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Life at the agency was a lot more boring then you expected, but at least you could interact with the members when you were bored.

You, Yosano, and Ranpo had formed a gossip gang that conceded every Monday, just for something to look forward to.

Dazai had tried on multiple occasions take you out but you had always shot him down with such long roasts that it didn't take him long to take the hint.

Kyoka and Kenji were the adorable children that you would pamper to no end with tofu, bunnies, pets, meat fertillizer, and everting in between.

Atsushi was easy to gaslight into doing your work so you took advantage of this fact and snuck him your paperwork all the time. You felt kind of guilty sometimes but brushed it off.

A few weeks passed by before Ranpo got a visit from Poe about the mystery of the co-workers death. So that meant the Alcott had found Fitzgerald and he's about to rise to power again.

Unfortunately for Poe, you stole Karl and played with him for a good 2 hours before Atsushi tackled you to get him off you. Ranpo was laughing the entire time before you pounced on him to tickle him.

You walked back to your apartment after a scolding from the president and looked for your notes. After finding them you started tracing them back. According to the manga, the next event to take not of would be-

Your breath hitched as you grabbed your phone only for it to start ringing first

"Y/N! Come back to the agency at once! the president has been attacked!"




You barged in immediately into the sick bed see the president lying on the bed with Yosano checking on him. You immediately felt a rush of panic. Even though you knew it was going to happen, It still sent a rush of adrenaline through you seeing up close, It felt like losing your parents again.

You joined Ranpo at staring at the president for a while before getting up and joining Dazai to search for the alley way that the president was attacked from.

You walked through the walls to get there faster while Dazai tried to catch you and deactivate your ability.

"A mysterious blood splatter, a dead end attack, and a man walking on thin air... I see, I know who the attacker is, How about you, Y/N?" Dazai asked. He turned around only to find out that you were gone.





A few seconds earlier... 

As Dazai crouched down to observe the blood splatter, you looked around the place before getting a chill up your spine, similar to the day the robber attacker you. You looked down and saw a portal opening underneath your feet and you decided that you did not  want to go wherever Nikolai was sending you.

Once you firmly told your brain that you would not be going down that crusty looking smelling ahh hole, something clicked in your brain.

The corners of your mouth tugged into a grin as your body dissolved into nothing right there and then until the only things left were your turquoise eyes and your eerie smile, which started to dissolve as well.

You saw the portal disappear but just as you were about to turn back, Dazai turned around and started to look for you. Your best bet was to appear somewhere else and run back, saying that you thought you saw something but it was just an animal.

You flew off to a secluded corner, a hologram of a cat slowly disappearing following you. You figured these holograms were a sort of timer that only you could see otherwise Dazai would have spotted you earlier. It took a while, but you managed to transform back into your original form.

You ran off to where Dazai was and just as you spotted him, the Hawthorne attacked you.

You couldn't use Intangibility because it still had 3 minutes left on it's cooldown and Imaginary Physiology won't help because what were you going to do? Transform into Hawthorne?

As Dazai pushed you out of the way, you used him as a spring board and leapt at Hawthorne, forgetting about his skill. As you plunged your key into his shoulder, a letter zipped through your thigh and you gasped at the sudden pain.

''Y/N!'' Dazai yelled as he ran to catch you. Hawthorne disappeared, his job done. You could feel the blood slowly spreading from the wound and you rolled to the side so Dazai would have a harder time catching you. he did any way as you slowly blacked out.




As you slowly sunk into the dark, you felt a light flicker and slowly seeping through the darkness, like cracks of light before slowly breaking apart.

M-MemooooooRy -   oNNNNNeeeeeee

The distorted words appeared in front of you as you stupidly reached out to touch them. They vanished into light blobs which you watched turn into figures. Then, like a film playing, they started talking in the same quality.

''Order, you can't be serious. The child did absolutely nothing wrong. It's the parents fault for twisting their minds into that,'' the shorter of the two said. His voice seemed very similar to someone...

''But if I didn't hold him guilty, no one would claim responsibility for the 78 people he killed in 3 years. You don't understand (-----). You never will. You are the complete opposite of me. We can never have peace with each other like Good Fortune and Misfortune. So just stay away from me, alright? And stop pursuing that useless dream of being human. No one would ever except the likes of you.'' And with that, seemingly 'Order'  walked away, leaving the other standing there. Even though you couldn't see his face, you could tell that he had been shocked by his frankness. 

From what you've deduced so far, this was probably about 'the family'. These two must be apart of it, from the way you had seen them talk to each other.

Your attention was drawn back to when the unknown figure yelled, ''Just you wait! I'll manage to find a way to get into a world somehow! Even if that means that I have to trick Fiction and Reality!'' 

'Order' didn't turn around and just kept on walking ignoring him.

MMMMM-mEEEEEEmorrrrry ComPPPPlete?????

You jolted awake in Anne's room to find Fukuzawa leaving through the door. He looked shocked to see you awake. You tried to get up, but was stopped by him.

''Y/N! How are you awake? You only just got here a few hours ago!''

Your heart was still racing from what you saw. From what you've seen, you could assume that there was two more brothers in the family that weren't shown in the photo, but why?

And why did you see it? Its not like you had a connection to them.


Note: Thank you so much for reading this chapter pookies, my computer has been jamming up lately so I'm sorry if it took to long for me to write another chapter. Thank you for reading and I love you guys!<3

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