drink.

"Hiya guys! Sorry I'm late, I had to run a few errands before coming here," They said, shaking their hair as they removed their sunglasses in a flourish, revealing their cracked red slitted pupils. They looked worse than before, it had spread all around their eyes.

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